

我目前正在将一些 Python 翻译成 F#,具体来说神经网络和深度学习.

为了确保数据结构正确转换,需要 Python 中嵌套类型的详细信息。这type()函数适用于简单类型,但不适用于嵌套类型。

例如在 Python 中:

> data = ([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],["a","b","c"])
> type(data)
<type 'tuple'>


我希望有像 F# 那样的东西

> let data = ([|[|1;2;3|];[|4;5;6|];[|7;8;9|]|],[|"a";"b";"c"|]);;

val data : int [] [] * string [] =
  ([|[|1; 2; 3|]; [|4; 5; 6|]; [|7; 8; 9|]|], [|"a"; "b"; "c"|])



*         is a tuple item separator  
int [] [] is a two dimensional jagged array of int  
string [] is a one dimensional array of string

这可以或者如何在 Python 中完成?


目前,我将 PyCharm 与调试器一起使用,并在变量窗口中单击单个变量的视图选项以查看详细信息。问题是输出包含混合的值和类型,而我只需要类型签名。当变量类似于 (float[50000][784], int[50000]) 时,这些值就会产生妨碍。是的,我现在正在调整变量的大小,但这是一种解决方法,而不是解决方案。


Using PyCharm 社区

(array([[ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.]], dtype=float32),
  array([7, 2, 1, ..., 4, 5, 6]))

Using Spyder

Using Spyder variable viewer

Using Visual Studio 社区 with Visual Studio 的 Python 工具

(array([[ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],    
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],  
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.]], dtype=float32),  
  array([5, 0, 4, ..., 8, 4, 8], dtype=int64)) 


由于这个问题已经被关注,显然有人正在寻找更多细节,这是我的修改版本,它也可以处理numpy ndarray。谢谢Vlad对于初始版本。


# Note: Typing for elements of iterable types such as Set, List, or Dict 
# use a variation of Run Length Encoding.

def type_spec_iterable(iterable, name):
    def iterable_info(iterable):
        # With an iterable for it to be comparable 
        # the identity must contain the name and length 
        # and for the elements the type, order and count.
        length = 0
        types_list = []
        pervious_identity_type = None
        pervious_identity_type_count = 0
        first_item_done = False
        for e in iterable:
            item_type = type_spec(e)
            if (item_type != pervious_identity_type):
                if not first_item_done:
                    first_item_done = True
                    types_list.append((pervious_identity_type, pervious_identity_type_count))
                pervious_identity_type = item_type
                pervious_identity_type_count = 1
                pervious_identity_type_count += 1
            length += 1
        types_list.append((pervious_identity_type, pervious_identity_type_count))
        return (length, types_list)
    (length, identity_list) = iterable_info(iterable)
    element_types = ""
    for (identity_item_type, identity_item_count) in identity_list:
        if element_types == "":
            element_types += ","
        element_types += identity_item_type
        if (identity_item_count != length) and (identity_item_count != 1):
            element_types += "[" + `identity_item_count` + "]"
    result = name + "[" + `length` + "]<" + element_types + ">"
    return result

def type_spec_dict(dict, name):
    def dict_info(dict):
        # With a dict for it to be comparable 
        # the identity must contain the name and length 
        # and for the key and value combinations the type, order and count.
        length = 0
        types_list = []
        pervious_identity_type = None
        pervious_identity_type_count = 0
        first_item_done = False
        for (k, v) in dict.iteritems():
            key_type = type_spec(k)
            value_type = type_spec(v)
            item_type = (key_type, value_type)
            if (item_type != pervious_identity_type):
                if not first_item_done:
                    first_item_done = True
                    types_list.append((pervious_identity_type, pervious_identity_type_count))
                pervious_identity_type = item_type
                pervious_identity_type_count = 1
                pervious_identity_type_count += 1
            length += 1
        types_list.append((pervious_identity_type, pervious_identity_type_count))
        return (length, types_list)
    (length, identity_list) = dict_info(dict)
    element_types = ""
    for ((identity_key_type,identity_value_type), identity_item_count) in identity_list:
        if element_types == "":
            element_types += ","
        identity_item_type = "(" + identity_key_type + "," + identity_value_type + ")"
        element_types += identity_item_type
        if (identity_item_count != length) and (identity_item_count != 1):
            element_types += "[" + `identity_item_count` + "]"
    result = name + "[" + `length` + "]<" + element_types + ">"
    return result

def type_spec_tuple(tuple, name):
    return name + "<" + ", ".join(type_spec(e) for e in tuple) + ">"

def type_spec(obj):
    object_type = type(obj)
    name = object_type.__name__
    if (object_type is int) or (object_type is long) or (object_type is str) or (object_type is bool) or (object_type is float):            
        result = name
    elif object_type is type(None):
        result = "(none)"
    elif (object_type is list) or (object_type is set):
        result = type_spec_iterable(obj, name)
    elif (object_type is dict):
        result = type_spec_dict(obj, name)
    elif (object_type is tuple):
        result = type_spec_tuple(obj, name)
        if name == 'ndarray':
            ndarray = obj
            ndarray_shape = "[" + `ndarray.shape`.replace("L","").replace(" ","").replace("(","").replace(")","") + "]"
            ndarray_data_type = `ndarray.dtype`.split("'")[1]
            result = name + ndarray_shape + "<" + ndarray_data_type + ">"
            result = "Unknown type: " , name
    return result


正如我所评论的,这在 Python 中是不可能的,因为列表是无类型的。


def typ(something, depth=0):
    if depth > 63:
        return "..."
    if type(something) == tuple:
        return "<class 'tuple': <" + ", ".join(typ(ding, depth+1) for ding in something) + ">>"
    elif type(something) == list:
        return "<class 'list': " + (typ(something[0], depth+1) if something else '(empty)') + ">"
        return str(type(something))

返回字符串<class 'tuple': <<class 'list': <class 'list': <class 'int'>>>,<class 'list': <class 'str'>>>>以你为例。

edit:为了让它看起来更像 F#,你可以这样做:

def typ(something, depth=0):
    if depth > 63:
        return "..."
    if type(something) == tuple:
        return " * ".join(typ(ding, depth+1) for ding in something)
    elif type(something) == list:
        return (typ(something[0]) if something else 'empty') + " []"
        return str(type(something, depth+1)).split("'")[1]

这将返回int [] [] * str []在你的例子中。


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