
最快的安装是用下面的scalapack_installer,它将自动联网安装SCALAPACK以及所需要的BLAS, BLACS,LAPACK。





The ScaLAPACK installer is a set of python scripts developed to ease
the installation of the ScaLAPACK library. It can automatically
download, configure and compile the ScaLAPACK including all its
dependencies that are BLAS, LAPACK and BLACS libraries. All it needs
is the mpi C and FORTRAN compilers mpicc and mpif77 (note that the
names of these compilers may be different than mpicc and mpif77 on
some systems). Please note that this is an alpha version and, even if
it has been tested on a wide set of systems, may not work. In case you
encounter a problem, your feedback would be greatly appreaciated and
would be very useful to improve the quality of this installer.
Please submit your complaints and suggestions to
or on the lapack/scalapack forum:

Note: If you want use a proxy for downloading, the http_proxy environment variable has to be set.

If the required packages cannot be automatically downloaded (for
example, because no network connection is available on the system),
you can take them any way you like from the following URLs and place
them in the build directory (if the directory does not exist, create





Please note that, in the case where the installer is asked to
automatically download and install the BLAS library, the reference
BLAS is installed and, thus, very low performance is to be expected.
It is strongly recommended that you use an highly optimized BLAS
library (like ATLAS, MKL, GotoBLAS, ESSL etc.) and provide a path to
its location through the --blaslib flag.






需要注意的是,这个脚本安装工具会自动设置系统的BLAS链接,如果你需要一个更好的BLAS库,建议你安装优化的BLAS如ATLAS, MKL, GotoBLAS, ESSL等,并且将-blaslib参数指向该库位置。



tar xzvf


--prefix=/opt/mathlibs/scalapack /

--mpibindir=/opt/mpich/intel/bin /

--mpiincdir=/opt/mpich/intel/include /

--blaslib=/opt/mathlibs/gotolib/libgoto.a /

--f90=gfortran /

--downblacs /



root@node8:/softwareBAK/mathlibs/scalapack/scalapack_installer_0.96#./ --prefix=/opt/mathlibs/scalapack --mpibindir=/opt/mpich/ch-p4/bin --mpiincdir=/opt/mpich/ch-p4/include --blaslib=/opt/mathlibs/gotolib/1.1.26/libgoto.a --f90=gfortran --downblacs --downlapack


Setting up the framework


Install directory is... /opt/mathlibs/scalapack

MPI bin dir is /opt/mpich/ch-p4/bin

MPI include dir is /opt/mpich/ch-p4/include

The Fortran 90/95 compiler is gfortran

mpicc : /opt/mpich/ch-p4/bin/mpicc

mpif77 : /opt/mpich/ch-p4/bin/mpif77

Checking if mpicc works... yes

Checking if mpif77 works... yes

Checking if the Fortran 90/95 compiler works... yes

Setting Fortran mangling... -DAdd_

Setting download command...

Checking availability of urllib... available

Testing urllib... not working

Checking availablility of wget... available

Testing wget... working

Setting ranlib command... /usr/bin/ranlib

Detecting Fortran 77 compiler... unknown

Detecting C compiler... unknown

Selected C compiler flags: -O3

Selected Fortran77 compiler flags: -O3

Selected loader flags (C main):

Selected loader flags (F77 main):

Selected NOOPT flags:

Checking loader... works



BLAS installation/verification


Checking if provided BLAS works... yes



Lapack installation/verification


Download and install LAPACK from

Download LAPACK... done

Unzip and untar LAPACK... done

Installing lapack-3.2.1 ...


Writing done.

Compiling lapack-3.2.1 (this will take several minutes)... Installation of LAPACK successful.

(log is in /opt/mathlibs/scalapack/log/laplog )



BLACS installation/verification


Downloading BLACS... done

Unzip and untar BLACS... done

Setting TRANSCOMM... -DCSameF77


Writing done.

Compiling BLACS...done

(log is in /opt/mathlibs/scalapack/log/blacslog )



ScaLAPACK installer is starting now. Buckle up!


Installing scalapack-1.8.0 ...

Writing done.

Compiling ScaLAPACK... Installation of ScaLAPACK successful..

(log is in /opt/mathlibs/scalapack/log/scalog )

Compiling test routines...


done. ScaLAPACK is installed. Use it in moderation :-)





ScaLAPACK installation completed.



Your BLAS library is:



Your BLACS libraries are:





Your LAPACK library is:



Your ScaLAPACK library is:



Log messages are in the




The Scalapack testing programs are in:





directory contains the source code of the libraries

that have been installed. It can be removed at this time.












Installing and testing BLACS and ScaLapack using gnu/pgi compilers






COMMON: in check_linking: cannot link

Cannot link a C main program to a Fortran77 subroutine

Make sure that the appropriate flags are passed to the linker.

command is: /opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpif77 -o lnk tmpf.o tmpc.o

error is:


tmpc.o: In function `main':

tmpc.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `main'

/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/059/lib/intel64/for_main.o:/export/users/nbtester/efi2linux_nightly/branch-11_1/20091013_000000/libdev/frtl/src/libfor/for_main.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here

ld: Warning: size of symbol `main' changed from 80 in /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/059/lib/intel64/for_main.o to 64 in tmpc.o

/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/059/lib/intel64/for_main.o: In function `main':

/export/users/nbtester/efi2linux_nightly/branch-11_1/20091013_000000/libdev/frtl/src/libfor/for_main.c:(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `MAIN__'







ScaLAPACK: error building ScaLAPACK test routines



/opt/mathlibs/gotolib/1.1.26/libgoto.a(sgemm_incopy.o): In function `sgemm_incopy':

../kernel/x86_64/../generic/gemm_ncopy_8.c:(.text+0x9a9): undefined reference to `_intel_fast_memcpy'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[1]: *** [/opt/mathlibs/scalapack/build/scalapack-1.8.0/TESTING/xspblas1tst] Error 1

make: *** [pblasexe] Error 2







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    最快的安装是用下面的scalapack installer 它将自动联网安装SCALAPACK以及所需要的BLAS BLACS LAPACK 下面是简短说明 INTRODUCTION The ScaLAPACK installer is a