C# .NET万能数据库访问封装类(ACCESS、SQLServer、Oracle)


  1. 在app.config文件中写上数据库中连接信息:  
  2. <appSettings>  
  3.     <add key="connectionstring" value="Data Source=LocalHost;Initial Catalog=Test001;User ID=sa;Password=aaaaaa" />  
  4.     <add key="DataType" value="SqlServer" />  
  5.  </appSettings>  
  6. app.config文件中代码解析:  
  7. <appSettings>  
  8.     <add key="connectionstring" value="Data Source=你的数据库器(本机可用LocalHost,如果是EXPRESS开发版则必须是.\SQLEXPRESS);Initial Catalog=数据库名字;User ID=用户名;Password=你自己的密码" />  
  9.     <add key="TemplatePATH" value="Template" />  
  10. </appSettings>  



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  1. <pre code_snippet_id="147172" snippet_file_name="blog_20140108_1_6139061" class="html" name="code"><div><pre code_snippet_id="147172" snippet_file_name="blog_20140108_1_6139061" class="prettyprint" name="code"><pre code_snippet_id="147172" snippet_file_name="blog_20140108_1_6139061" class="csharp" name="code">using System;  
  2. using System.Linq;  
  3. using System.Text;  
  4. using System.Collections;  
  5. using System.Collections.Specialized;  
  6. using System.Data;  
  7. using System.Data.SqlClient;  
  8. using System.Data.OleDb;  
  9. using System.Data.OracleClient;  
  10. using System.Configuration;  
  11. using System.Reflection;  
  13. namespace SystemFramework.DAL  
  14. {  
  15.     class DataBaseLayer  
  16.     {  
  17.         #region  属性变量     
  18.         private string connectionString;  
  19.         public string ConntionString  
  20.         {  
  21.             get  
  22.             {  
  23.                 return connectionString;  
  24.             }  
  25.             set  
  26.             {  
  27.                 connectionString = value;  
  28.             }  
  29.         }  
  30.         //数据访问基础类--构造函数  
  31.         public DataBaseLayer(string strConnect, string dataType)  
  32.         {  
  33.             this.ConntionString = strConnect;  
  34.             this.DbType = dataType;  
  35.         }  
  36.         //数据访问基础类--构造函数  
  37.         public DataBaseLayer()  
  38.         {  
  39.             this.connectionString =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];  
  40.             this.dbType =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataType"];  
  41.             //也可以在代码中直接赋值  
  42.             //this.connectionString = "data source=;user id=sa;pwd=sa;database=temphrdb";  
  43.             //this.dbType = "SqlServer";  
  44.         }  
  45.         /// <summary>  
  46.         /// 数据库类型   
  47.         /// </summary>  
  48.         private string dbType;  
  49.         public string DbType  
  50.         {  
  51.             get  
  52.             {  
  53.                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbType))  
  54.                 {  
  55.                     return "Access";  
  56.                 }  
  57.                 else  
  58.                 {  
  59.                     return dbType;  
  60.                 }  
  61.             }  
  62.             set  
  63.             {  
  64.                 if (value != string.Empty && value != null)  
  65.                 {  
  66.                     dbType = value;  
  67.                 }  
  68.                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbType))  
  69.                 {  
  70.                     dbType =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataType"];  
  71.                 }  
  72.                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbType))  
  73.                 {  
  74.                     dbType = "Access";  
  75.                 }  
  76.             }  
  77.         }  
  78.         #endregion  
  79.         #region 转换参数  
  80.         private System.Data.IDbDataParameter iDbPara(string ParaName, string DataType)  
  81.         {  
  82.             switch (this.DbType)  
  83.             {  
  84.                 case "SqlServer":  
  85.                     return GetSqlPara(ParaName, DataType);  
  86.                 case "Oracle":  
  87.                     return GetOleDbPara(ParaName, DataType);  
  88.                 case "Access":  
  89.                     return GetOleDbPara(ParaName, DataType);  
  90.                 default:  
  91.                     return GetSqlPara(ParaName, DataType);  
  92.             }  
  93.         }  
  95.         private SqlParameter GetSqlPara(string ParaName, string DataType)  
  96.         {  
  97.             switch (DataType)  
  98.             {  
  99.                 case "Decimal":  
  100.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.Decimal);  
  101.                 case "Varchar":  
  102.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.VarChar);  
  103.                 case "DateTime":  
  104.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.DateTime);  
  105.                 case "Iamge":  
  106.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.Image);  
  107.                 case "Int":  
  108.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.Int);  
  109.                 case "Text":  
  110.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.NText);  
  111.                 default:  
  112.                     return new SqlParameter(ParaName, SqlDbType.VarChar);  
  113.             }  
  114.         }  
  115.         private OracleParameter GetOraclePara(string ParaName, string DataType)  
  116.         {  
  117.             switch (DataType)  
  118.             {  
  119.                 case "Decimal":  
  120.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.Double);  
  121.                 case "Varchar":  
  122.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.VarChar);  
  123.                 case "DateTime":  
  124.                    return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.DateTime);  
  125.                 case "Iamge":  
  126.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.BFile);  
  127.                 case "Int":  
  128.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.Int32);  
  129.                 case "Text":  
  130.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.LongVarChar);  
  131.                 default:  
  132.                     return new OracleParameter(ParaName, OracleType.VarChar);  
  134.             }  
