


Cloud computing and IT demands are directly proportional to each other. To deliver consistency with security in cloud many service providers have started a different experiment with connected network servers to improve demand and deployment model in Cloud computing. Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) are the platforms on which businesses with cloud models needs improvement in storage capacity and service waterfall model.

云计算和IT需求彼此成正比。 为了在云中提供安全性一致性 ,许多服务提供商已开始对连接的网络服务器进行不同的实验,以改善云计算中的需求和部署模型。 Iaas (基础架构即服务),PaaS(平台即服务)和SaaS(软件即服务)是具有云模型的企业在其存储容量和服务瀑布模型上需要改进的平台。

In Cloud computing connected network of servers is grouped together to manage and maintain resources of a website in any critical traffic situation. The storage needs of IT industry have increased from 39% to 64% from last year, but a need for more advanced technology for storing large databases was required. Before block storage in the cloud invented businesses with large database capacity used additional servers to store data online and paid for huge server instances.

在云计算中,连接的服务器网络被分组在一起,以在任何紧急流量情况下管理和维护网站的资源。 IT行业的存储需求从去年的39%增长到了64%,但是需要用于存储大型数据库的更先进的技术。 在云中进行块存储之前,发明了具有大数据库容量的企业,他们使用其他服务器在线存储数据并为大型服务器实例付费。

As the storage capacity increased large organizations now buy storage in “blocks” to store data regardless of the size of their cloud server.


Let’s understand what is Block level storage, and how it can store large database easily. In Cloud technology term, a Block, which is used for data storage works in the progression of Bytes and Bits logic to a sudden length which is made up of an ostensible. Aligned data in these blocks are called as Blocked and inserting the data into the blocks is called as Blocking.

让我们了解什么是块级存储,以及如何轻松存储大型数据库 。 用云技术的术语来说,用于数据存储的块以字节和位逻辑逐渐发展为表面上的突然长度的方式工作。 这些块中对齐的数据称为“阻塞”,将数据插入到这些块中的称为“阻塞”。

Once the block is full of information, the data are being read by a computer at the receiving end (send and acknowledged). At the end data is read as a whole block and is implemented on storage devices such as hard disks, optical discs, flash memories like pen drives, magnetic tapes. In past block level file systems has some restrictions but engineers and data analyst worked on it and induced into the storage area network servers via small computer system interface or through high speed fiber channel to store large datasets of any capacity.

一旦块中充满了信息,接收端的计算机就会读取数据(发送并确认)。 最后,将数据作为一个整体读取,并在诸如硬盘,光盘,笔式驱动器之类的闪存,磁带之类的存储设备上实现。 过去,块级文件系统有一些限制,但是工程师和数据分析人员对此进行了研究,并通过小型计算机系统接口或通过高速光纤通道将其引入存储区域网络服务器,以存储任何容量的大型数据集。

Once the acknowledgement of bits and bytes has done the first raw volumes are created and then the operating system of the server interconnects these volumes and utilizes them as standalone hard drives, thus making it flexible for any file format’s storage.

一旦完成对位和字节的确认,便会创建第一个原始卷,然后服务器的操作系统将这些卷互连,并将它们用作独立的硬盘驱动器,从而使其可以灵活地存储任何文件格式 。

The Block level file system utilizes Fibre channel, iSCSI and FCOE protocols. There is no overhead file system like an ext3 so this file system gets full credit for performance as there is a faster access, as they are closer to the server. In Block level file storage Virtual Machine File System supports NFS(Network File System), CIFS (Common Internet File System), HTTP/DAV, FTP and rsync, and much more than its storage formats, which is pretty expensive, but is very much reliable and highly customizable storage and is versatile and speedy.

块级文件系统利用光纤通道, iSCSI和FCOE协议。 没有像ext3这样的开销文件系统,因此,由于文件访问服务器越近,访问速度越快,因此该文件系统的性能得到了充分的肯定。 在块级文件存储中,虚拟机文件系统支持NFS (网络文件系统),CIFS(公用Internet文件系统),HTTP / DAV,FTP和 rsync ,比它的存储格式要贵得多,后者虽然价格昂贵,但非常可靠且可高度自定义,并且用途广泛且速度很快。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-block-level-data-storage-in-cloud-computing-works/



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