1012 - iOS之View Controllers的理解




                                   Managing Content in Your App's Windows(link)

                                  -->Displaying and Managing Views with a View Controller(link)

                                  -->Showing and Hiding View Controllers(link)

                                  -->Creating a Custom Container View Controller(link)

                                  (先把这四个基本的文档看了,然后再做UINavigationController,  不能更多了,拖项目了)




Managing Content in Your App's Windows(link)

    --Build your app’s user interface from view controllers, and change the currently visible view controller when you want to display new content.

    这篇文档主要介绍了如何通过view controller来搭建你的用户界面,以及当你想展现新的内容时,如何去更换 当前的 可见的view controller

--Each scene in your app’s UI contains a window object and one or more view objects.

    你的app中的每一个scene都包含了一个window对象多个view视图对象。scene是iOS 13及之后的新特性,具体去看生命周期的相关内容。

--The window serves as an invisible container for the rest of your UI, acts as a top-level container for your views, and routes events to them.

   window对象是一个app中“最最顶级的 不可见的”容器,容纳了你所有的UI视图,而且iOS也是通过window把各种事件路由到各个“你的UI视图”中,例如点击事件,最小化app事件等等。

--The views provide the actual content that users see onscreen, drawing text, images, and other types of custom content.

   而view对象则是提供了“实际的 客户可见的”内容,例如屏幕上的 绘制的文本、图片、其他的 你定义的 视图内容

--Windows are long-lived objects, and you dismiss them only when tearing down your scene's entire UI.




下面是view controller的介绍了:

--A view controller manages a single set of views for your app, and it keeps the information in those views up-to-date.

   一个view controller管理了一群视图,并且view controller需要去保证 与这些视图相关的 信息是最新的。

--Each window has a root view controller, which you use to specify the window's initial set of views.

   每一个window都必须有一个根视图控制器,这个 根视图控制器 你可以用来初始化 你最开始需要的 视图集。

--When you want to change that set of views, you tell UIKit to present or dismiss additional view controllers.

   如果你想改变某个view controller上的视图集,那你可以通过告知UIKit来解除这个view controller或者新增额外的view controller,都可以。

--UIKit handles the transition from one set of views to another, and manages your app's entire interface through your view controller objects.

   UIKit是通过view controller来操纵 一个视图集转换到另外一个视图集的 ,从而是屏幕上的视图发生改变。所以view controller是UI的核心角色。

Define View Controllers for Each Unique Page of Content

--When designing the UI for a new app, first divide that UI into distinct pages of content.

   当你设计一个app的UI时,你首先应该 根据内容的不同 将UI划分成不同的页,这样的思想很重要。

--Only the structure and overall appearance of each page is important;the specific data you display from each page is not.


--In fact, many apps use the same type of page in multiple places, filling each copy with different sets of data.


--Defining a view controller always involves subclassing and adding custom behavior. Every view controller needs to do the following:

    定义一个view conttroller通常需要子类化并且添加一些你自定义的行为,所以定义一个view controller都必须有以下步骤:

  • Fill its views with data, and update those views when data changes.  //用数据填充view,并时刻更新数据

  • Report data changes back to your data model objects. //随时向你的model层对象报告数据的变化

  • Adjust the size, position, and visibility of views to match the current environment. //调整当前view的布局

  • Facilitate transitions to other pages of content.  //促进页与页内容之间的转换。

Choose the Navigation Model for Your Content:

--To make navigating between those view controllers easy, UIKit provides container view controllers that implement common navigation models.

   为了使各个视图控制器之间的导航更加便捷,UIKit提供了 视图控制器容器 container view controller ,这个容器实现了各个view controller之间的通用的导航模型。

--A container view controller is a special type of view controller that manages other view controllers, which are known as its child view controllers.

  一个 视图控制器容器 的目的就是管理其他 视图控制器 ,在其中的其他视图控制器就叫做该容器的 子视图控制器

--The container's job is to position the root view of each child view controller within the bounds of its own view.

