



public class Seqlist<T> {

    protected int n;//顺序表元素个数
    protected Object[] element;//顺序表元素

    public static final int MIN_CAPCITY = 16;//顺序表最小容量

    public Seqlist(int lenth) {
        if (lenth < MIN_CAPCITY) {
            lenth = MIN_CAPCITY;
        this.element = new Object[lenth];
        this.n = 0;


    public Seqlist() {



    public Seqlist(T[] values) {

        this(values.length * 2);//this方法调用指定长度的构造方法
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            if (values[i] != null) {
                this.element[this.n++] = values[i];

     public boolean isEmpty()
     return:  是否为空
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (this.n == 0);

    public T get(int i)
    public T get(int i) {

        if (i >= 0 && i <= n) {
            return (T) this.element[i];

        return null;

    public void set(int i,T x)
    public void set(int i, T x) {

        if (x == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("X=NULL");

        if (i >= 0 && i <= this.n) {
            element[i] = x;
        } else {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(i + "");


     public int getSize()
    public int getSize() {
        if (this.n >= 0) {
            return this.n;

        return -1;
        //return null;

    public int insert(int k, T e)
    public int insert(int k, T e) {
        if (e == null) {return -1;}// 为空则return-1
        if (k < 0) {k = 0;} //如果小于0,就查到头部
        if (k >this.n) {k = this.n;} //如果要插入的位置大于当前数组元素数量,就插到尾部

        Object[] source = this.element;//如果不扩容,操作source和element都一样
        if(this.n == this.element.length){
            this.element = new Object[source.length*2];//进行扩容
            for (int j = 0;  j < this.n; j++) {
                element[j] = source[j];//进行赋值

        int m = 0;
        for (int j = this.n - 1; j > k; j--) {
            this.element[j+1] = source[j];
        this.element[k] = e;

        return k;

    public T delete(int index)
    public T delete(int index){

        if( n == 0 || index >n || index < 0){
            return null;

        T temp = (T)element[index];

        if( index == n ){
             this.element[index] = null;

        for (int k = index; k < this.n - 1; k++){
            //T temp;
            element[k] = element[k + 1];
        element[this.n-1] = null;
        return temp;

    public void clear()
    public void clear(){ this.n = 0;}

    public int search(T key)
    return: 如果找到该元素,则返回该元素索引

    public int search(T key){

        for (int i = 0; i < this.n; i++) {

                return i;
        return -1;

    public String toString() {
        String str = this.getClass().getName() + "(";
        if (this.n > 0) {
            str += this.element[0].toString();

        for (int i = 1; i < this.n; i++) {
            str += "," + this.element[i].toString();
        return str + ")";

Test 类进行测试

public class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer [] str = {1,2,3,4};
        Seqlist seqlist = new Seqlist<>(str);




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