python运行时:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow‘



pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed tensorflow


pip install --user --upgrade --ignore-installed tensorflow


pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed tensorflow-gpu
pip3 install tensorflow #cpu
pip3 install tensorflow-gpu


pip3 search tensorflow


tensorflow (2.3.1)                                 - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-qndex (0.0.22)                          - tensorflow-qnd x tensorflow-extenteten
tensorflow-plot (0.3.2)                            - TensorFlow Plot
tensorflow-addons (0.11.2)                         - TensorFlow Addons.
tensorflow-estimator (2.3.0)                       - TensorFlow Estimator.
tensorflow-ops (0.0.0)                             - tensorflow-ops
mesh-tensorflow (0.1.17)                           - Mesh TensorFlow
tensorflow-io (0.16.0)                             - TensorFlow IO
tensorflow-recommenders (0.2.0)                    - Tensorflow Recommenders, a TensorFlow library for recommender
tensorflow-datasets (4.1.0)                        - tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with
tensorflow-scientific (0.2.0.dev0)                 - Scientific modeling in TensorFlow
tensorflow-k8s (0.0.2)                             - Tensorflow serving extension
emloop-tensorflow (0.6.0)                          - TensorFlow extension for emloop.
axion-tensorflow (0.0.5)                           - axion for TensorFlow >=2.2.
daltons-tensorflow (0.0.17)                        - Daltons Tensorflow bindings
tensorflow-extenteten (0.0.22)                     - TensorFlow extention library
Tensorflow-ChatBots (0.0.12)                       - ChatBots supporting TensorFlow
cxflow-tensorflow (0.5.0)                          - TensorFlow extension for cxflow.
tensorflow-compression (1.3)                       - Data compression in TensorFlow
syft-tensorflow (0.1.0)                            - TensorFlow Bindings for PySyft
tensorflow-coder (0.0.2)                           - TensorFlow Coder (TF-Coder): A Program Synthesis Tool for
dask-tensorflow (0.0.2)                            - Interactions between Dask and Tensorflow
tensorflow-tracer (1.1.0)                          - Runtime Tracing Library for TensorFlow
tensorflow-radam (0.15.0)                          - RAdam implemented in Keras & TensorFlow
redhat-tensorflow (0.0.0)                          - A build of TensorFlow by Red Hat
aicoe-tensorflow (0.0.0)                           - A build of TensorFlow by Red Hat
gmlsnets-tensorflow (0.1)                          - GMLS-Nets Tensorflow implementation
tensorflow-transform (0.25.0)                      - A library for data preprocessing with TensorFlow
rh-tensorflow (0.0.0)                              - A build of TensorFlow by Red Hat
sagemaker-tensorflow (                 - Amazon Sagemaker specific TensorFlow extensions.
tensorflow-manopt (0.1.0)                          - A library for manifold-constrained optimization in TensorFlow
tensorflow-qnd (0.1.11)                            - Quick and Dirty TensorFlow command framework
tensorflow-probability (0.11.1)                    - Probabilistic modeling and statistical inference in TensorFlow
tensorflow-determinism (0.3.0)                     - Tracking, debugging, and patching non-determinism in TensorFlow
tensorflow-model (0.1.1)                           - Command-line tool to inspect TensorFlow models
tensorflow-utils (0.1.0)                           - Classes and methods to make using TensorFlow easier
tensorflow-ranking (0.3.2)                         - Pip package setup file for TensorFlow Ranking.
tensorflow-cpu-estimator (1.15.1)                  - TensorFlow Estimator.
tensorflow-io-nightly (0.17.0.dev20201108041428)   - TensorFlow IO
tensorflow-gpu-estimator (2.3.0)                   - TensorFlow Estimator.
tensorflow-lattice-gpu (0.9.8)                     - TensorFlow Lattice provides lattice models in TensorFlow
tensorflow-directml (1.15.3.dev200911)             - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-aarch64 (1.2)                           - Tensorflow r1.2 for aarch64[arm64,pine64] CPU only.
tensorflow-gan (2.0.0)                             - TF-GAN: A Generative Adversarial Networks library for TensorFlow.
tensorflow-tflex (1.13.1rc3)                       - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-fedora28 (1.9.0rc0)                     - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-federated (0.17.0)                      - TensorFlow Federated is an open-source federated learning
tensorflow-rl (0.2.2)                              - tensorflow-rl: Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework.
tensorflow-gpu (2.3.1)                             - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
intel-tensorflow (2.3.0)                           - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-font2char2word2sent2doc (0.0.12)        - TensorFlow implementation of Hierarchical Attention Networks for
                                                     Document Classification
tensorflow-template (0.2)                          - A tensorflow template for quick starting a deep learning project.
tensorflow-rocm (2.3.2)                            - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-cpu (2.3.1)                             - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
essentia-tensorflow (2.1b6.dev236)                 - Library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis,
                                                     with TensorFlow support
tensorflow-quantum (0.4.0)                         - TensorFlow Quantum is a library for hybrid quantum-classical
                                                     machine learning.
tensorflow-encrypted (0.4.0)                       - Layer on top of TensorFlow for doing machine learning on
                                                     encrypted data.
tensorflow-text (2.3.0)                            - TF.Text is a TensorFlow library of text related ops, modules, and
silence-tensorflow (1.1.1)                         - Simple python package to shut up Tensorflow warnings and logs.
tensorflow-cloud (0.1.9)                           - The TensorFlow Cloud repository provides APIs that will allow to
                                                     easily go from debugging and training your Keras and TensorFlow
                                                     code in a local environment to distributed training in the cloud.
tensorflow-fewshot (0.0.3)                         - A Python package for few shot learning training and inference in
                                                     computer vision using Tensorflow.
