

// check ratio requirement b:w:b:w:b = 1:1:3:1:1
bool qr_checkRatio()
    totalFinderSize = 0;    
    for(int i =0;i<5; i++)
        int count = stateCount[i];
        totalFinderSize += count;
        if(count == 0)
            return false;
        return false;

    int moduleSize = ceil(totalFinderSize / 7.0); // scale factor of the finder
    // tolerate some "slop" of the ratio
    double maxVariance = moduleSize*tol_factor;
    bool retVal = ((abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[0]))< maxVariance) &&
    (abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[1]))< maxVariance) &&
    (abs(3*moduleSize - (stateCount[2]))< 3*maxVariance) &&
    (abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[3]))< maxVariance) &&
    (abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[4]))< maxVariance));

    return retVal;


/* group possible finder locations, that is, each location vote in an array, so that 
we can find three largest votes, calculate the mean location of these three groups and
finally draw them on the image
void group_points(vector<Point>& points)
   CvScalar red = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
    /* if the size of vector, number of possible finder locations is greater than 3,
    we need to group them. if not, then just draw them on the image
    if (points.size()>= 3)
        double distance;
        vector<vector<Point>> group(points.size());// every vector stores the finder locations which belong to one group
        vector<int> score(points.size());// store the number of votes
        vector<int> score_index(points.size());// store the index of score when we sort the score
        int temp1;
        int temp2;

        // set values for score_index
        for(size_t k=0; k < points.size();++k)
            score_index[k] = k;

        /* group the points by distance
        check whether point i is near enough to point j (j<i), if so, then vote for j.
        No matter whether i is near to j or not, it will vote for itself
        for(size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
            for (size_t j=0; j < i; ++j)
                distance = sqrt(double((points[i].x-points[j].x)*(points[i].x-points[j].x)+(points[i].y-points[j].y)*(points[i].y-points[j].y)));
                if (distance < tol_distance)
                    score[j] += 1;
             score[i] += 1;

        // sort the score and write new index into score_index
         for(size_t m = 0; m < points.size()-1; ++m)
            for(size_t n = m; n < points.size(); ++n)
               if (score[m]<=score[n])
                temp1 = score_index[m];
                score_index[m] = score_index[n];
                score_index[n] = temp1;
                temp2 = score[m];
                score[m] = score[n];
                score[n] = temp2;

         // calculate the mean location of three groups with largest votes
         vector<Point>::iterator it;
         for (it = group[score_index[0]].begin(); it != group[score_index[0]].end(); ++it)
             qr_point1 += (*it);
         qr_point1.x = qr_point1.x/score[0];
         qr_point1.y = qr_point1.y/score[0];

         for (it = group[score_index[1]].begin(); it != group[score_index[1]].end(); ++it)
             qr_point2 += (*it);
         qr_point2.x = qr_point2.x/score[1];
         qr_point2.y = qr_point2.y/score[1];

         for (it = group[score_index[2]].begin(); it != group[score_index[2]].end(); ++it)
            qr_point3 += (*it);
         qr_point3.x = qr_point3.x/score[2];
         qr_point3.y = qr_point3.y/score[2];

         // output the final finder center location      
        for(int v = 0; v < points.size(); ++v)



//draw a red crosshair on some point of the image
void draw_crosshair(Point qr_point,Mat src,CvScalar color)
    Point up1,up2;
    up1.x = qr_point.x;
    up1.y = qr_point.y -2;
    up2.x = qr_point.x;
    up2.y = qr_point.y +2;
    Point down1,down2;
    down1.x = qr_point.x -2;
    down1.y = qr_point.y;
    down2.x = qr_point.x + 2;
    down2.y = qr_point.y;
    // draw two lines that intersects on qr_point


line( CvArr* img,CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, CvScalar color,int thickness=1, int line_type=8, int shift=0 );

第一个参数img:要划的线所在的图像;第二个参数pt1:直线起点;第二个参数pt2:直线终点;第三个参数color:直线的颜色 e.g:Scalor(0,0,255);第四个参数thickness=1:线条粗细;第五个参数line_type=8, 8 (or 0) - 8-connected line(8邻接)连接 线。4 - 4-connected line(4邻接)连接线。CV_AA - antialiased 线条。第六个参数:坐标点的小数点位数。









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