查找两个字符串共享的所有 n 个字长子串的最大长度





我希望脚本识别出这些字符串具有 2 个共同单词的序列(“this is”),后跟 3 个共同单词的序列(“示例字符串”)。这是我目前的方法:

a = "this is a sample string"
b = "this is also a sample string"

aWords = a.split()
bWords = b.split()

#create counters to keep track of position in string
currentA = 0
currentB = 0

#create counter to keep track of longest sequence of matching words
matchStreak = 0

#create a list that contains all of the matchstreaks found
matchStreakList = []

#create binary switch to control the use of while loop
continueWhileLoop = 1

for word in aWords:
    currentA += 1

    if word == bWords[currentB]:
        matchStreak += 1

        #to avoid index errors, check to make sure we can move forward one unit in the b string before doing so
        if currentB + 1 < len(bWords):
            currentB += 1

        #in case we have two identical strings, check to see if we're at the end of string a. If we are, append value of match streak to list of match streaks
        if currentA == len(aWords):

    elif word != bWords[currentB]:

        #because the streak is broken, check to see if the streak is >= 1. If it is, append the streak counter to out list of streaks and then reset the counter
        if matchStreak >= 1:
        matchStreak = 0

        while word != bWords[currentB]:

            #the two words don't match. If you can move b forward one word, do so, then check for another match
            if currentB + 1 < len(bWords):
                currentB += 1

            #if you have advanced b all the way to the end of string b, then rewind to the beginning of string b and advance a, looking for more matches
            elif currentB + 1 == len(bWords):
                currentB = 0

        if word == bWords[currentB]:
            matchStreak += 1

            #now that you have a match, check to see if you can advance b. If you can, do so. Else, rewind b to the beginning
            if currentB + 1 < len(bWords):
                currentB += 1
            elif currentB + 1 == len(bWords):

                #we're at the end of string b. If we are also at the end of string a, check to see if the value of matchStreak >= 1. If so, add matchStreak to matchStreakList
                if currentA == len(aWords):
                currentB = 0

print matchStreakList

该脚本正确输出公共字长子字符串 (2, 3) 的(最大)长度,并且对于迄今为止的所有测试都是如此。我的问题是:是否有一对两个字符串上述方法不起作用?更重要的是:是否有现有的 Python 库或众所周知的方法可用于查找两个字符串共享的所有 n 个字长的子字符串的最大长度?

[这个问题与最长公共子串问题不同,这只是我正在寻找的问题的一个特例(因为我想找到所有公共子串,而不仅仅是最长公共子串)。这个帖子建议诸如 1) 聚类分析、2) 编辑距离例程和 3) 最长公共序列算法等方法可能是合适的方法,但我没有找到任何可行的解决方案,而且我的问题可能比链接,因为我正在处理由空格限制的单词。]


我正在针对这个问题开始悬赏。为了防止对其他人有帮助,我想澄清一些要点。首先,@DhruvPathak 下面建议的有用答案并没有找到两个字符串共享的所有最大长 n 字长度的子字符串。例如,假设我们正在分析的两个字符串是:

“它们刚出生时都是洁白如一张一尘不染的纸 但它们将被每根鹅毛笔潦草地涂在上面并弄脏”


“当你第一次时,你全身都是白色的,一张可爱的、一尘不染的纸 出生;但你会被每只鹅的涂鸦和污迹 鹅毛笔”

在这种情况下,最大长 n 个字长度的子字符串列表(忽略尾随标点符号)为:

white a sheet of
spotless paper when
first are born but
are to be scrawled
and blotted by every


#import required packages
import difflib

#define function we'll use to identify matches
def matches(first_string,second_string):
    s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, first_string,second_string)
    match = [first_string[i:i+n] for i, j, n in s.get_matching_blocks() if n > 0]
    return match

a = "They all are white a sheet of spotless paper when they first are born but they are to be scrawled upon and blotted by every goose quill"
b = "You are all white, a sheet of lovely, spotless paper, when you first are born; but you are to be scrawled and blotted by every goose's quill"

a = a.replace(",", "").replace(":","").replace("!","").replace("'","").replace(";","").lower()
b = b.replace(",", "").replace(":","").replace("!","").replace("'","").replace(";","").lower()

print matches(a,b)


['e', ' all', ' white a sheet of', ' spotless paper when ', 'y', ' first are born but ', 'y', ' are to be scrawled', ' and blotted by every goose', ' quill']

首先,我不确定如何从该列表中选择仅包含整个单词的子字符串。其次,该列表不包括“are”,它是所需的最大长度公共 n 字长度子串之一。是否有一种方法可以找到这两个字符串共享的所有最大长 n 个字长的子字符串(“You are all...”和“These all are...”)?


