


Highlighting and annotating PDF on iPad Pro using Apple Pencil
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The iPad is a great way to read PDFs, but what if you want to highlight parts of it, take notes, or add some text? Here’s how you can do this using the free PDF Expert 7 app.

iPad是阅读PDF的好方法,但是如果您要突出显示它的一部分,做笔记或添加一些文字呢? 使用免费的PDF Expert 7应用程序的方法如下。

You’ll find a plethora of PDF viewer and annotation apps on the App Store. We tested a handful of them before recommending PDF Expert 7. The app strikes the right balance between simplicity and functionality. The interface is easy to understand, and you can pick up the features quite easily.

您可以在App Store上找到大量的PDF查看器和注释应用程序。 在推荐PDF Expert 7之前,我们测试了其中的少数几个。该应用程序在简单性和功能性之间取得了适当的平衡。 界面易于理解,您可以轻松选择功能。

PDF Expert 7 is Readdle’s free PDF editor app for iPhone and iPad. The free version of the app lets you highlight, annotate, and take notes on the iPad. If you want to edit the PDF text or the pages themselves, you can pay for the $49.99/year PDF Expert Pro subscription.

PDF Expert 7是Readdle用于iPhone和iPad的免费PDF编辑器应用程序。 该应用程序的免费版本可让您在iPad上突出显示,注释和记笔记。 如果要编辑PDF文本或页面本身,则可以支付$ 49.99 /年的PDF Expert Pro订阅费用。

iPad的PDF Expert 7入门 (Getting Started with PDF Expert 7 for iPad)

Once you download the PDF Expert 7 app, open it and look around. You can use its sample PDF to learn how to use the app as well.

下载PDF Expert 7应用后,将其打开并环顾四周。 您可以使用其样本PDF来学习如何使用该应用程序。

Now, go to the app where you’ve saved the PDF that you want to highlight. This can be the Files app, Books app, or even Safari. After opening the PDF, tap on the “Share” button.

现在,转到已保存要突出显示的PDF的应用程序。 这可以是“文件”应用,“图书”应用甚至是Safari 。 打开PDF后,点击“共享”按钮。

Here, from the Apps section, tap on the “More” button.


Then, choose the “Copy to PDF Expert” option. If you’re using iPadOS 13 or higher, you’ll also find the “Copy to PDF Expert” option at the bottom of the Share sheet in the Actions section.

然后,选择“复制到PDF专家”选项。 如果您使用的是iPadOS 13或更高版本,还可以在“操作”部分的“ 共享”表底部找到“复制到PDF专家”选项。

This action will directly open the PDF Expert 7 app, with the PDF imported and ready to go.

此操作将直接打开PDF Expert 7应用程序,并导入PDF并准备就绪。

At the top of the app, you’ll find the tab interface. Here, make sure that the “Annotate” tab is selected. Below it, you’ll see buttons for highlighting text, adding text, using a highlighter tool and the pen tool, and a lot more.

在应用程序的顶部,您将找到选项卡界面。 在此,请确保已选择“注释”选项卡。 在它的下面,您将看到用于突出显示文本,添加文本,使用荧光笔工具和钢笔工具的按钮,等等。

The first tool is the “Highlight” tool. Tap on it to select it. If you want to change the color, you can tap on the color palette icon next to it.

第一个工具是“突出显示”工具。 点击它以选择它。 如果要更改颜色,可以点击其旁边的调色板图标。

Next, tap on the text you want to highlight and swipe until you reach the end. Lift your finger or your Apple Pencil, and the app will highlight the text for you in a neat and orderly fashion.

接下来,点击您要突出显示的文本,然后滑动直到结尾。 抬起手指或Apple Pencil,应用程序将以整齐有序的方式为您突出显示文本。

If you want to underline text instead of highlighting, you can use the “A” icon with an underline.

如果要在文本下划线而不是突出显示,可以在下划线上使用“ A”图标。

You can also first select the text and then take action on it. For instance, select some text where you want to add a note and then from the popup menu, tap on the “Note” button.

您也可以先选择文本,然后对其进行操作。 例如,选择一些要在其中添加注释的文本,然后从弹出菜单中点击“注释”按钮。

The app will show you a notes area. Type out the note and then tap on the “Done” button to go back.

