【PyTorch】语言模型/Language model


1 模型描述


  • 统计式的语言模型是一个几率分布。语言模型提供上下文来区分听起来相似的单词和短语。例如,短语“再给我两份葱,让我把记忆煎成饼”和“再给我两分钟,让我把记忆结成冰”听起来相似,但意思不同。
  • 语言模型经常使用在许多自然语言处理方面的应用,如语音识别,机器翻译,词性标注,句法分析,手写体识别和资讯检索。由于字词与句子都是任意组合的长度,因此在训练过的语言模型中会出现未曾出现的字串(资料稀疏的问题),也使得在语料库中估算字串的几率变得很困难,这也是要使用近似的平滑n-元语法(N-gram)模型之原因。
  • 在语音辨识和在资料压缩的领域中,这种模式试图捕捉语言的特性,并预测在语音串列中的下一个字。
  • 在语音识别中,声音与单词序列相匹配。当来自语言模型的证据与发音模型和声学模型相结合时,歧义更容易解决。


  • 这里使用的是Penn Treebank词性标记集
  • 简单地说,语言模型就是用来计算一个句子的概率的模型,也就是判断一句话是否是人话的概率?句子概率越大,语言模型越好,迷惑度越小(from 深入浅出讲解语言模型),因此模型输出是接近人话的文本

2 相关代码

# language model
# Some part of the code was referenced from below.
# https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/word_language_model 
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_
# for dropout

class Dictionary(object):
    def __init__(self): # bi-directional dic
        self.word2idx = {}
        self.idx2word = {}
        self.idx = 0
    def add_word(self, word):
        if not word in self.word2idx:
            self.word2idx[word] = self.idx
            self.idx2word[self.idx] = word
            self.idx += 1
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.word2idx)

class Corpus(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dictionary = Dictionary()

    def get_data(self, path, batch_size=20):
        # Add words to the dictionary
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            tokens = 0
            for line in f:
                words = line.split() + ['<eos>']
                tokens += len(words)
                for word in words: 
        # Tokenize the file content
        # recode all words and tokens
        ids = torch.LongTensor(tokens)
        token = 0
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                words = line.split() + ['<eos>']
                for word in words:
                    ids[token] = self.dictionary.word2idx[word]
                    token += 1
        num_batches = ids.size(0) // batch_size
        ids = ids[:num_batches*batch_size]
        return ids.view(batch_size, -1)

# Device configuration
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

# Hyper-parameters
embed_size = 128
hidden_size = 1024
num_layers = 1
num_epochs = 5
num_samples = 1000     # number of words to be sampled
batch_size = 20
seq_length = 30
learning_rate = 0.002

# Load "Penn Treebank" dataset
corpus = Corpus()
ids = corpus.get_data('data/train.txt', batch_size)
vocab_size = len(corpus.dictionary)
num_batches = ids.size(1) // seq_length

# RNN based language model
class RNNLM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size, hidden_size, num_layers):
        super(RNNLM, self).__init__()
        self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size) # embedding like mapping
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embed_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True)
        self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size) # outlayer is a linear function
    def forward(self, x, h):
        # Embed word ids to vectors
        x = self.embed(x)
        # Forward propagate LSTM
        out, (h, c) = self.lstm(x, h)
        # Reshape output to (batch_size*sequence_length, hidden_size)
        out = out.reshape(out.size(0)*out.size(1), out.size(2))
        # Decode hidden states of all time steps
        out = self.linear(out)
        return out, (h, c)

model = RNNLM(vocab_size, embed_size, hidden_size, num_layers).to(device)

# Loss and optimizer
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

# Truncated backpropagation
def detach(states):
    return [state.detach() for state in states] 

# Train the model
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    # Set initial hidden and cell states
    states = (torch.zeros(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size).to(device),
              torch.zeros(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size).to(device))
    for i in range(0, ids.size(1) - seq_length, seq_length):
        # Get mini-batch inputs and targets
        inputs = ids[:, i:i+seq_length].to(device)
        targets = ids[:, (i+1):(i+1)+seq_length].to(device)
        # Forward pass
        states = detach(states)
        outputs, states = model(inputs, states)
        loss = criterion(outputs, targets.reshape(-1))
        # Backward and optimize
        clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 0.5)

        step = (i+1) // seq_length
        if step % 100 == 0:
            print ('Epoch [{}/{}], Step[{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}, Perplexity: {:5.2f}'
                   .format(epoch+1, num_epochs, step, num_batches, loss.item(), np.exp(loss.item())))

