C++0x:在 std::map 中存储任何类型的 std::function


我试图在地图中存储一组 std::function (在 GCC 4.5 下)


  • 存储已传递参数的函数;那么你就拥有了 调用 f()
  • 存储不带参数的函数;那么你必须打电话 F(...)

我想我通过类 Command 和 Manager 实现了第一个:

class Command
  std::function<void()> f_;
    Command() {}
    Command(std::function<void()> f) : f_(f) {}

    void execute() { if(f_) f_(); }


class CommandManager
  typedef map<string, Command*> FMap;

  public :

  void add(string name, Command* cmd)
     fmap1.insert(pair<string, Command*>(name, cmd));

  void execute(string name)
    FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
    if(it != fmap1.end())
      Command* c = it->second;

  private :

    FMap fmap1;



class Print{

   void print1(string s, string s1){ cout<<"print1 : "<<"s : "<<s<<" s1 : "<<s1<<endl; }
   int print2(){ cout<<"print2"<<endl; return 2;}


#include <string>
#include <functional>

int main()
  Print p = Print();

  function<void()> f1(bind(&Print::print1, &p, string("test1"), string("test2")));

  function<int()> f2(bind(&Print::print2, &p));

  CommandManager cmdMgr = CommandManager();
  cmdMgr.add("print1", new Command(f1));

  cmdMgr.add("print2", new Command(f2));

  return 0;


 int main()
      Print p = Print();

      function<void(string, string)> f1(bind(&Print::print1, &p, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2));

      CommandManager cmdMgr = CommandManager();
      cmdMgr.add("print1", new Command(f1));
      cmdMgr.execute("print1", string("test1"), string("test2"));

      return 0;


您可以使用动态转换来在运行时确定列表中函数的类型。 请注意,我添加了shared_ptr来消除原始示例中的内存泄漏。如果使用错误的参数调用execute方法(如果dynamic_cast产生0),也许您想抛出异常。


void x() {}
void y(int ) {}
void main() {
    CommandManager m;
    m.add("print", Command<>(x));
    m.add("print1", Command<int>(y));
    m.execute("print1", 1);

代码(带有可变参数模板支持,例如 gcc-4.5):

#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

class BaseCommand
    virtual ~BaseCommand() {}

template <class... ArgTypes>
class Command : public BaseCommand
  typedef std::function<void(ArgTypes...)> FuncType;
  FuncType f_;
    Command() {}
    Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
    void operator()(ArgTypes... args) { if(f_) f_(args...); }

class CommandManager
  typedef shared_ptr<BaseCommand> BaseCommandPtr;
  typedef map<string, BaseCommandPtr> FMap;
  public :

  template <class T>
  void add(string name, const T& cmd)
     fmap1.insert(pair<string, BaseCommandPtr>(name, BaseCommandPtr(new T(cmd))));

  template <class... ArgTypes>
  void execute(string name, ArgTypes... args)
    typedef Command<ArgTypes...> CommandType;
    FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
    if(it != fmap1.end())
      CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());

  private :
    FMap fmap1;

没有可变参数模板支持(例如 VS2010):

#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;
class Ignored;

class BaseCommand
    virtual ~BaseCommand() = 0 {};

template <class A1 = Ignored>
class Command : public BaseCommand
  typedef std::function<void(A1)> FuncType;
  FuncType f_;
    Command() {}
    Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
    void operator()(const A1& a1) { if(f_) f_(a1); }

template <>
class Command<Ignored> : public BaseCommand
  typedef std::function<void()> FuncType;
  FuncType f_;
    Command() {}
    Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
    void operator()() { if(f_) f_(); }

class CommandManager
  typedef shared_ptr<BaseCommand> BaseCommandPtr;
  typedef map<string, BaseCommandPtr> FMap;
  public :

  template <class T>
  void add(string name, const T& cmd)
     fmap1.insert(pair<string, BaseCommandPtr>(name, BaseCommandPtr(new T(cmd))));

  template <class A1>
  void execute(string name, const A1& a1)
    typedef Command<A1> CommandType;
    FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
    if(it != fmap1.end())
      CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());

  void execute(string name)
    typedef Command<> CommandType;
    FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
    if(it != fmap1.end())
      CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());
  private :
    FMap fmap1;

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