  ”视图控制器容器“ 的工作就是把“子视图控制器”的根视图 放在容器“自身视图”的范围之内。

--Always use the UIKit container view controllers to implement the common navigation models:

   UIKit提供了下面这几种 视图控制器容器 给你使用,一般来讲够用了。

  • UINavigationController(link) manages a stack of child view controllers in a navigation interface. Pushing a new view controller onto the stack replaces the previous view controller. Popping a view controller reveals the view controller underneath.


  • UISplitViewController(link) manages two child view controllers side-by-side (when space is available) in a split-view interface. (When space is constrained, the system displays those view controllers in a navigation interface.) This type of interface is also known as a master-detail interface.


  • UITabBarController(link) displays a row of buttons along the bottom of a tab-bar interface. Selecting a button displays the child view controller associated with that button.

        UITabBarController是在视图的底部放置一栏标签栏,标签栏由一排button组成,点击不同的button就展示响应的子视图控制器的视图,这个标签栏也 称作 选项卡栏。

  • UIPageViewController manages an ordered sequence of child view controllers, presenting only one or two at a time, in a paged interface. The user navigates between those view controllers by swiping or tapping.

       UIPageViewController管理了一队列的子视图控制器,也是分屏展示,一个视图只展示一个或者两个子视图控制器的视图,客户可以通过 滑动或者点击 来实现 子视图控制器 之间的导航。


An illustration of the standard UIKit container interface types, including split-view controller, navigation controller, tab-bar controller, and page-view controller.

--You can combine multiple UIKit container view controllers to create new navigation models.

   你可以组合几个UIKit提供的 视图控制器容器 来实现不同的导航模型。

--You can also create new container view controllers of your own, allowing you to create entirely new navigation models that are unique to your app.


--In addition to container view controllers, you can replace the contents of the current view controller with a new view controller at any time.

   除了使用视图控制器容器之外,你也可以直接用 新的视图控制器 来替换当前的视图控制器的内容。不是很懂,单纯是内容?

--Typically, you present new view controllers only as a temporary interruption to the current flow or when your app's UI is very simple.


--For information about how to create your own container view controllers, see Creating a Custom Container View Controller.


Assign a Root View Controller to Each Window

--The root view controller defines the initial navigation model of your window.

  根视图控制器 定义了你的window上最原始的导航模型。

--If you create your windows programmatically, assign a value to the rootViewController property of the window before showing the window.


--Most container view controllers provide minimal UI of their own; the children provide the rest of the content.

   在设计上,你的 视图控制器容器 应该使用尽可能少的UI,而丰富的UI一般事由容器的儿子们提供。

 一个典型的 根视图控制器 结构:

An illustration of the view controllers involved in a typical split view controller interface.






Displaying and Managing Views with a View Controller(link)

    --Build a view controller in storyboards, configure it with custom views, and fill those views with your app’s data.

    这篇文档说的的是:使用view controller来管理你的视图,并为你的视图填充数据;还有就是通过storyboard创建一个view controller。

--Specifically, a view controller manages a view hierarchy and the state information needed to keep those views up-to-date.

    具体来说,view controller就是管理 视图之间的层次结构 和 视图的状态信息 。这些状态信息是用于告知视图时刻处于最新状态的。

--Most custom view controllers you create are content view controllers—that is, the view controller owns all of its views and manages interactions with those views.

   一般来讲,你玩iOS创建最多的 视图控制器 大多都是用来管理自己的“内容视图”的,并且用来管理这些‘内容视图“中的交互。

--Use content view controllers to present your app’s custom content onscreen, and use your view controller object to manage the transfer of data to and from your custom views.

   使用 内容视图控制器 来管理展示在屏幕上的内容,并使用这个 内容视图控制器对象 来管理 视图 与 数据 之间的传递。内容视图控制器只是根据用途 起的一个称呼罢了。


An illustration of the relationship between a view controller, its views, and the data objects from your app.

