spring+springMVC+MyBatis 分页功能代码封装




package com.wlsq.kso.util;

import java.io.Serializable;  
import java.util.ArrayList;  
import java.util.List;  
 * 储存分页处理工具类 在调用此类的方法之前需设置总页数(即得先从数据库查询到相应数据的数据量) 
 * @author ahomeeye 
 * @version 1.0 
public class Pagination implements Serializable {  
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;  
    private int start; // start表示当前页开始的记录数,start=每页行数*(当前页数-1)  
    private int end; // 当前页结束的记录行数  
    private int totalCount; // 总行数  
    private int rowsPerPage = 1; // 每页行数,默认10  
    private int currentPage; // 当前页数  
    private int pageListSize = 6;// 页码列表大小,默认9  
    private List<Integer> pageNumList = new ArrayList<Integer>();  
    public Pagination() {  
        start = 0;  
        end = 0;  
        currentPage = 1;  
        this.totalCount = 0;  
    public Pagination(int totalCount) {  
        start = 0;  
        end = 0;  
        currentPage = 1;  
        this.totalCount = totalCount;  
    public Pagination(int totalCount, int numPerPage) {  
        start = 0;  
        end = 0;  
        this.totalCount = totalCount;  
        currentPage = 1;  
        if (numPerPage > 0) {  
            rowsPerPage = numPerPage;  
     * 执行翻页动作 
     * @param currentPage 
     *            要翻到的目标页码 
     * @return 返回翻页对象 
    public Pagination doPagination(int currentPage) {  
        return this;  
    // 设置起始数  
    public int getStart() {  
        start = rowsPerPage * (currentPage - 1);  
        return start;  
    // 得到起始数  
    public void setStart(int start) {  
        if (start < 0) {  
            this.start = 0;  
        } else if (start >= this.totalCount) {  
            this.start = this.totalCount - 1;  
        } else {  
            this.start = start;  
    // 设置当前页的最后一行的在总记录中的顺序(从0开始)  
    public void setEnd(int end) {  
        this.end = end;  
    // 得到当前页的最后一行的在总记录中的顺序(从0开始)  
    public int getEnd() {  
        if (rowsPerPage * currentPage > this.totalCount) {  
            end = this.totalCount - 1;  
        } else {  
            end = rowsPerPage * currentPage - 1;  
        return end;  
    // 以下4个方法供控制器(struts)调用  
    // 判断能否到第一页;只要能到上一页,肯定就有第一页  
    public boolean firstEnable() {  
        return previousEnable();  
    // 判断能否到上一页  
    public boolean previousEnable() {  
        return currentPage > 1;// 只要不是第一页,就能到上一页  
    // 判断能否到下一页  
    public boolean nextEnable() {  
        return currentPage * rowsPerPage < this.totalCount;  
    // 判断能否到最后一页;只要有下一页,就肯定有最后一页.  
    public boolean lastEnable() {  
        return nextEnable();  
    // 跳到第一页  
    public void firstPage() {  
        currentPage = 1;  
    // 跳到上一页  
    public void previousPage(int cPage) {  
        currentPage = (cPage - 1) > 0 ? (cPage - 1) : 1;  
    // 跳到下一页  
    public void nextPage(int cPage) {  
        currentPage = cPage + 1;  
        if (currentPage * rowsPerPage > this.totalCount) {  
    // 跳到最后一页  
    public void lastPage() {  
        if (this.totalCount % rowsPerPage == 0) {  
            currentPage = this.totalCount / rowsPerPage;  
        } else {  
            currentPage = this.totalCount / rowsPerPage + 1;  
    // 跳到指定的某一页  
    public void gotoPage(int pageNumber) {  
        if (pageNumber <= 1) {  
            currentPage = 1;  
        } else if (getTotalCount() < this.getRowsPerPage()) {  
            currentPage = 1;  
        } else if (pageNumber * rowsPerPage >= this.totalCount) {  
        } else {  
            currentPage = pageNumber;  
    // 设置总行数  
    public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) {  
        this.totalCount = totalCount;  
    // 得到总行数  
    public int getTotalCount() {  
        return totalCount;  
    // 设置每页行数  
    public void setRowsPerPage(int rowsPerPage) {  
        this.rowsPerPage = rowsPerPage;  
    // 得到每页行数  
    public int getRowsPerPage() {  
        return rowsPerPage;  
    // 得到总页数  
    public int getPages() {  
        if (this.totalCount % rowsPerPage == 0)  
            return this.totalCount / rowsPerPage;  
            return this.totalCount / rowsPerPage + 1;  
    // 得到当前页数  
    public int getCurrentPage() {  
        return currentPage;  
    // 设置当前页数  
    public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) {  
        this.currentPage = currentPage;  
    public int getPageListSize() {  
        return pageListSize;  
    // 设置页码列表大小  
    public void setPageListSize(int pageListSize) {  
        this.pageListSize = pageListSize;  
    // 得到页面列表  
    public List<Integer> getPageNumList() {  
        this.pageNumList.removeAll(this.pageNumList);// 设置之前先清空  
        int totalPage = getPages();  
        if (totalPage > this.pageListSize) {  
            int halfSize = this.pageListSize / 2;  
            int first = 1;  
            int end = 1;  
            if (this.currentPage - halfSize < 1) { // 当前页靠近最小数1  
                first = 1;  
                end = this.pageListSize;  
            } else if (totalPage - this.currentPage < halfSize) { // 当前页靠近最大数  
                first = totalPage - this.pageListSize + 1;  
                end = totalPage;  
            } else {  
                first = this.currentPage - halfSize;  
                end = this.currentPage + halfSize;  
            for (int i = first; i <= end; i++) {  
        } else {  
            for (int i = 0; i < totalPage; i++) {  
                this.pageNumList.add(i + 1);  
        return pageNumList;  