  135.         }  
  136.         private OleDbParameter GetOleDbPara(string ParaName, string DataType)  
  137.         {  
  138.             switch (DataType)  
  139.             {  
  140.                 case "Decimal":  
  141.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.Decimal);  
  142.                 case "Varchar":  
  143.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.String);  
  144.                 case "DateTime":  
  145.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.DateTime);  
  146.                 case "Iamge":  
  147.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.Binary);  
  148.                 case "Int":  
  149.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.Int32);  
  150.                 case "Text":  
  151.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.String);  
  152.                 default:  
  153.                     return new OleDbParameter(ParaName, System.Data.DbType.String);  
  154.             }  
  155.         }  
  156.         #endregion  
  157.         #region 创建 Connection 和 Command  
  158.         private IDbConnection GetConnection()  
  159.         {  
  160.             switch (this.DbType)  
  161.             {  
  162.                 case "SqlServer":  
  163.                     return new SqlConnection(this.ConntionString);  
  164.                 case "Oracle":  
  165.                     return new OracleConnection(this.ConntionString);  
  166.                 case "Access":  
  167.                     return new OleDbConnection(this.ConntionString);  
  168.                 default:  
  169.                     return new SqlConnection(this.ConntionString);  
  170.             }  
  171.         }  
  172.         private IDbCommand GetCommand(string Sql, IDbConnection iConn)  
  173.         {  
  174.             switch (this.DbType)  
  175.             {  
  176.                 case "SqlServer":  
  177.                     return new SqlCommand(Sql, (SqlConnection)iConn);  
  178.                 case "Oracle":  
  179.                     return new OracleCommand(Sql, (OracleConnection)iConn);  
  180.                 case "Access":  
  181.                     return new OleDbCommand(Sql, (OleDbConnection)iConn);  
  182.                 default:  
  183.                     return new SqlCommand(Sql, (SqlConnection)iConn);  
  184.             }  
  185.         }  
  186.         private IDbCommand GetCommand()  
  187.         {  
  188.             switch (this.DbType)  
  189.             {  
  190.                 case "SqlServer":  
  191.                     return new SqlCommand();  
  192.                 case "Oracle":  
  193.                     return new OracleCommand();  
  194.                 case "Access":  
  195.                     return new OleDbCommand();  
  196.                 default:  
  197.                     return new SqlCommand();  
  198.             }  
  199.         }  
  200.         private IDataAdapter GetAdapater(string Sql, IDbConnection iConn)  
  201.         {  
  202.             switch (this.DbType)  
  203.             {  
  204.                 case "SqlServer":  
  205.                     return new SqlDataAdapter(Sql, (SqlConnection)iConn);  
  206.                 case "Oracle":  
  207.                     return new OracleDataAdapter(Sql, (OracleConnection)iConn);  
  208.                 case "Access":  
  209.                     return new OleDbDataAdapter(Sql, (OleDbConnection)iConn);  
  210.                 default:  
  211.                     return new SqlDataAdapter(Sql, (SqlConnection)iConn); ;  
  212.             }  
  213.         }  
  214.         private IDataAdapter GetAdapater()  
  215.         {  
  216.             switch (this.DbType)  
  217.             {  
  218.                 case "SqlServer":  
  219.                     return new SqlDataAdapter();  
  220.                 case "Oracle":  
  221.                     return new OracleDataAdapter();  
  222.                 case "Access":  
  223.                     return new OleDbDataAdapter();  
  224.                 default:  
  225.                     return new SqlDataAdapter();  
  226.             }  
  227.         }  
  228.         private IDataAdapter GetAdapater(IDbCommand iCmd)  
  229.         {  
  230.             switch (this.DbType)  
  231.             {  
  232.                 case "SqlServer":  
  233.                     return new SqlDataAdapter((SqlCommand)iCmd);  
  234.                 case "Oracle":  
  235.                     return new OracleDataAdapter((OracleCommand)iCmd);  
  236.                 case "Access":  
  237.                     return new OleDbDataAdapter((OleDbCommand)iCmd);  
  238.                 default:  
  239.                     return new SqlDataAdapter((SqlCommand)iCmd);  
  240.             }  
  241.         }  
  242.         #endregion  
  243.         #region  执行简单SQL语句  
  244.         /// <summary>  
  245.         /// 执行SQL语句,返回影响的记录数  
  246.         /// </summary>  
  247.         /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>  
  248.         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
  249.         public int ExecuteSql(string SqlString)  
  250.         {  
  251.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  252.             {  
  253.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(SqlString, iConn))  
  254.                 {  
  255.                     iConn.Open();  
  256.                     try  
  257.                     {  
  258.                         int rows = iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  259.                         return rows;  
  260.                     }  
  261.                     catch (System.Exception E)  
  262.                     {  
  263.                         throw new Exception(E.Message);  
  264.                     }  
  265.                     finally  
  266.                     {  
  267.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  268.                         {  
  269.                             iConn.Close();  
  270.                         }  
  271.                     }  
  272.                 }  
  273.             }  
  274.         }  
  275.         /// <summary>  
  276.         /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。  