--As opposed to a content view controller, a container view controller incorporates content from other view controllers into its view hierarchy.

  恰恰与内容视图控制器相反,视图控制器容器 是将其他的视图控制器的内容视图 合并到自己的视图层次结构中,把视图控制器收纳其中,也就相当于把它的内容也是收入囊中了。

--For information about how to implement a container view controller, see Implementing a Custom Container View Controller(link).


--To define a content view controller, start by subclassing UIViewController.

  定义一个 内容视图控制器 都是从继承UIViewController开始的。

Add Views to Your View Controller

--UIViewController contains a content view, accessible from the view property, which serves as the root view of its view hierarchy.


An image of a view controller interface that contains an image view and button.

 --After adding views to a view controller, always add Auto Layout constraints to set the size and position of those views.

    添加自定义的视图到controller的根视图上之后,记得添加自动布局约束来设置 自定义视图的大小和位置,哎,自动布局还没看。

--Constraints are rules that specify how to size and position each view relative to its parent or sibling view, and they ensure that your views automatically adapt to different environments and devices. For more information, see View Layout(link).

    约束是指 ”如何相对于父视图或同级视图调整每个视图的大小和位置的 “规则,这样确保了内容视图能自动适应不同的环境和设备。有关详细信息,请参见超链接。又越挖越多了。★之后再看,现在没时间


Store References to Important Views

--In your storyboard, connect each outlet to the corresponding view, as described in Add an outlet connection to send a message to a UI object(link).

  你可以使用oulet(输出口)关键字来链接你定义的view controller代码和storyboard上面的画图,这样你就可以把它们关联起来了,也就是说你保存了它们的引用,然后就可以去修改这些视图的内容了,具体看超链接

--When you instantiate a view controller, UIKit reconnects any outlets that you configured in your storyboard. UIKit reestablishes these connections before calling your view controller’s viewDidLoad() method, so you can access the objects in those properties from that method.

   ★当你实例化一个view controller的时候,UIKit会重新连接你在storyboard上定义的输出口(outlet),而且在你调用controller的ViewDidLoad()方法之前,UIKit会先重新建立这些输出口的连接,所以你可以直接在ViewDidLoad()方法里面操作这些输出口属性,输出口本身就是一个属性。

--If you create any views programmatically, you must explicitly assign those views to the appropriate properties of your view controller



Handle Events Occurring in Views and Controls

--Controls use the target-action design pattern to report user interactions, and some views post notifications or call delegate methods in response to changes.

    控件使用 目标-行为 的设计模式来报告用户的交互行为的,一些视图是通过 发布通知 或者 调用代理方法 的方式来响应控件的更改的。

--A view controller needs to know about many of these interactions so it can update its views, and you have several ways to make that happen:


  • Implement delegate and action methods in your view controller. This option is simple and easy to implement, but it offers less flexiblity and makes it harder to test and validate your code.

        直接在view controller里面实现 ”代理的方法“ 和 “动作的方法”,这种方式简单,但是不灵活,很难测试和验证你的代码的准确性。

  • Implement delegate and action methods in a class extension on your view controller. This option separates your event-handling code from the rest of your view controller, making it easier to test and validate that code.

        在你的 view controller 的 extension 中实现 “代理的方法”和 “动作的方法”,这种方式把你的 响应交互的方法 从view controller这个大类中分离出来,就是不用都写在一个文件里,这样对你而言,就相对好看一些,容易管理一些,也比较容易测试你的代码。

  • Implement delegate and action methods in dedicated objects that then forward relevant information to your view controller. This option offers the most flexibility and reusability. The separation of responsibilities also makes it easier to write unit tests.