# Test the model
with torch.no_grad():
    with open('sample.txt', 'w') as f:
        # Set intial hidden ane cell states
        state = (torch.zeros(num_layers, 1, hidden_size).to(device),
                 torch.zeros(num_layers, 1, hidden_size).to(device))

        # Select one word id randomly
        prob = torch.ones(vocab_size)
        input = torch.multinomial(prob, num_samples=1).unsqueeze(1).to(device)

        for i in range(num_samples):
            # Forward propagate RNN 
            output, state = model(input, state)

            # Sample a word id
            prob = output.exp()
            word_id = torch.multinomial(prob, num_samples=1).item()

            # Fill input with sampled word id for the next time step

            # File write
            word = corpus.dictionary.idx2word[word_id]
            word = '\n' if word == '<eos>' else word + ' '

            if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
                print('Sampled [{}/{}] words and save to {}'.format(i+1, num_samples, 'sample.txt'))

# Save the model checkpoints
torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'model.ckpt')

3 程序输出


Epoch [1/5], Step[0/1549], Loss: 9.2150, Perplexity: 10046.61
Epoch [1/5], Step[100/1549], Loss: 6.0423, Perplexity: 420.85
Epoch [1/5], Step[200/1549], Loss: 5.9387, Perplexity: 379.44
Epoch [1/5], Step[300/1549], Loss: 5.7512, Perplexity: 314.56
Epoch [1/5], Step[400/1549], Loss: 5.6709, Perplexity: 290.30
Epoch [1/5], Step[500/1549], Loss: 5.1621, Perplexity: 174.54
Epoch [1/5], Step[600/1549], Loss: 5.1755, Perplexity: 176.89
Epoch [1/5], Step[700/1549], Loss: 5.3721, Perplexity: 215.32
Epoch [1/5], Step[800/1549], Loss: 5.1827, Perplexity: 178.17
Epoch [1/5], Step[900/1549], Loss: 5.0756, Perplexity: 160.06
Epoch [1/5], Step[1000/1549], Loss: 5.1428, Perplexity: 171.19
Epoch [1/5], Step[1100/1549], Loss: 5.3263, Perplexity: 205.67
Epoch [1/5], Step[1200/1549], Loss: 5.1895, Perplexity: 179.39
Epoch [1/5], Step[1300/1549], Loss: 5.0724, Perplexity: 159.56
Epoch [1/5], Step[1400/1549], Loss: 4.8528, Perplexity: 128.10
Epoch [1/5], Step[1500/1549], Loss: 5.1661, Perplexity: 175.22
Epoch [2/5], Step[0/1549], Loss: 5.4163, Perplexity: 225.05
Epoch [2/5], Step[100/1549], Loss: 4.5526, Perplexity: 94.88
Epoch [2/5], Step[200/1549], Loss: 4.6929, Perplexity: 109.17
Epoch [2/5], Step[300/1549], Loss: 4.6444, Perplexity: 104.00
Epoch [2/5], Step[400/1549], Loss: 4.5688, Perplexity: 96.42
Epoch [2/5], Step[500/1549], Loss: 4.1592, Perplexity: 64.02
Epoch [2/5], Step[600/1549], Loss: 4.4269, Perplexity: 83.67
Epoch [2/5], Step[700/1549], Loss: 4.3720, Perplexity: 79.20
Epoch [2/5], Step[800/1549], Loss: 4.4036, Perplexity: 81.74
Epoch [2/5], Step[900/1549], Loss: 4.1653, Perplexity: 64.41
Epoch [2/5], Step[1000/1549], Loss: 4.3449, Perplexity: 77.08
Epoch [2/5], Step[1100/1549], Loss: 4.4840, Perplexity: 88.59
Epoch [2/5], Step[1200/1549], Loss: 4.4659, Perplexity: 87.00
Epoch [2/5], Step[1300/1549], Loss: 4.1735, Perplexity: 64.94
Epoch [2/5], Step[1400/1549], Loss: 3.9952, Perplexity: 54.34
Epoch [2/5], Step[1500/1549], Loss: 4.2860, Perplexity: 72.67
Epoch [3/5], Step[0/1549], Loss: 4.4764, Perplexity: 87.91
Epoch [3/5], Step[100/1549], Loss: 3.8185, Perplexity: 45.54
Epoch [3/5], Step[200/1549], Loss: 4.0630, Perplexity: 58.15
