将日期从 JSON 反序列化为 Typescript 中的日期


我从后端得到一个如下所示的 JSON:

    "schedulingId": "7d98a02b-e14f-43e4-a8c9-6763ba6a5e76",
    "schedulingDateTime": "2019-12-28T14:00:00",
    "registrationDateTime": "2019-12-24T16:47:34",
    "doctorViewModel": {
        "doctorId": "a49d9534-65a6-4730-ac45-4dc2f91165e0",
        "doctorName": "Ana"
    "personViewModel": {
        "personId": "3607c475-e287-4e83-85e6-a46f4a0116d6",
        "personName": "João",
        "birthDate": "1970-09-18T00:00:00"
    "consultaViewModel": null

我需要将该 JSON 反序列化到我的调度中,将日期从 JSON 解析为“dd/MM/yyyy hh:MM:ss”格式:

export interface Scheduling {
   schedulingId : string;
   schedulingDateTime : Date;
   registrationDateTime : Date;
   person : Person;
   doctor : Doctor;
   consulta? : Consulta;

export interface Person {
   personId : string;
   personName : string;
   birthDate : Date;

export interface Doctor {
    doctorId : string;
    doctorName : string;

export interface Consulta {
    consultaId : string;
    consultaDateTime : Date;

但我不确定在调用 get 方法后如何做到这一点:



您可以使用以下方法实现此目的pipe and map运算符来自rxjs/operators

1. 直接映射

import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

        map(scheduling => {
          scheduling.schedulingDateTime = new Date(scheduling.schedulingDateTime);
          scheduling.registrationDateTime = new Date(scheduling.registrationDateTime);
          scheduling.personViewModel.birthDate = new Date(scheduling.personViewModel.birthDate);
          return scheduling;

2. 使用构造函数

这里将把每个接收到的 json 传递给类的构造函数,并解析构造函数中的日期。

export class Person {
  personId: string;
  personName: string;
  birthDate: Date;

  constructor(init: Person) {
    this.personId = init.personId;
    this.personName = init.personName;
    this.birthDate = parseDate(init.birthDate);

export class Consulta {
  consultaId: string;
  consultaDateTime: Date;

  constructor(init: Consulta) {
    this.consultaId = init.consultaId;
    this.consultaDateTime = parseDate(init.consultaDateTime);

export class Doctor {
  doctorId: string;
  doctorName: string;

  constructor(init: Doctor) {
    this.doctorId = init.doctorId;
    this.doctorName = init.doctorName;

export class Scheduling {
  schedulingId: string;
  schedulingDateTime: Date;
  registrationDateTime: Date;
  person: Person;
  doctor: Doctor;
  consulta?: Consulta;

  constructor(init: Scheduling) {

    this.schedulingId = init.schedulingId;

    this.schedulingDateTime = parseDate(init.schedulingDateTime);
    this.registrationDateTime = parseDate(init.registrationDateTime);

    this.person = init.person !== undefined ? new Person(init.person) : undefined;
    this.consulta = init.consulta !== undefined ? new Consulta(init.consulta) : undefined;
    this.doctor = init.doctor !== undefined ? new Doctor(init.doctor) : undefined;

export function parseDate(str: string | Date): Date {
  if (str !== undefined && str !== null) {
    return new Date(str);
  return undefined;


        map(schedulings => {
          const modifiedSchedulings = []
          for (const scheduling of schedulings) {
            modifiedSchedulings.push(new Scheduling(scheduling));
          return modifiedSchedulings;

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