       专门写一个对象来实现 “代理的方法” 和 “动作的方法” ,然后把相关的信息传递给你的view controller,这种方式就更加灵活,也更加方便重用代码,这种分离的思想也极为方便些测试单元。

--To respond to user interactions with controls, define an action method with one of the signatures shown in the following code listing.

    如果你用的是stroryboard编程,然后你的控件要响应用户的交互的话,那么你就要在响应的 动作方法声明 定义前加上@IBAction签名,这样IB才能绑定到相应的方法中。控件是通过方法的参数传递进去方法代码里面的。不要管,反正iOS会帮你传就是了。

Prepare Your Views to Appear Onscreen

--UIKit gives you several opportunities to configure your view controller and views before displaying them onscreen.


--When you instantiate your view controller from a storyboard, UIKit creates that object using its init(coder:) method.

    storyboard是通过调用view controller的init(coder:)方法来实例话view controller对象的。

--If your view controller requires custom initialization beyond what a coder object can provide, you can instantiate it programmatically using the instantiateInitialViewController(creator:) method of UIStoryboard.

   如果你的 自定义的初始化代码 超出了编译器能够提供初始化能力,那么你可手动编程地,使用UIStoryBoard提供的instantiateInitialViewController(creator:)方法来初始化你的对象。

--When you present a view controller onscreen, UIKit must first load and configure the corresponding views, which it does using the following sequence of steps:

     在把你的view controller展示在屏幕上之前, UIKit首先会加载并且配置你的视图,UIKit会按照以下步骤来加载配置:

    1、It creates each view using the view’s init(coder:) method.

        通过init(coder:) 方法来创建view controller 中的每一个view

    2、It connects views to the corresponding actions and outlets in the view controller.

        通过outlet把 视图 与 “动作方法”连接起来

    3、It calls the awakeFromNib() method of each view and the view controller.

         调用view controller的和每一个view的awakeFromNib()方法,从nib文件中获取配置数据。nib文件要看storyboard相关内容

    4、It assigns the view hierarchy to view controller’s view property.

        把view的层次结构分配给view controller的view属性。

    5、It calls the view controller’s viewDidLoad() method.

        最后才调用viewDidLoad() 方法加载view

--At load time, perform only the one-time configuration steps you need to prepare the view controller for use.

   在加载时,上面的五步只执行一次,也就是只加载一次view controller而已。所以你可以充分利用加载的这段时间来配置那些额外的视图,额外是指不是这个storyboard上画的视图。也就是不是通过storyboard加进view controller的那些视图。

--UIKit notifies the owning view controller when its views are about to appear onscreen, and updates the layout of those views to fit the current environment, by calling the following methods in order:

    当视图集出现在屏幕上之前,UIKit会通知视图集的拥有者——即视图集的view controller,并先按顺序调用view controller的以下方法:

    1、It updates the view controller's trait collection based on the target window.

        UIkit基于window来更新view controller的特征集合

    2、It calls the viewWillAppear(_:) method to let you know the view controller’s view is about to appear onscreen.

        UIKit调用viewWillAppear(_:) 方法来让你知道view即将展示,所以你可以在这个方法里面写代码

    3、If needed, it updates the current layout margins and calls the viewLayoutMarginsDidChange() method.


    4、If needed, it updates the safe area insets and calls the viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange() method.

         如果必要的话,UIKit会更新安全区域的内边距并且调用 viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange()方法

    5、It calls the viewWillLayoutSubviews() method.

         UIKit第五步会调用viewWillLayoutSubviews() 方法

    6、It updates the layout of the view hierarchy.

        UIKit更新view controller的视图层次

    7、It calls the viewDidLayoutSubviews() method.


    8、It displays the views onscreen.


    9、It calls the view controller’s viewDidAppear(_:) method.

        展示之后,UIKit会调用view controller的viewDidAppear(_:) 方法

--Update the content of your views in the viewWillAppear(_:) method of your view controller.

