



We’re almost at the end of the first quarter of 2020 and lots is happening in the Android community. Android 11 Developer Preview is out, with a lot of new features — but that isn't the focus of this piece.

我们快到2020年第一季度末了,Android社区正在发生很多事情。 Android 11 Developer Preview已经发布,具有许多新功能-但这不是本文的重点。

After the November and December Editions, it’s time to see some new Android libraries released at the start of 2020. Libraries which have made a lot of noise.


1. AnimatedBottomBar (1. AnimatedBottomBar)

First up, we have an animated bottom bar library. This lets you add and remove tabs programmatically as well as through XML.

首先,我们有一个动画的底部栏库 。 这使您可以以编程方式以及通过XML添加和删除选项卡。

It also allows us to intercept tabs from the BottomBar with ease. Intercepting tabs is useful when restricting access to a premium area in your app’s navigation. The sleek animations provide a lot of customization options, from animation interpolators to setting ripple effects.

它还使我们可以轻松地从BottomBar拦截选项卡。 在应用程序导航中限制访问高级区域时,“拦截”选项卡很有用。 流畅的动画提供了许多自定义选项,从动画插值器到设置波纹效果。

app:abb_selectedIndex="1" />

2. RateBottomSheet (2. RateBottomSheet)

Getting users to rate your application is one of the classic ways of promoting it on the Play store and elsewhere. Instead of using the traditional alert dialogs, which can be intrusive at times, this library uses a BottomSheet to prompt the user for a rating. A Bottom Sheet vastly improves the user experience of the application since it lies in the “Thumb Zone.”

让用户对您的应用程序进行评分是在Play商店和其他地方进行推广的经典方法之一。 该库使用BottomSheet提示用户输入评分,而不是使用有时可能会引起干扰的传统警报对话框。 底页位于“缩略图区域”,极大地改善了应用程序的用户体验。

.setInstallDays(1) // 3 by default
.setLaunchTimes(2) // 5 by default
.setRemindInterval(1) // 2 by default
.setShowAskBottomSheet(false) // True by default
.setShowLaterButton(false) // True by default
.setShowCloseButtonIcon(false) // True by default

3. TransformationLayout (3. TransformationLayout)

Here’s a beautiful library for setting up transitions between activities, fragments, and views. It uses Material Design’s motion system transition patterns for creating morphing animations.

这是一个漂亮的库,用于在活动,片段和视图之间建立过渡。 它使用Material Design的运动系统过渡模式来创建变形动画。

The library provides attributes for binding the target view, setting fade and path motion direction among a lot of other customization options.


4.甜甜圈 (4. Donut)

Here’s a doughnut-like graph view library capable of displaying multiple datasets with assignable colors. With fine granular controls, gap capability, animation options and the ability to scale its values proportionally, this library should find its way into your apps that illustrate statistics, like daily goals and more.

这是一个类似于甜甜圈的图形视图库,能够显示具有可分配颜色的多个数据集。 借助精细的粒度控制,间隙功能,动画选项以及按比例缩放其值的功能,该库应该可以在您的应用程序中找到说明每日目标等统计数据的方式。

5. CurveGraphView (5. CurveGraphView)

Last but not the least, we have a library that renders a curved line graph. Besides statistics, line graphs are widely used for displaying stock prices in investment based applications. Other than being performant and having a lot of styling options, this library also supports multiple line graphs within a single plane.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们有一个渲染曲线图 。 除统计数据外,折线图还广泛用于显示基于投资的应用程序中的股票价格。 除了性能出色并具有许多样式选项外,该库还支持单个平面内的多个线图。

Multiple line graphs would be incredibly useful for comparing prices of different stocks, mutual funds, cryptocurrency and more.


new CurveGraphConfig.Builder(this)
.setNoDataMsg("No Data")

结论 (Conclusion)

We’ve seen a range of recently released Android libraries and discussed their possible applications.


I hope these inspire you to come up with your own libraries.


That’s it for this one — thanks for reading.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-top-5-trending-android-libraries-from-q1-2020-45deda73af0f



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