  277.         /// </summary>  
  278.         /// <param name="SQLStringList">多条SQL语句</param>          
  279.         public void ExecuteSqlTran(ArrayList SQLStringList)  
  280.         {  
  281.             //using作为语句,用于定义一个范围,在此范围的末尾将释放对象  
  282.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  283.             {  
  284.                 iConn.Open();  
  285.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand())  
  286.                 {  
  287.                     iCmd.Connection = iConn;  
  288.                     using (System.Data.IDbTransaction iDbTran = iConn.BeginTransaction())  
  289.                     {  
  290.                         iCmd.Transaction = iDbTran;  
  291.                         try  
  292.                         {  
  293.                             for (int n = 0; n < SQLStringList.Count; n++)  
  294.                             {  
  295.                                 string strsql = SQLStringList[n].ToString();  
  296.                                 if (strsql.Trim().Length > 1)  
  297.                                 {  
  298.                                     iCmd.CommandText = strsql;  
  299.                                     iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  300.                                 }  
  301.                             }  
  302.                             iDbTran.Commit();  
  303.                         }  
  304.                         catch (System.Exception E)  
  305.                         {  
  306.                             iDbTran.Rollback();  
  307.                             throw new Exception(E.Message);  
  308.                         }  
  309.                         finally  
  310.                         {  
  311.                             if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  312.                             {  
  313.                                 iConn.Close();  
  314.                             }  
  315.                         }  
  316.                     }  
  317.                 }  
  318.             }  
  319.         }  
  320.         /// <summary>  
  321.         /// 执行带一个存储过程参数的的SQL语句。  
  322.         /// </summary>  
  323.         /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>  
  324.         /// <param name="content">参数内容,比如一个字段是格式复杂的文章,有特殊符号,可以通过这个方式添加</param>  
  325.         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
  326.         public int ExecuteSql(string SqlString, string content)  
  327.         {  
  328.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  329.             {  
  330.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(SqlString, iConn))  
  331.                 {  
  332.                     IDataParameter myParameter = this.iDbPara("@content", "Text");  
  333.                     myParameter.Value = content;  
  334.                     iCmd.Parameters.Add(myParameter);  
  335.                     iConn.Open();  
  336.                     try  
  337.                     {  
  338.                         int rows = iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  339.                         return rows;  
  340.                     }  
  341.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  342.                     {  
  343.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  344.                     }  
  345.                     finally  
  346.                     {  
  347.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  348.                         {  
  349.                             iConn.Close();  
  350.                         }  
  351.                     }  
  352.                 }  
  353.             }  
  354.         }  
  355.         /// <summary>  
  356.         /// 向数据库里插入图像格式的字段(和上面情况类似的另一种实例)  
  357.         /// </summary>  
  358.         /// <param name="strSQL">SQL语句</param>  
  359.         /// <param name="fs">图像字节,数据库的字段类型为image的情况</param>  
  360.         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
  361.         public int ExecuteSqlInsertImg(string SqlString, byte[] fs)  
  362.         {  
  363.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  364.             {  
  365.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(SqlString, iConn))  
  366.                 {  
  367.                     IDataParameter myParameter = this.iDbPara("@content", "Image");  
  368.                     myParameter.Value = fs;  
  369.                     iCmd.Parameters.Add(myParameter);  
  370.                     iConn.Open();  
  371.                     try  
  372.                     {  
  373.                         int rows = iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  374.                         return rows;  
  375.                     }  
  376.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  377.                     {  
  378.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  379.                     }  
  380.                     finally  
  381.                     {  
  382.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  383.                         {  
  384.                             iConn.Close();  
  385.                         }  
  386.                     }  
  387.                 }  
  388.             }  
  389.         }  
  390.         /// <summary>  
  391.         /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。  
  392.         /// </summary>  
  393.         /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>  
  394.         /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>  
  395.         public object GetSingle(string SqlString)  
  396.         {  
  397.             using (IDbConnection iConn = GetConnection())  
  398.             {  
  399.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(SqlString, iConn))  
  400.                 {  
  401.                     iConn.Open();  
  402.                     try  
  403.                     {  
  404.                         object obj = iCmd.ExecuteScalar();  
  405.                         if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))  
  406.                         {  
  407.                             return null;  
  408.                         }  
  409.                         else  
  410.                         {  
  411.                             return obj;  