    建议在view controller的viewWillAppear(_:)方法中更新的视图内容

--Changing the content of many views triggers an automatic layout update, so making changes in that method avoids an additional layout step


--When making changes, you may use the view controller's traitCollection property to access information about the current environment, such as the display scale or the vertical and horizontal size classes.

    在对视图内容进行修改你,你可能需要用到view controller的tiaitCollection属性,借此属性,你可以访问到当前环境信息,例如视图的显示比例,垂直和水平的大小的类等信息。特征集合tiaitCollection

--Although you can access traits earlier than viewWillAppear(_:), traits aren't guaranteed to be final until that method.

    虽然你可以在viewWillAppear(_:)方法来访问view controller 的特征集合,但是这些特征集合有可能剩下的几个加载步骤中发生改变。

--In iOS 12 and earlier, UIKit only provides a partial set of traits at load time, and doesn't provide a complete set of traits until the viewWillAppear(_:) method. For more information about the available traits, see UITraitCollection(link).

     在iOS 12版本及其以前,UIKit只提供view controller的特征集合中的部分特征,并且只有在调用viewWillAppear(_:)方法之后才提供所有的特征。更多关于view controller的特征集合信息,参考超链接。




Showing and Hiding View Controllers(link)

--Display view controllers using different techniques, and pass data between them during transitions.

这篇文章介绍了用多种技术来展示view controller的视图,还介绍了怎么在 变换view controller的时候 传递数据。


--Every window has a root view controller, which provides the initial content for your window. Presenting a new view controller changes that content by installing a new set of views in the window.

    每一个窗口都有一个根视图控制器,而这个根视图控制器提供了最初始的视图内容给这个窗口。你是通过在window上新建一个view controller 来改变屏幕视图的,因为新的controller有自己的视图集,取代了旧controller的位置。

--When you no longer need the view controller, dismissing it removes its views from the window. You present view controllers in one of two ways:


  • Configure presentations visually in your storyboard


  • Embed them in a container view controller.

        把这些view controller嵌入的视图控制器容器中。

  • Call methods of UIViewController directly.


    上面的两种方式都提供了 不同程度的控制权 来控制 view controller 的展示,和view controller的关闭。我也不知道为啥是两种,可能第一步是可选的吧,因为配置视图,你可以storyboard也可以用编程实现。

Specify Presentations Visually in Your Storyboard File

--A segue is a visual representation of a transition from one view controller to another.

   storyboard的“切入”是一种在两个view controller间的可视化的切换

--When that action occurs, UIKit creates the view controller at the other end of the segue and presents it automatically.

   ”切入“segue表征着一个动作,当该动作发生时,UIKit就会在“切入”箭头的末端自动地新建一个view controller并呈现它。


An illustration of a segue between two view controllers. Tapping a table row in the first view controller triggers the segue.

--Start a segue from any object that implements an action method, such as a control or gesture recognizer


--The storyboard shows segues as an arrow between two view controllers.

   在storyboard中,“切入”用一个箭头来表示两个view controller间的关系

--You use this information at runtime to customize the segue further, as described in Customizing the Behavior of Segue-Based Presentations(link).

   你在storyboard选择segue的时候,会有segue的相关信息配置,你可以使用seguw这些信息来修改你的view controller之间的切换行为,或者其他行为,也可以在运行期间修改这些信息来修改自定义你的segue行为。如何定义segue的行为,参考超链接

--For information about how to dismiss a view controller in your storyboards, see Dismissing a View Controller with an Unwind Segue(link).

    更多关于如何在storyboard关闭你的view controller 的信息,参考超链接。


Let the Current Context Define the Presentation Technique


--Reusing the same view controller in multiple places creates a potential problem: presenting it in different ways based on the current context.

   在多个地方重用同一个view controller潜在这样的一个现象:展示view controller的时候,可能要基于当前的 上下文环境 来以不同的方式呈现view controller。

--For example, you might want to embed it in a navigation controller in one instance, but present it modally in another.