tensorflow-serving-client (1.0.0)                  - Python client for tensorflow serving
tensorflow-transform-canary (0.9.0)                - A library for data preprocessing with TensorFlow
rav-tensorflow-transform (               - A library for data preprocessing with TensorFlow
tensorflow-serving-api (2.3.0)                     - TensorFlow Serving Python API.
tensorflow-model-analysis (0.25.0)                 - A library for analyzing TensorFlow models
tensorflow-onmttok-ops (0.4.0)                     - OpenNMT Tokenizer as TensorFlow Operations
tensorflow-play (0.0.1)                            - The lightweight engineering TensorFlow wrapper for AI engineer.
                                                     Write less, Reuse more, Scale easily.
tensorflow-hub (0.10.0)                            - TensorFlow Hub is a library to foster the publication, discovery,
                                                     and consumption of reusable parts of machine learning models.
tensorflow-kernels (0.1.2)                         - A package with Tensorflow (both CPU and GPU) implementation of
                                                     most popular Kernels for kernels methods (SVM, MKL...).
tensorflow-graphics (2020.5.20)                    - A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly
                                                     written graphics related ops and utility functions for
tensorflow-io-2.0-preview (0.7.0.dev1369)          - TensorFlow IO
tensorflow-constrained-optimization (0.2)          - A library for performing constrained optimization in TensorFlow
ngraph-tensorflow-bridge (0.18.0)                  - Intel nGraph compiler and runtime for TensorFlow
tensorflow-technical-indicators (0.1.2)            - Technical Indicators as TensorFlow Graph Functions
tensorflow-deploy-utils (1.0.0)                    - Utils for managing and communication with TensorFlow Deploy
intel-tensorflow-avx512 (2.3.0)                    - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
tensorflow-federated-nightly (0.17.0.dev20201107)  - TensorFlow Federated is an open-source federated learning
tensorflow-rocm-enhanced (2.3.2)                   - TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for
simple-tensorflow-serving (                - The simpler and easy-to-use serving service for TensorFlow models
Tensorflow-Telegram-Bot (0.0.2)                    - TensorFlow Telegram Bot which can be used as callback
tensorflow-serving-client-grpc (2.3.0)             - A prebuilt tensorflow serving client from the tensorflow serving
                                                     proto files
neuraxle-tensorflow (0.1.2)                        - TensorFlow steps, savers, and utilities for Neuraxle. Neuraxle is
                                                     a Machine Learning (ML) library for building neat pipelines,
                                                     providing the right abstractions to both ease research,
                                                     development, and deployment of your ML applications.
attention-tensorflow-mesh (0.0.2)                  - A bunch of attention related functions, for constructing
                                                     transformers in tensorflow mesh
tensorflow-serving-api-gpu (2.3.0)                 - TensorFlow Serving Python API.
spark-tensorflow-distributor (0.1.0)               - This package helps users do distributed training with TensorFlow
                                                     on their Spark clusters.
tensorflow-auto-detect (1.11.0)                    - Automatically install CPU or GPU tensorflow determined by looking
                                                     for a CUDA installation.
tensorflow-gcs-config (2.3.0)                      - TensorFlow operations for configuring access to GCS (Google
                                                     Compute Storage) resources.
sagemaker-tensorflow-training (20.1.4)             - Open source library for creating TensorFlow containers to run on
                                                     Amazon SageMaker.
tensorflow-object-detection-api (0.1.1)            - Tensorflow Object Detection Library Packaged
tensorflow-coder-colab-logging (0.0.2)             - Logging utilities for TensorFlow Coder's Colab interface
tensorflow-serving-api-python3 (1.8.0)             - *UNOFFICIAL* TensorFlow Serving API libraries for Python3
tensorflow-graphics-gpu (1.0.0)                    - A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly
                                                     written graphics related ops and utility functions for
yifeif-tensorflow-graphics (2020.6.11)             - A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly
                                                     written graphics related ops and utility functions for
tensorflow-exercise-hx (1.0.1)                     - tensorflow练习:鸢尾花&#31181
tensorflow-enterprise-addons (0.1.1)               - Client-side library suite of TensorFlow Enterprise on Google
                                                     CloudPlatform (GCP), which implements specific integration
                                                     between GCP andTensorFlow APIs.
tensorflow-consciousness (0.1)                     - Supports a variety of biological learning algorithms.
mlops-tensorflow (0.1.0)                           -
tensorflow-privacy (0.5.1)                         -
resnet-tensorflow (0.0.1)                          - Deep Residual Neural Network

查询python 的版本:

Python 3.9.0a4 (tags/v3.9.0a4:6e02691, Feb 25 2020, 23:23:54) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.



python -v
# D:\Python3.9\lib\__pycache__\_sitebuiltins.cpython-39.pyc matches D:\Python3.9\lib\
# code object from 'D:\\Python3.9\\lib\\__pycache__\\_sitebuiltins.cpython-39.pyc'
import '_sitebuiltins' # <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000002885BD175E0>
import 'site' # <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000002885BD05280>
Python 3.9.0a4 (tags/v3.9.0a4:6e02691, Feb 25 2020, 23:23:54) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import 'atexit' # <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>

如下图:Python是3.9 环境是64bit

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow

1:TensorFlow在Windows下,支持Python 3.6版本

conda config --add channels


conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

4:Anaconda3创建一个python3.6的环境,环境名称为tensorflow ,命令如下:

conda create -n tensorflow python=3.6



>> y

打开Anaconda>>Environments 就可看到TensorFlow的选项:

activate tensorflow


pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed tensorflow




>> deactivate

先启动:activate tensorflow


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