该应用程序将为您显示一个笔记区域。 输入注释,然后点击“完成”按钮以返回。

If you simply want to take notes in the blank area of a page, or you want to highlight words manually, tap on the “Pen” icon from the top (or the “Marker” icon).


Then use your Apple Pencil or your finger to doodle or highlight the page.

然后使用Apple Pencil或手指涂鸦或突出显示页面。

If your handwriting isn’t quite as good, you can tap on the “T” button from the toolbar to create a text box. Here, you can write anything you want on the PDF (and you can customize the font, font size, and the color as well).

如果您的笔迹不太好,则可以从工具栏上点击“ T”按钮以创建一个文本框。 在这里,您可以在PDF上编写任何内容(也可以自定义字体,字体大小和颜色)。

Once you’re done highlighting and annotating the PDF, you’ll want to share it with someone, or you might want to save it to an external drive using the Files app.


To do this, tap on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner, then choose the “Share” option.


The app will now give you three options, all of which will carry over your annotations. You can share the Original Document (with editable annotations, signatures, and form fields), share a Flattened Copy (protecting your annotations and forms from editing), or you can just share the Annotated Pages.

该应用程序现在将为您提供三个选项,所有这些选项都将保留您的注释。 您可以共享原始文档(带有可编辑的注释,签名和表单字段),共享平展副本(保护注释和表单不被编辑),或者您可以共享带注释的页面。

Once you’ve made your selection, tap on the “Share” button.


This will bring up the familiar Share sheet. You can choose the app you want to share it with (like Apple Books, Mail, and so on).

这将弹出熟悉的共享表。 您可以选择要与之共享的应用程序(例如Apple Books,Mail等)。

iPad的替代PDF应用程序 (Alternative PDF Apps for iPad)

If you don’t like PDF Expert 7, take a look at some of the options that we considered during our research for this guide.

如果您不喜欢PDF Expert 7,请查看我们在研究本指南时考虑的一些选项。

苹果书 (Apple Books)

If you simply want to highlight PDFs, you can use the built-in Apple Books app, but we found the app a bit too cumbersome to use. Highlighting with Apple Pencil is not seamless, plus you can only add notes to parts that you highlight. There’s no freeform doodle feature either.

如果您只是想突出显示PDF,可以使用内置的Apple Books应用程序,但是我们发现该应用程序使用起来有点麻烦。 使用Apple Pencil突出显示不是无缝的,此外,您只能在突出显示的部分中添加注释。 也没有自由形式的涂鸦功能。

温馨提示5 (GoodNotes 5)

GoodNotes 5 is considered the most powerful note-taking app on iPad but only a few of the features translate to highlighting and annotating PDFs. While GoodNotes 5 has a feature-rich Pen and Marker tool, the highlight tool is missing altogether (and the Draw in Straight Line option isn’t a good alternative). If you already use GoodNotes 5 for handwritten notes, you can try using it for annotating PDFs as well.

GoodNotes 5被认为是iPad上功能最强大的笔记应用程序,但只有其中一些功能可用于突出显示和注释PDF。 尽管GoodNotes 5具有功能丰富的“笔和记号”工具,但高光工具却完全缺失了(“直线绘制”选项不是一个很好的选择)。 如果您已经使用GoodNotes 5手写笔记,则也可以尝试使用它来注释PDF。

LiquidText (LiquidText)

This is the big-daddy of PDF viewing and editing apps. The app has a unique interface where you can select text from the PDF and drag it to the research area. You can take notes, make drawings, then link them to a particular part of the PDF. If you need to make your way through a 100-page research document on your iPad Pro, LiquidText will feel like a godsend. But for everyone else, PDF Expert 7 is a better option.

这是PDF查看和编辑应用程序的老爹。 该应用程序具有独特的界面,您可以在其中从PDF中选择文本并将其拖到研究区域。 您可以做笔记,制作图纸,然后将它们链接到PDF的特定部分。 如果您需要遍历iPad Pro上长达100页的研究文档, LiquidText就像是天赐之物。 但是对于其他所有人,PDF Expert 7是更好的选择。

Apple Pencil isn’t the only input method that you can use on your iPad. Starting with iPadOS 13, you can now pair and use a mouse with your iPad.

Apple Pencil不是您可以在iPad上使用的唯一输入法。 从iPadOS 13开始,您现在可以与iPad配对并使用鼠标

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659425/how-to-highlight-and-annotate-pdfs-on-your-ipad/



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