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controller 文件

	@RequestMapping(value="/select.action" )	
	public  ModelAndView  Select(HttpServletRequest request){
		 ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
		 int pageSize = Integer
					.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageSize") == null ? "1"
							: request.getParameter("pageSize"));
		 int pageNum = Integer
 					.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageNum") == null ? "1"
							: request.getParameter("pageNum"));
			Map<String, Object> maps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
			maps.put("pageSize", pageSize);
			maps.put("pageNum", (pageNum-1) * pageSize);
	    Developer developer = new  Developer();
		List<Developer> develpers = developerService.selectByDeveloper(maps);
		int count = developerService.selectCountDevelopers();
		Pagination page = new Pagination(count);
		modelAndView.addObject("pnums", page.getPageNumList());
		modelAndView.addObject("currentPage", pageNum);
		modelAndView.addObject("pnext_flag", page.nextEnable());
		modelAndView.addObject("plast_flag", page.lastEnable());
		modelAndView.addObject("last_page", page.getCurrentPage());
		modelAndView.addObject("count", count);
		modelAndView.addObject("pageCount", page.getPages());
		if(develpers != null){
			modelAndView.addObject("developers", develpers);
		return modelAndView;

mybatis配置文件(service 文件名与mybatis 配置文件名一致,这是我们公司老大提供的)

  <select id="selectByDeveloper" resultMap="extendResultMap">
       from developer d,company_type c,s_province s,s_city city,s_district t
       where 1=1 and d.company_type_id = c.company_type_id and s.pid=d.pid and city.cid=d.cid and t.did=d.did
       limit #{maps.pageNum},#{maps.pageSize}


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											<td><c:out value="${developer.username}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.openId}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.acctRealNm}" />
													<c:when test="${developer.acctSex == 0}">
														<c:out value="男" />
														<c:out value="女" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.acctQq}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.acctPhone}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.acctEmail}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.userType}" />
											<td><c:out value="${developer.companyName}" />
													value="${developer.companyType.companyTypeName}" />
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  • 独家

    翻译 张媛 校对 卢苗苗 本文共8269字 建议阅读10分钟 用代码将你的数据集进行多维可视化 介绍 描述性分析是与数据科学或特定研究相关的任何分析生命周期中的核心组成部分之一 数据聚合 汇总与可视化是支撑数据分析这一领域的主要支柱
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    一 实现思想 抽取接口共方法 作为抽象类 然后不同业务实现类继承此抽象类 实现具体业务 分析可知公共部分就是将外系统入参和接口返回参数记录到数据库 将其抽取出来 作为基础抽象类的公共方法 业务类继承此抽象类 使得不用在每一个业务实现类里面重
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