  412.                         }  
  413.                     }  
  414.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  415.                     {  
  416.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  417.                     }  
  418.                     finally  
  419.                     {  
  420.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  421.                         {  
  422.                             iConn.Close();  
  423.                         }  
  424.                     }  
  425.                 }  
  426.             }  
  427.         }       
  428.         /// <summary>  
  429.         /// 执行查询语句,返回IDataAdapter  
  430.         /// </summary>  
  431.         /// <param name="strSQL">查询语句</param>  
  432.         /// <returns>IDataAdapter</returns>  
  433.         public IDataAdapter ExecuteReader(string strSQL)  
  434.         {  
  435.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  436.             {  
  437.                 iConn.Open();  
  438.                 try  
  439.                 {  
  440.                     IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(strSQL, iConn);  
  441.                     return iAdapter;  
  442.                 }  
  443.                 catch (System.Exception e)  
  444.                 {  
  445.                     throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  446.                 }  
  447.                 finally  
  448.                 {  
  449.                     if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  450.                     {  
  451.                         iConn.Close();  
  452.                     }  
  453.                 }  
  454.             }  
  455.         }  
  456.         /// <summary>  
  457.         /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet  
  458.         /// </summary>  
  459.         /// <param name="SQLString">查询语句</param>  
  460.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  461.         public DataSet Query(string sqlString)  
  462.         {  
  463.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  464.             {  
  465.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(sqlString, iConn))  
  466.                 {  
  467.                     DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
  468.                     iConn.Open();  
  469.                     try  
  470.                     {  
  471.                         IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(sqlString, iConn);  
  472.                         iAdapter.Fill(ds);  
  473.                         return ds;  
  474.                     }  
  475.                     catch (System.Exception ex)  
  476.                     {  
  477.                         throw new Exception(ex.Message);  
  478.                     }  
  479.                     finally  
  480.                     {  
  481.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  482.                         {  
  483.                             iConn.Close();  
  484.                         }  
  485.                     }  
  486.                 }  
  487.             }  
  488.         }  
  489.         /// <summary>  
  490.         /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet  
  491.         /// </summary>  
  492.         /// <param name="sqlString">查询语句</param>  
  493.         /// <param name="dataSet">要填充的DataSet</param>  
  494.         /// <param name="tableName">要填充的表名</param>  
  495.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  496.         public DataSet Query(string sqlString, DataSet dataSet, string tableName)  
  497.         {  
  498.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  499.             {  
  500.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(sqlString, iConn))  
  501.                 {  
  502.                     iConn.Open();  
  503.                     try  
  504.                     {  
  505.                         IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(sqlString, iConn);  
  506.                         ((OleDbDataAdapter)iAdapter).Fill(dataSet, tableName);  
  507.                         return dataSet;  
  508.                     }  
  509.                     catch (System.Exception ex)  
  510.                     {  
  511.                         throw new Exception(ex.Message);  
  512.                     }  
  513.                     finally  
  514.                     {  
  515.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  516.                         {  
  517.                             iConn.Close();  
  518.                         }  
  519.                     }  
  520.                 }  
  521.             }  
  522.         }  
  523.         /// <summary>  
  524.         /// 执行SQL语句 返回存储过程  
  525.         /// </summary>  
  526.         /// <param name="sqlString">Sql语句</param>  
  527.         /// <param name="dataSet">要填充的DataSet</param>  
  528.         /// <param name="startIndex">开始记录</param>  
  529.         /// <param name="pageSize">页面记录大小</param>  
  530.         /// <param name="tableName">表名称</param>  
  531.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  532.         public DataSet Query(string sqlString, DataSet dataSet, int startIndex, int pageSize, string tableName)  
  533.         {  
  534.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  535.             {  
  536.                 iConn.Open();  
  537.                 try  
  538.                 {  
  539.                     IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(sqlString, iConn);  
  541.                     ((OleDbDataAdapter)iAdapter).Fill(dataSet, startIndex, pageSize, tableName);  
  543.                     return dataSet;  
  544.                 }  
  545.                 catch (Exception ex)  
  546.                 {  
  547.                     throw new Exception(ex.Message);  
  548.                 }  
  549.                 finally  
  550.                 {  
  551.                     if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  552.                     {  
  553.                         iConn.Close();  
  554.                     }  
  555.                 }  
  556.             }  
  557.         }  
  558.         /// <summary>  
