3D 中两个矩形之间的交集


为了获得 3D 中两个矩形之间的交线,我将它们转换为平面,然后使用法线的叉积获得交线,然后尝试获得与矩形的每个线段的线交点。

问题是这条线平行于三段,并且只与 NAN,NAN,NAN 中的一条相交,这是完全错误的。你能告诉我我的代码有什么问题吗?

我使用此链接中的 vector3http://www.koders.com/csharp/fidCA8558A72AF7D3E654FDAFA402A168B8BC23C22A.aspx


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace referenceLineAlgorithm
struct Line

    public Vector3 direction;
    public Vector3 point;


struct lineSegment

    public Vector3 firstPoint;
    public Vector3 secondPoint;


class plane_test
    public enum Line3DResult
        Line3DResult_Parallel = 0,
        Line3DResult_SkewNoCross = 1,
        Line3DResult_SkewCross = 2

    #region Fields

    public Vector3 Normal;
    public float D;
    public Vector3[] cornersArray;
    public Vector3 FirstPoint;
    public Vector3 SecondPoint;
    public Vector3 temp;
    public Vector3 normalBeforeNormalization;


    #region constructors

    public plane_test(Vector3 point0, Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2, Vector3 point3)
        Vector3 edge1 = point1 - point0;
        Vector3 edge2 = point2 - point0;
        Normal = edge1.Cross(edge2);
        normalBeforeNormalization = Normal;

        D = -Normal.Dot(point0);

        ///// Set the Rectangle corners 
        cornersArray = new Vector3[] { point0, point1, point2, point3 };



    #region Methods
    /// <summary>
    /// This is a pseudodistance. The sign of the return value is
    /// positive if the point is on the positive side of the plane,
    /// negative if the point is on the negative side, and zero if the
    ///  point is on the plane.
    /// The absolute value of the return value is the true distance only
    /// when the plane normal is a unit length vector.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="point"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public float GetDistance(Vector3 point)
        return Normal.Dot(point) + D;

    public void Intersection(plane_test SecondOne)
        ///////////////////////////// Get the parallel to the line of interrsection (Direction )
        Vector3 LineDirection = Normal.Cross(SecondOne.Normal);

        float d1 = this.GetDistance(LineDirection);
        float d2 = SecondOne.GetDistance(LineDirection);

        temp = (LineDirection - (this.Normal * d1) - (SecondOne.Normal * d2));

        temp.x = Math.Abs((float)Math.Round((decimal)FirstPoint.x, 2));
        temp.y = Math.Abs((float)Math.Round((decimal)FirstPoint.y, 2));

        Line line;
        line.direction = LineDirection;
        line.point = temp;

        ////////// Line segments 

        lineSegment AB, BC, CD, DA;

        AB.firstPoint = cornersArray[0]; AB.secondPoint = cornersArray[1];
        BC.firstPoint = cornersArray[1]; BC.secondPoint = cornersArray[2];
        CD.firstPoint = cornersArray[2]; CD.secondPoint = cornersArray[3];
        DA.firstPoint = cornersArray[3]; DA.secondPoint = cornersArray[0];

        Vector3 r1 = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
        Vector3 r2 = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
        Vector3 r3 = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
        Vector3 r4 = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);

        0,0 |----------------| w,0
            |                |
            |                |
        0,h |________________|  w,h


        IntersectionPointBetweenLines(AB, line, ref r1);
        IntersectionPointBetweenLines(BC, line, ref r2);
        IntersectionPointBetweenLines(CD, line, ref r3);
        IntersectionPointBetweenLines(DA, line, ref r4);

        List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>();

           t => ((t.x == -1) && (t.y == -1) && (t.z == -1))


        if (points.Count == 2)
            FirstPoint = points[0];
            SecondPoint = points[1];



    public Line3DResult IntersectionPointBetweenLines(lineSegment first, Line aSecondLine, ref Vector3 result)
        Vector3 p1 = first.firstPoint;
        Vector3 n1 = first.secondPoint - first.firstPoint;

        Vector3 p2 = aSecondLine.point;
        Vector3 n2 = aSecondLine.direction;

        bool parallel = AreLinesParallel(first, aSecondLine);
        if (parallel)

            return Line3DResult.Line3DResult_Parallel;
            float d = 0, dt = 0, dk = 0;
            float t = 0, k = 0;

            if (Math.Abs(n1.x * n2.y - n2.x * n1.y) > float.Epsilon)
                d = n1.x * (-n2.y) - (-n2.x) * n1.y;
                dt = (p2.x - p1.x) * (-n2.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (-n2.x);
                dk = n1.x * (p2.x - p1.x) - n1.y * (p2.y - p1.y);
            else if (Math.Abs(n1.z * n2.y - n2.z * n1.y) > float.Epsilon)
                d = n1.z * (-n2.y) - (-n2.z) * n1.y;
                dt = (p2.z - p1.z) * (-n2.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (-n2.z);
                dk = n1.z * (p2.z - p1.z) - n1.y * (p2.y - p1.y);
            else if (Math.Abs(n1.x * n2.z - n2.x * n1.z) > float.Epsilon)
                d = n1.x * (-n2.z) - (-n2.x) * n1.z;
                dt = (p2.x - p1.x) * (-n2.z) - (p2.z - p1.z) * (-n2.x);
                dk = n1.x * (p2.x - p1.x) - n1.z * (p2.z - p1.z);

            t = dt / d;
            k = dk / d;

            result = n1 * t + p1;

