AngularJS 在按钮单击时显示预先输入


我在 AngularJS 中使用 typeahead 指令,它工作得很好。但是,我希望在输入之外有一个按钮,单击该按钮会显示预输入下拉列表。这是我所追求的一个片段......

<li class="input">
   <input focus-me="click" ng-model="something" 
    typeahead="state for state in Suggestions | filter:$viewValue:stateComparator" typeahead-focus typeahead-focus-first="false" typeahead-on-select="updateTagInput(newTagName)">
   <a href="" ng-click="openTypeAhead()">Open</a>

好吧,我在尝试为此创建 JSFiddle 甚至 Plunkr 时遇到了非常糟糕的时间,所以我只会为您提供该指令的代码。


这个史诗般的 Bootstrap 库!


如您所见,我已将该指令命名为wwTypeahead(“ww”代表 WebWanderer!)。这是一个非常易于使用的指令,并且其工作原理与原始指令一样。

    placeholder="Search Here" 
    ww-typeahead="key as key.label for key in list" 
    typeahead-on-select="selectionMade($item, $model, $label)" 




    The following directive is a modification of the
    Angular typeahead directive. The normal directives,
    unfortunately, do not allow matching on 0 length values
    and the user may want a returned list of all values during
    the lack of input.

    This directives was taken from ...   

    ..and modified.
angular.module('ui.directives', []).directive('wwTypeahead', ['$compile', '$parse', '$q', '$timeout', '$document', '$position', 'typeaheadParser',
function($compile, $parse, $q, $timeout, $document, $position, typeaheadParser)
    var HOT_KEYS = [9, 13, 27, 38, 40];

    return {
        link:function(originalScope, element, attrs, modelCtrl)

            //minimal no of characters that needs to be entered before typeahead kicks-in
            //var minSearch = originalScope.$eval(attrs.typeaheadMinLength) || 1;
            var testEval = originalScope.$eval(attrs.typeaheadMinLength);
            var minSearch = !isNaN(parseFloat(testEval)) && isFinite(testEval) || 1;

            //minimal wait time after last character typed before typehead kicks-in
            var waitTime = originalScope.$eval(attrs.typeaheadWaitMs) || 0;

            //should it restrict model values to the ones selected from the popup only?
            var isEditable = originalScope.$eval(attrs.typeaheadEditable) !== false;

            //binding to a variable that indicates if matches are being retrieved asynchronously
            var isLoadingSetter = $parse(attrs.typeaheadLoading).assign || angular.noop;

            //a callback executed when a match is selected
            var onSelectCallback = $parse(attrs.typeaheadOnSelect);

            var inputFormatter = attrs.typeaheadInputFormatter ? $parse(attrs.typeaheadInputFormatter) : undefined;


            //model setter executed upon match selection
            var $setModelValue = $parse(attrs.ngModel).assign;

            //expressions used by typeahead
            var parserResult = typeaheadParser.parse(attrs.cmcTypeahead);

            //pop-up element used to display matches
            var popUpEl = angular.element('<typeahead-popup></typeahead-popup>');
                matches: 'matches',
                active: 'activeIdx',
                select: 'select(activeIdx)',
                query: 'query',
                position: 'position'
            //custom item template
                popUpEl.attr('template-url', attrs.typeaheadTemplateUrl);

            //create a child scope for the typeahead directive so we are not polluting original scope
            //with typeahead-specific data (matches, query etc.)
            var scope = originalScope.$new();
            originalScope.$on('$destroy', function()

            var resetMatches = function()
                scope.matches = [];
                scope.activeIdx = -1;

            var getMatchesAsync = function(inputValue)
                var matchParsePrefix = originalScope.$eval(attrs.typeaheadParsePrefix);
                var locals = {
                    $viewValue: inputValue.indexOf(matchParsePrefix) === 0 ? inputValue.substring(matchParsePrefix.length, (inputValue.length + 1)) : inputValue
                isLoadingSetter(originalScope, true);
                $q.when(parserResult.source(scope, locals)).then(function(matches)
                    //it might happen that several async queries were in progress if a user were typing fast
                    //but we are interested only in responses that correspond to the current view value
                    //if(matches && inputValue === modelCtrl.$viewValue)