  559.         /// 执行查询语句,向XML文件写入数据  
  560.         /// </summary>  
  561.         /// <param name="sqlString">查询语句</param>  
  562.         /// <param name="xmlPath">XML文件路径</param>  
  563.         public void WriteToXml(string sqlString, string xmlPath)  
  564.         {  
  565.             Query(sqlString).WriteXml(xmlPath);  
  566.         }  
  567.         /// <summary>  
  568.         /// 执行查询语句  
  569.         /// </summary>  
  570.         /// <param name="SqlString">查询语句</param>  
  571.         /// <returns>DataTable </returns>  
  572.         public DataTable ExecuteQuery(string sqlString)  
  573.         {  
  574.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  575.             {  
  576.                 //IDbCommand iCmd  =  GetCommand(sqlString,iConn);  
  577.                 DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
  578.                 try  
  579.                 {  
  580.                     IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(sqlString, iConn);  
  581.                     iAdapter.Fill(ds);  
  582.                 }  
  583.                 catch (System.Exception e)  
  584.                 {  
  585.                     throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  586.                 }  
  587.                 finally  
  588.                 {  
  589.                     if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  590.                     {  
  591.                         iConn.Close();  
  592.                     }  
  593.                 }  
  594.                 return ds.Tables[0];  
  595.             }  
  596.         }  
  597.         /// <summary>  
  598.         /// 执行查询语句  
  599.         /// </summary>  
  600.         /// <param name="SqlString">查询语句</param>  
  601.         /// <returns>DataTable </returns>  
  602.         public DataTable ExecuteQuery(string SqlString, string Proc)  
  603.         {  
  604.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  605.             {  
  606.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(SqlString, iConn))  
  607.                 {  
  608.                     iCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  
  609.                     DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
  610.                     try  
  611.                     {  
  612.                         IDataAdapter iDataAdapter = this.GetAdapater(SqlString, iConn);  
  613.                         iDataAdapter.Fill(ds);  
  614.                     }  
  615.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  616.                     {  
  617.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  618.                     }  
  619.                     finally  
  620.                     {  
  621.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  622.                         {  
  623.                             iConn.Close();  
  624.                         }  
  625.                     }  
  626.                     return ds.Tables[0];  
  627.                 }  
  628.             }  
  629.         }  
  630.         /// <summary>  
  631.         /// 执行查询,并以DataView返回结果集   
  632.         /// </summary>  
  633.         /// <param name="Sql">SQL语句</param>  
  634.         /// <returns>DataView</returns>  
  635.         public DataView ExeceuteDataView(string Sql)  
  636.         {  
  637.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  638.             {  
  639.                 using (IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(Sql, iConn))  
  640.                 {  
  641.                     DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
  642.                     try  
  643.                     {  
  644.                         IDataAdapter iDataAdapter = this.GetAdapater(Sql, iConn);  
  645.                         iDataAdapter.Fill(ds);  
  646.                         return ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;  
  647.                     }  
  648.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  649.                     {  
  650.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  651.                     }  
  652.                     finally  
  653.                     {  
  654.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  655.                         {  
  656.                             iConn.Close();  
  657.                         }  
  658.                     }  
  659.                 }  
  660.             }  
  661.         }  
  662.         #endregion  
  663.         #region 执行带参数的SQL语句  
  664.         /// <summary>  
  665.         /// 执行SQL语句,返回影响的记录数  
  666.         /// </summary>  
  667.         /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>  
  668.         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
  669.         public int ExecuteSql(string SQLString, params IDataParameter[] iParms)  
  670.         {  
  671.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  672.             {  
  673.                 IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand();  
  674.                 {  
  675.                     try  
  676.                     {  
  677.                         PrepareCommand(out iCmd, iConn, null, SQLString, iParms);  
  678.                         int rows = iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  679.                         iCmd.Parameters.Clear();  
  680.                         return rows;  
  681.                     }  
  682.                     catch (System.Exception E)  
  683.                     {  
  684.                         throw new Exception(E.Message);  
  685.                     }  
  686.                     finally  
  687.                     {  
  688.                         iCmd.Dispose();  
  689.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  690.                         {  
  691.                             iConn.Close();  
  692.                         }  
  693.                     }  
  694.                 }  
  695.             }  
  696.         }  
  697.         /// <summary>  
  698.         /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。  
  699.         /// </summary>  
  700.         /// <param name="SQLStringList">SQL语句的哈希表(key为sql语句,value是该语句的SqlParameter[])</param>  
  701.         public void ExecuteSqlTran(Hashtable SQLStringList)  