我写的是Python的difflib.SequenceMatcher,并花费了lot寻找预期情况的快速方法来找到最长公共子串的时间。理论上,这应该通过“后缀树”或用“最长公共前缀数组”增强的相关“后缀数组”来完成(如果您想通过 Google 搜索更多信息,引号中的短语是搜索词)。这些可以在最坏情况的线性时间内解决问题。但是,有时会出现这种情况,最坏情况的线性时间算法极其复杂和微妙,并且会受到很大的常数因素的影响 - 如果要搜索给定的语料库,它们仍然可以获得巨大的回报many次,但这不是 Python 的典型情况difflib而且看起来也不像你的情况。

无论如何,我在这里的贡献是重写SequenceMatcher's find_longest_match()返回方法all沿途找到的(局部)最大值匹配。笔记:

  1. 我将使用to_words()Raymond Hettinger 为您提供了函数,但没有转换为小写。转换为小写会导致输出与您所说的不完全一样。

  2. 然而,正如我在评论中已经指出的那样,这确实输出“quill”,它不在您所需的输出列表中。我不知道为什么不是,因为“羽毛笔”确实出现在两个输入中。


import re
def to_words(text):
    'Break text into a list of words without punctuation'
    return re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z']+", text)

def match(a, b):
    # Make b the longer list.
    if len(a) > len(b):
        a, b = b, a
    # Map each word of b to a list of indices it occupies.
    b2j = {}
    for j, word in enumerate(b):
        b2j.setdefault(word, []).append(j)
    j2len = {}
    nothing = []
    unique = set() # set of all results
    def local_max_at_j(j):
        # maximum match ends with b[j], with length j2len[j]
        length = j2len[j]
        unique.add(" ".join(b[j-length+1: j+1]))
    # during an iteration of the loop, j2len[j] = length of longest
    # match ending with b[j] and the previous word in a
    for word in a:
        # look at all instances of word in b
        j2lenget = j2len.get
        newj2len = {}
        for j in b2j.get(word, nothing):
            newj2len[j] = j2lenget(j-1, 0) + 1
        # which indices have not been extended?  those are
        # (local) maximums
        for j in j2len:
            if j+1 not in newj2len:
        j2len = newj2len
    # and we may also have local maximums ending at the last word
    for j in j2len:
    return unique


a = "They all are white a sheet of spotless paper " \
    "when they first are born but they are to be " \
    "scrawled upon and blotted by every goose quill"
b = "You are all white, a sheet of lovely, spotless " \
    "paper, when you first are born; but you are to " \
    "be scrawled and blotted by every goose's quill"

print match(to_words(a), to_words(b))


     'and blotted by every',
     'first are born but',
     'are to be scrawled',
     'spotless paper when',
     'white a sheet of',



对于输入序列a and b,画一个矩阵M with len(a)行和len(b)列。在这个应用程序中,我们想要M[i, j]包含以结尾的最长公共连续子序列的长度a[i] and b[j],计算规则为very easy:

  1. M[i, j] = 0 if a[i] != b[j].
  2. M[i, j] = M[i-1, j-1] + 1 if a[i] == b[j](我们假设越界矩阵引用默默地返回 0)。

在这种情况下解释也很容易:存在局部最大值非空比赛结束于a[i] and b[j],长度M[i, j],当且仅当M[i, j]是非零但是M[i+1, j+1]为 0 或越界。

您可以使用这些规则编写非常简单且紧凑的代码,其中包含两个循环,用于计算M正确地解决这个问题。缺点是代码将采取(最佳、平均和最坏情况)O(len(a) * len(b)) time and space.


  • 而不是进行一次计算M,然后另一遍解释结果,计算和解释在一次传递中交错a.

  • 因此,不需要存储整个矩阵。相反,只有当前行(newj2len) 和上一行 (j2len)同时存在。

  • 因为这个问题的矩阵是usually大多数为零,这里的行通过将列索引映射到非零值的字典来稀疏地表示。零条目是“免费的”,因为它们永远不会显式存储。

  • 处理一行时,无需迭代每一列:预先计算的b2jdict 准确地告诉我们当前行中有趣的列索引(那些与当前行匹配的列)word from a).

  • 最后,部分出于偶然的是,所有前面的优化以这样一种方式共同进行:永远不需要知道当前行的索引,因此我们也不必费心计算它。


这是直接实现二维矩阵的代码,没有尝试优化(除了Counter通常可以避免显式存储 0 个条目)。它非常简单、简短和容易:

def match(a, b):
    from collections import Counter
    M = Counter()
    for i in range(len(a)):
        for j in range(len(b)):
            if a[i] == b[j]:
                M[i, j] = M[i-1, j-1] + 1
    unique = set()
    for i in range(len(a)):
        for j in range(len(b)):
            if M[i, j] and not M[i+1, j+1]:
                length = M[i, j]
                unique.add(" ".join(a[i+1-length: i+1]))
    return unique

当然;-) 返回与优化后相同的结果match()我一开始就发帖了。

编辑 - 另一个没有字典

只是为了好玩:-) 如果您掌握了矩阵模型,那么这段代码将很容易理解。关于这个特定问题的一个值得注意的事情是,矩阵单元的值仅取决于沿单元西北对角线的值。因此,从西部和北部边界的所有单元格向东南方向穿过所有主对角线就“足够好了”。这样,无论输入的长度如何,只需要小的常数空间:

def match(a, b):
    from itertools import chain
    m, n = len(a), len(b)
    unique = set()
    for i, j in chain(((i, 0) for i in xrange(m)),
                      ((0, j) for j in xrange(1, n))):
        k = 0
        while i < m and j < n:
            if a[i] == b[j]:
                k += 1
            elif k:
                unique.add(" ".join(a[i-k: i]))
                k = 0
            i += 1
            j += 1
        if k:
            unique.add(" ".join(a[i-k: i]))
    return unique

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