                        Ehh.. that didn't seem to work when I "cleared" the input box
                        if(matches.length > 0)
                            scope.activeIdx = 0;
                            scope.matches.length = 0;

                            //transform labels
                            for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++)
                                locals[parserResult.itemName] = matches[i];
                                    label: parserResult.viewMapper(scope, locals),
                                    model: matches[i]

                            scope.query = inputValue;
                            //position pop-up with matches - we need to re-calculate its position each time we are opening a window
                            //with matches as a pop-up might be absolute-positioned and position of an input might have changed on a page
                            //due to other elements being rendered
                            scope.position = $position.position(element);
                   = + element.prop('offsetHeight');

                        else if(minSearch === 0)
                        isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);
                }, function()
                    isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);


                Can't figure out how to make this work...*/
                $parse(attrs.typeaheadBindMatchReloader).assign(scope, function()

            //we need to propagate user's query so we can higlight matches
            scope.query = undefined;

            //Declare the timeout promise var outside the function scope so that stacked calls can be cancelled later 
            var timeoutPromise;

            //plug into $parsers pipeline to open a typeahead on view changes initiated from DOM
            //$parsers kick-in on all the changes coming from the view as well as manually triggered by $setViewValue
                if((inputValue && inputValue.length >= minSearch)
                || minSearch === 0)
                    if(waitTime > 0)
                            $timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise);//cancel previous timeout

                        timeoutPromise = $timeout(function()
                        }, waitTime);

                    return inputValue;
                    modelCtrl.$setValidity('editable', false);
                    return undefined;

                var candidateViewValue, emptyViewValue;
                var locals = {};

                    locals['$model'] = modelValue;
                    return inputFormatter(originalScope, locals);
                    //it might happen that we don't have enough info to properly render input value
                    //we need to check for this situation and simply return model value if we can't apply custom formatting
                    locals[parserResult.itemName] = modelValue;
                    candidateViewValue = parserResult.viewMapper(originalScope, locals);
                    locals[parserResult.itemName] = undefined;
                    emptyViewValue = parserResult.viewMapper(originalScope, locals);

                    return candidateViewValue!== emptyViewValue ? candidateViewValue : modelValue;

   = function(activeIdx)
                //called from within the $digest() cycle
                var locals = {};
                var model, item;

                locals[parserResult.itemName] = item = scope.matches[activeIdx].model;
                model = parserResult.modelMapper(originalScope, locals);
                $setModelValue(originalScope, model);
                modelCtrl.$setValidity('editable', true);

                onSelectCallback(originalScope, {
                    $item: item,
                    $model: model,
                    $label: parserResult.viewMapper(originalScope, locals)


                //return focus to the input element if a mach was selected via a mouse click event

            //bind keyboard events: arrows up(38) / down(40), enter(13) and tab(9), esc(27)
            element.bind('keydown', function(evt)
                //typeahead is open and an "interesting" key was pressed
                if(scope.matches.length === 0 || HOT_KEYS.indexOf(evt.which) === -1)


                if(evt.which === 40)
                    scope.activeIdx = (scope.activeIdx + 1) % scope.matches.length;
                else if(evt.which === 38)
                    scope.activeIdx = (scope.activeIdx ? scope.activeIdx : scope.matches.length) - 1;
                else if(evt.which === 13 || evt.which === 9)
                else if(evt.which === 27)

            // Keep reference to click handler to unbind it.
            var dismissClickHandler = function(evt)
                if(element[0] !==

            $document.bind('click', dismissClickHandler);

            originalScope.$on('$destroy', function()
                $document.unbind('click', dismissClickHandler);



有人PLEASE举一个可行的例子typeahead指示!我将永远欠你的债! (嗯,不是真的,但这会让我很高兴)





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