  702.         {  
  703.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  704.             {  
  705.                 iConn.Open();  
  706.                 using (IDbTransaction iTrans = iConn.BeginTransaction())  
  707.                 {  
  708.                     IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand();  
  709.                     try  
  710.                     {  
  711.                         //循环  
  712.                         foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in SQLStringList)  
  713.                         {  
  714.                             string cmdText = myDE.Key.ToString();  
  715.                             IDataParameter[] iParms = (IDataParameter[])myDE.Value;  
  716.                             PrepareCommand(out iCmd, iConn, iTrans, cmdText, iParms);  
  717.                             int val = iCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  718.                             iCmd.Parameters.Clear();  
  719.                         }  
  720.                         iTrans.Commit();  
  721.                     }  
  722.                     catch  
  723.                     {  
  724.                         iTrans.Rollback();  
  725.                         throw;  
  726.                     }  
  727.                     finally  
  728.                     {  
  729.                         iCmd.Dispose();  
  730.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  731.                         {  
  732.                             iConn.Close();  
  733.                         }  
  734.                     }  
  735.                 }  
  736.             }  
  737.         }  
  738.         /// <summary>  
  739.         /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。  
  740.         /// </summary>  
  741.         /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>  
  742.         /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>  
  743.         public object GetSingle(string SQLString, params IDataParameter[] iParms)  
  744.         {  
  745.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  746.             {  
  747.                 IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand();  
  748.                 {  
  749.                     try  
  750.                     {  
  751.                         PrepareCommand(out iCmd, iConn, null, SQLString, iParms);  
  752.                         object obj = iCmd.ExecuteScalar();  
  753.                         iCmd.Parameters.Clear();  
  754.                         if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))  
  755.                         {  
  756.                             return null;  
  757.                         }  
  758.                         else  
  759.                         {  
  760.                             return obj;  
  761.                         }  
  762.                     }  
  763.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  764.                     {  
  765.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  766.                     }  
  767.                     finally  
  768.                     {  
  769.                         iCmd.Dispose();  
  770.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  771.                         {  
  772.                             iConn.Close();  
  773.                         }  
  774.                     }  
  775.                 }  
  776.             }  
  777.         }  
  778.         /// <summary>  
  779.         /// 执行查询语句,返回IDataReader  
  780.         /// </summary>  
  781.         /// <param name="strSQL">查询语句</param>  
  782.         /// <returns> IDataReader </returns>  
  783.         public IDataReader ExecuteReader(string SQLString, params IDataParameter[] iParms)  
  784.         {  
  785.             IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection();  
  786.             {  
  787.                 IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand();  
  788.                 {  
  789.                     try  
  790.                     {  
  791.                         PrepareCommand(out iCmd, iConn, null, SQLString, iParms);  
  792.                         System.Data.IDataReader iReader = iCmd.ExecuteReader();  
  793.                         iCmd.Parameters.Clear();  
  794.                         return iReader;  
  795.                     }  
  796.                     catch (System.Exception e)  
  797.                     {  
  798.                         throw new Exception(e.Message);  
  799.                     }  
  800.                     finally  
  801.                     {  
  802.                         iCmd.Dispose();  
  803.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  804.                         {  
  805.                             iConn.Close();  
  806.                         }  
  807.                     }  
  808.                 }  
  809.             }  
  810.         }  
  811.         /// <summary>  
  812.         /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet  
  813.         /// </summary>  
  814.         /// <param name="SQLString">查询语句</param>  
  815.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  816.         public DataSet Query(string sqlString, params IDataParameter[] iParms)  
  817.         {  
  818.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  819.             {  
  820.                 IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand();  
  821.                 {  
  822.                     PrepareCommand(out iCmd, iConn, null, sqlString, iParms);  
  823.                     try  
  824.                     {  
  825.                         IDataAdapter iAdapter = this.GetAdapater(sqlString, iConn);  
  826.                         DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
  827.                         iAdapter.Fill(ds);  
  828.                         iCmd.Parameters.Clear();  
  829.                         return ds;  
  830.                     }  
  831.                     catch (System.Exception ex)  
  832.                     {  
  833.                         throw new Exception(ex.Message);  
  834.                     }  
  835.                     finally  
  836.                     {  