            // Check if the point on the segmaent or not 
           // if (! isPointOnSegment(first, result))
               // result = new Vector3(-1,-1,-1);

           // }

            return Line3DResult.Line3DResult_SkewCross;


    private bool AreLinesParallel(lineSegment first, Line aSecondLine)
        Vector3 vector = (first.secondPoint - first.firstPoint);

        float kl = 0, km = 0, kn = 0;
        if (vector.x != aSecondLine.direction.x)
            if (vector.x != 0 && aSecondLine.direction.x != 0)
                kl = vector.x / aSecondLine.direction.x;
        if (vector.y != aSecondLine.direction.y)
            if (vector.y != 0 && aSecondLine.direction.y != 0)
                km = vector.y / aSecondLine.direction.y;
        if (vector.z != aSecondLine.direction.z)
            if (vector.z != 0 && aSecondLine.direction.z != 0)
                kn = vector.z / aSecondLine.direction.z;

        // both if all are null or all are equal, the lines are parallel
        return (kl == km && km == kn);


    private bool isPointOnSegment(lineSegment segment, Vector3 point)
        //(x - x1) / (x2 - x1) = (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) = (z - z1) / (z2 - z1)
        float component1 = (point.x - segment.firstPoint.x) / (segment.secondPoint.x  - segment.firstPoint.x);
        float component2 = (point.y - segment.firstPoint.y) / (segment.secondPoint.y - segment.firstPoint.y);
        float component3 = (point.z - segment.firstPoint.z) / (segment.secondPoint.z - segment.firstPoint.z); 

        if ((component1 == component2) && (component2 == component3))
            return true;

            return false;




static void Main(string[] args)

        //// create the first plane points 
        Vector3 point11 =new Vector3(-255.5f, -160.0f,-1.5f) ;    //0,0
        Vector3 point21 = new Vector3(256.5f, -160.0f, -1.5f);   //0,w
        Vector3 point31 = new Vector3(256.5f, -160.0f, -513.5f); //h,0
        Vector3 point41 = new Vector3(-255.5f, -160.0f, -513.5f); //w,h 

        plane_test plane1 = new plane_test(point11, point21, point41, point31);

        //// create the Second plane points 

        Vector3 point12 = new Vector3(-201.6289f, -349.6289f, -21.5f);
        Vector3 point22 =new Vector3(310.3711f,-349.6289f,-21.5f);
        Vector3 point32 = new Vector3(310.3711f, 162.3711f, -21.5f);
        Vector3 point42 =new Vector3(-201.6289f,162.3711f,-21.5f);
        plane_test plane2 = new plane_test(point12, point22, point42, point32);



这是测试值 此致


  • 3D 矩形是指 3D 平面上的平面矩形。 (不是一个 长方体)。

假设您的矩形不是共面非平行的,因此有一条唯一的线 D1 表示每个矩形所描述的平面的交点。

鉴于此假设,2 个矩形 R1 和 R2 相交有 4 种可能的情况:

enter image description here

(注意:有时 D1 既不与 R1 也不与 R2 和 R1 相交,R2 可以旋转一点,因此 D1 并不总是与平行边相交,而是与连续边相交)

当两个矩形之间存在交集时,D1 始终与 R1 和 R2 相交在同一个交集上(参见第一张和第二张图片)

你的模型不好,因为你的线不能平行于同一个矩形的 3 段......

正如您在这个问题中所问的:3D 线相交算法一旦你有了 D1 (获取两个矩形相交定义的线段的端点)只需确定与矩形各线段的交点即可。(需要检查每个矩形的4条线段)





通过一个点和 2 个向量定义一个矩形:

R2 {A ,u ,v}
R1 {B, u',v'}

定义由 R1 和 R2 描述的平面:P1 和 P2

P1(或 P2)的一个正交向量是 n1(或 n2)。让n1 = u ^ v and n2 = u' ^ v' with :

enter image description here


P1: n1.(x-xA,y-yA,z-zA)=0
P2: n2.(x-xB,y-yB,z-zB)=0

那么,如果您只是寻找 D1,则 D1 的方程为:

D1: P1^2 + P2 ^2 =0 (x,y,z verify P1 =0  an P2 =0 )

D1 : n1.(x-xA,y-yA,z-zA)^2 + n2.(x-xB,y-yB,z-zB)^2 =0

(因此,只需使用矩形的表达式,您就可以得到具有封闭公式的 D1 方程。)


R1 中的 4 个点是:

{ A , A+u , A+v , A+u+v }

如中所述3D 线相交算法 do :

D1 inter [A,A+u] = I1
D1 inter [A,A+v] = I2
D1 inter [A+u,A+u+v] = I3
D1 inter [A+v,A+u+v] = I4

(I1,I2,I3,I4 可以为空)

same for D2 you get I1' I2' I3' I4'

如果 Ij'=Ik' != null 那么它是一个交点



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    我正在使用 ggplot2 制作一些对数转换数据的线图 这些数据都有很大的值 在 10 6 和 10 8 之间 由于轴不是从零开始 我不想让它们在 原点 相交 以下是轴当前的样子 我更喜欢从基础图形中获得的东西 但我另外使用geom rib
  • 3D 中两个矩形之间的交集

    为了获得 3D 中两个矩形之间的交线 我将它们转换为平面 然后使用法线的叉积获得交线 然后尝试获得与矩形的每个线段的线交点 问题是这条线平行于三段 并且只与 NAN NAN NAN 中的一条相交 这是完全错误的 你能告诉我我的代码有什么问题