Epoch [3/5], Step[300/1549], Loss: 3.8839, Perplexity: 48.62
Epoch [3/5], Step[400/1549], Loss: 3.9263, Perplexity: 50.72
Epoch [3/5], Step[500/1549], Loss: 3.4153, Perplexity: 30.43
Epoch [3/5], Step[600/1549], Loss: 3.8813, Perplexity: 48.49
Epoch [3/5], Step[700/1549], Loss: 3.7443, Perplexity: 42.28
Epoch [3/5], Step[800/1549], Loss: 3.7594, Perplexity: 42.92
Epoch [3/5], Step[900/1549], Loss: 3.4794, Perplexity: 32.44
Epoch [3/5], Step[1000/1549], Loss: 3.6235, Perplexity: 37.47
Epoch [3/5], Step[1100/1549], Loss: 3.7085, Perplexity: 40.79
Epoch [3/5], Step[1200/1549], Loss: 3.8110, Perplexity: 45.20
Epoch [3/5], Step[1300/1549], Loss: 3.4499, Perplexity: 31.50
Epoch [3/5], Step[1400/1549], Loss: 3.2214, Perplexity: 25.06
Epoch [3/5], Step[1500/1549], Loss: 3.5429, Perplexity: 34.57
Epoch [4/5], Step[0/1549], Loss: 3.6315, Perplexity: 37.77
Epoch [4/5], Step[100/1549], Loss: 3.2487, Perplexity: 25.76
Epoch [4/5], Step[200/1549], Loss: 3.5140, Perplexity: 33.58
Epoch [4/5], Step[300/1549], Loss: 3.3193, Perplexity: 27.64
Epoch [4/5], Step[400/1549], Loss: 3.4360, Perplexity: 31.06
Epoch [4/5], Step[500/1549], Loss: 2.9549, Perplexity: 19.20
Epoch [4/5], Step[600/1549], Loss: 3.3490, Perplexity: 28.48
Epoch [4/5], Step[700/1549], Loss: 3.3122, Perplexity: 27.45
Epoch [4/5], Step[800/1549], Loss: 3.2668, Perplexity: 26.23
Epoch [4/5], Step[900/1549], Loss: 2.9631, Perplexity: 19.36
Epoch [4/5], Step[1000/1549], Loss: 3.1250, Perplexity: 22.76
Epoch [4/5], Step[1100/1549], Loss: 3.2380, Perplexity: 25.48
Epoch [4/5], Step[1200/1549], Loss: 3.2806, Perplexity: 26.59
Epoch [4/5], Step[1300/1549], Loss: 2.9988, Perplexity: 20.06
Epoch [4/5], Step[1400/1549], Loss: 2.7011, Perplexity: 14.90
Epoch [4/5], Step[1500/1549], Loss: 3.1112, Perplexity: 22.45
Epoch [5/5], Step[0/1549], Loss: 3.0950, Perplexity: 22.09
Epoch [5/5], Step[100/1549], Loss: 2.8688, Perplexity: 17.62
Epoch [5/5], Step[200/1549], Loss: 3.1285, Perplexity: 22.84
Epoch [5/5], Step[300/1549], Loss: 2.9598, Perplexity: 19.29
Epoch [5/5], Step[400/1549], Loss: 3.1288, Perplexity: 22.85
Epoch [5/5], Step[500/1549], Loss: 2.6090, Perplexity: 13.58
Epoch [5/5], Step[600/1549], Loss: 3.0915, Perplexity: 22.01
Epoch [5/5], Step[700/1549], Loss: 2.9536, Perplexity: 19.18
Epoch [5/5], Step[800/1549], Loss: 2.9605, Perplexity: 19.31
Epoch [5/5], Step[900/1549], Loss: 2.6687, Perplexity: 14.42
Epoch [5/5], Step[1000/1549], Loss: 2.8161, Perplexity: 16.71
Epoch [5/5], Step[1100/1549], Loss: 2.9194, Perplexity: 18.53
Epoch [5/5], Step[1200/1549], Loss: 3.0538, Perplexity: 21.20
Epoch [5/5], Step[1300/1549], Loss: 2.6999, Perplexity: 14.88
Epoch [5/5], Step[1400/1549], Loss: 2.4688, Perplexity: 11.81
Epoch [5/5], Step[1500/1549], Loss: 2.7906, Perplexity: 16.29
Sampled [100/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [200/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [300/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [400/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [500/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [600/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [700/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [800/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [900/1000] words and save to sample.txt
Sampled [1000/1000] words and save to sample.txt


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