  837.                         iCmd.Dispose();  
  838.                         if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  839.                         {  
  840.                             iConn.Close();  
  841.                         }  
  842.                     }  
  843.                 }  
  844.             }  
  845.         }  
  846.         /// <summary>  
  847.         /// 初始化Command  
  848.         /// </summary>  
  849.         /// <param name="iCmd"></param>  
  850.         /// <param name="iConn"></param>  
  851.         /// <param name="iTrans"></param>  
  852.         /// <param name="cmdText"></param>  
  853.         /// <param name="iParms"></param>  
  854.         private void PrepareCommand(out IDbCommand iCmd, IDbConnection iConn, System.Data.IDbTransaction iTrans, string cmdText, IDataParameter[] iParms)  
  855.         {  
  856.             if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)  
  857.                 iConn.Open();  
  858.             iCmd = this.GetCommand();  
  859.             iCmd.Connection = iConn;  
  860.             iCmd.CommandText = cmdText;  
  861.             if (iTrans != null)  
  862.                 iCmd.Transaction = iTrans;  
  863.             iCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;//cmdType;  
  864.             if (iParms != null)  
  865.             {  
  866.                 foreach (IDataParameter parm in iParms)  
  867.                     iCmd.Parameters.Add(parm);  
  868.             }  
  869.         }  
  870.         #endregion  
  871.         #region 存储过程操作  
  872.         /// <summary>  
  873.         /// 执行存储过程  
  874.         /// </summary>  
  875.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  876.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  877.         /// <returns>SqlDataReader</returns>  
  878.         public SqlDataReader RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)  
  879.         {  
  880.             IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection();  
  881.             {  
  882.                 iConn.Open();  
  884.                 using (SqlCommand sqlCmd = BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters))  
  885.                 {  
  886.                     return sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);  
  887.                 }  
  888.             }  
  889.         }  
  890.         /// <summary>  
  891.         /// 执行存储过程  
  892.         /// </summary>  
  893.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  894.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  895.         /// <param name="tableName">DataSet结果中的表名</param>  
  896.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  897.         public DataSet RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, string tableName)  
  898.         {  
  899.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  900.             {  
  901.                 DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();  
  902.                 iConn.Open();  
  903.                 IDataAdapter iDA = this.GetAdapater();  
  904.                 iDA = this.GetAdapater(BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters));  
  905.                 ((SqlDataAdapter)iDA).Fill(dataSet, tableName);  
  906.                 if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  907.                 {  
  908.                     iConn.Close();  
  909.                 }  
  910.                 return dataSet;  
  911.             }  
  912.         }  
  913.         /// <summary>  
  914.         /// 执行存储过程  
  915.         /// </summary>  
  916.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  917.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  918.         /// <param name="tableName">DataSet结果中的表名</param>  
  919.         /// <param name="startIndex">开始记录索引</param>  
  920.         /// <param name="pageSize">页面记录大小</param>  
  921.         /// <returns>DataSet</returns>  
  922.         public DataSet RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, int startIndex, int pageSize, string tableName)  
  923.         {  
  924.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  925.             {  
  926.                 DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();  
  927.                 iConn.Open();  
  928.                 IDataAdapter iDA = this.GetAdapater();  
  929.                 iDA = this.GetAdapater(BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters));  
  931.                 ((SqlDataAdapter)iDA).Fill(dataSet, startIndex, pageSize, tableName);  
  932.                 if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  933.                 {  
  934.                     iConn.Close();  
  935.                 }  
  936.                 return dataSet;  
  937.             }  
  938.         }  
  939.         /// <summary>  
  940.         /// 执行存储过程 填充已经存在的DataSet数据集   
  941.         /// </summary>  
  942.         /// <param name="storeProcName">存储过程名称</param>  
  943.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  944.         /// <param name="dataSet">要填充的数据集</param>  
  945.         /// <param name="tablename">要填充的表名</param>  
  946.         /// <returns></returns>  
  947.         public DataSet RunProcedure(string storeProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, DataSet dataSet, string tableName)  
  948.         {  
  949.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  950.             {  
  951.                 iConn.Open();  
  952.                 IDataAdapter iDA = this.GetAdapater();  
  953.                 iDA = this.GetAdapater(BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storeProcName, parameters));  
  955.                 ((SqlDataAdapter)iDA).Fill(dataSet, tableName);  
  957.                 if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  958.                 {  
  959.                     iConn.Close();  
  960.                 }  
  961.                 return dataSet;  
  962.             }  
  963.         }  
  964.         /// <summary>  
  965.         /// 执行存储过程并返回受影响的行数  
  966.         /// </summary>  
  967.         /// <param name="storedProcName"></param>  
  968.         /// <param name="parameters"></param>  
  969.         /// <returns></returns>  
  970.         public int RunProcedureNoQuery(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)  
  971.         {  
  972.             int result = 0;  
  973.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  974.             {  
  975.                 iConn.Open();  
  976.                 using (SqlCommand scmd = BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters))  
  977.                 {  
  978.                     result = scmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  979.                 }  
  981.                 if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  982.                 {  
  983.                     iConn.Close();  
  984.                 }  
  985.             }  
  986.             return result;  
  987.         }  
  988.         public string RunProcedureExecuteScalar(string storeProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)  
  989.         {  
  990.             string result = string.Empty;  
  991.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  992.             {  
  993.                 iConn.Open();  
  994.                 using (SqlCommand scmd = BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storeProcName, parameters))  
  995.                 {  
  996.                     object obj = scmd.ExecuteScalar();  
  997.                     if (obj == null)  
  998.                         result = null;  
  999.                     else  
  1000.                         result = obj.ToString();  
  1001.                 }  
  1002.                 if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  1003.                 {  
  1004.                     iConn.Close();  
  1005.                 }  
  1006.             }  
  1007.             return result;  
  1008.         }  
  1009.         /// <summary>  
  1010.         /// 构建 SqlCommand 对象(用来返回一个结果集,而不是一个整数值)  
  1011.         /// </summary>  
  1012.         /// <param name="connection">数据库连接</param>  
  1013.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  1014.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  1015.         /// <returns>SqlCommand</returns>  
  1016.         private SqlCommand BuildQueryCommand(IDbConnection iConn, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)  
  1017.         {  
  1018.             IDbCommand iCmd = GetCommand(storedProcName, iConn);  
  1019.             iCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  
  1020.             if (parameters == null)  
  1021.             {  
  1022.                 return (SqlCommand)iCmd;  
  1023.             }  
  1024.             foreach (IDataParameter parameter in parameters)  
  1025.             {  
  1026.                 iCmd.Parameters.Add(parameter);  
  1027.             }  
  1028.             return (SqlCommand)iCmd;  
  1029.         }  
  1030.         /// <summary>  
  1031.         /// 执行存储过程,返回影响的行数          
  1032.         /// </summary>  
  1033.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  1034.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  1035.         /// <param name="rowsAffected">影响的行数</param>  
  1036.         /// <returns></returns>  
  1037.         public int RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, out int rowsAffected)  
  1038.         {  
  1039.             using (IDbConnection iConn = this.GetConnection())  
  1040.             {  
  1041.                 int result;  
  1042.                 iConn.Open();  
  1043.                 using (SqlCommand sqlCmd = BuildIntCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters))  
  1044.                 {  
  1045.                     rowsAffected = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  
  1046.                     result = (int)sqlCmd.Parameters["ReturnValue"].Value;  
  1047.                     if (iConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
  1048.                     {  
  1049.                         iConn.Close();  
  1050.                     }  
  1051.                     return result;  
  1052.                 }  
  1053.             }  
  1054.         }  
  1055.         /// <summary>  
  1056.         /// 创建 SqlCommand 对象实例(用来返回一个整数值)      
  1057.         /// </summary>  
  1058.         /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>  
  1059.         /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>  
  1060.         /// <returns>SqlCommand 对象实例</returns>  
  1061.         private SqlCommand BuildIntCommand(IDbConnection iConn, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)  
  1062.         {  
  1063.             SqlCommand sqlCmd = BuildQueryCommand(iConn, storedProcName, parameters);  
  1064.             sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ReturnValue",  
  1065.                 SqlDbType.Int, 4, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue,  
  1066.                 false, 0, 0, string.Empty, DataRowVersion.Default, null));  
  1067.             return sqlCmd;  
  1068.         }  
  1069.         #endregion  
  1070.     }  
  1071. }</pre>  
  1072. <pre></pre>  
  1073. 小注:  
  1074. <pre></pre>  
  1075. <pre></pre>  
  1076. </pre></div>  
  1077. <div><span style="white-space:pre"></span>这个类封装成dll后,相关数据库连接可在,引用该dll项目的app.config文件中写,如果是web程序,这需要修改代码,将构造函数中获取app.config的信息换成获取web.config的信息。</div>  
  1078. <div><a target="_blank" href="http://blog.csdn.net/jiankunking/article/details/17992823">C#使用vs2010封装DLL</a><br>  
  1079. </div>  
  1080. <pre></pre>  
  1081. <pre></pre>  
  1082. <pre></pre>  
  1083. <pre></pre>  
  1084. <div></div>  
  1085. <pre></pre>  
  1086. <pre></pre>  
  1087. <div></div>  
  1088. <pre></pre>  
  1089. <pre></pre>  
  1090. <div></div>  
  1092. </pre>  

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  • angularjs官方教程中的两处错误

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  • stream流常用

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    前言 众所周知 电脑电源管理中包含三大模式 分别是 节能模式 平衡模式 高性能模式 其对电脑的性能影响还是比较大的 但是今天所说的 卓越性能模式 应该很多人都没听说过 又是何方神圣 其为何要隐藏起来不想被人发现 如何开启 卓越性能 模式 右
  • LLaMA微调记录

    本文基于开源代码https github com Lightning AI lit llama tree main执行微调 其他参考链接 Accelerating LLaMA with Fabric A Comprehensive Guid
  • 实验二:使用KMP算法实现字符串的匹配

    1 实验目的 熟练的掌握数据结构中串这种数据类型 学会使用相较于朴素的模式识别算法更加先进的KMP算法进行识别和匹配 同时 在数据结构试验之中熟悉和了解串的性质和使用方法 2 实验要求 输入 通过命令行参数输入原字符串和模式字符串 输出 1
  • 全排列问题

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