   例如你可能想在当前 上下文 中把view controller嵌入到container中,你也可能想把这个view controller以模态的方式呈现出来。我主要是为了了解一下模态是什么。

    「模型」这个词有「事物的特定抽象模式」的含义,而「状态」一词,可以表示「事物在某种情形下的表现」。这两者结合一下,「模态」这个词便呼之欲出了。它指的是模式的某种特定的状态。模态框是处于一种特定状态下的窗体,它会把我们从正常状态中中断出来,将关注点放在这个特定状态的处理上。例如删除文件,系统就会弹出一个窗体,强制要求你确认或者取消,这个窗体就叫做模态窗体。当模态框出现的时候,它会屏蔽掉所有其他操作,用户可关注的范围只限于当前的模态框内部,除非你特意去关闭这个模态框,结束这种中断,回到原先正常的流程中去。当然模态框这种设计理念,暗含着一种强制性的思路。所以模态就是某种模型下的某种特定状态,例如 在北京的广东人 ,广东人是模型,在北京是状态。广东人已经对张三这个具体的人抽象了一层了。



--UIKit solves this problem with the show(_:sender:) and showDetailViewController(_:sender:) methods of UIViewController, which present the view controller in the most appropriate way for the current context.

   为了解决在 当前上下文 中以最恰当的方式呈现view controller ,UIKit提供了show(_:sender:)showDetailViewController(_:sender:) 两个方法给你使用。

--When you call the show(_:sender:) or showDetailViewController(_:sender:) method, UIKit determines the most appropriate context for the presentation.Specifically, it calls the targetViewController(forAction:sender:) method to search for a parent view controller that implements the corresponding show method.

    当你调用show(_:sender:)方法时,UIKit是通过调用targetViewController(forAction:sender:)方法来从继承层次中向上(父类)查找实现了show(_:sender:) 的view controller 的并执行该show(_:sender:)方法的,然后呈现。

--A UINavigationController object's implementation of the show(_:sender:) method pushes the new view controller onto its navigation stack.

   例如,一个UINavigationController对象实现的show方法就是把一个新的view controller推进导航栈中。


Embed a View Controller Inside a Container View Controller

--Embedding a child view controller presents it using a container-specific approach. For example, a navigation controller initially positions the child view controller offscreen and then animates it into position onscreen.

  vc container是用特定的方式来表示 嵌入子视图控制器 这个过程的。例如,导航控制器最初是把 子视图控制器 放置在屏幕外的,然后再动画式的把 VC 移到屏幕中。

--The standard UIKit container view controllers work with segues and the show(_:sender:) and showDetailViewController(_:sender:) methods to embed view controllers as children.

   在stroryboard的segues方式中,UIKit是通过调用show方法来嵌入移除子 VC 的。纯编程嵌入移除子VC的话,也有相应的API提供。

--Use the methods in the following table to perform one-time configuration of your view controller, for example when restoring your app's UI to a previous state.

    一次性配置VC的方法,例如将VC的 UI 恢复到前一状态下的UI。就介绍了四个 container VC的总共四个方法,看原文。


Present a View Controller Modally


--Use modal presentations to create temporary interruptions in your app's workflow, such as prompting the user for important information.

    模态是指 打断当前的app工作流 来显式视图,例如提示客户输入重要信息时。

--A modal presentation covers the current view controller wholly or partially, depending on the presentation style you use.

   模态的显示 是覆盖 整个屏幕还是部分屏幕 取决于当前环境的显示 的风格。确切来讲就是trait environment。To configure a --modal presentation, create the new view controller and call the present(_:animated:completion:) method.

    你可以通过调用 VC 的present方法来进行模态显示。

--To change the styles, modify the modalPresentationStyle and modalTransitionStyle properties of the view controller you present.

   你可以通过修改 VC 的 modalPresentationStylemodalTransitionStyle 属性来修改模态显示的风格。

--To dismiss a modally presented view controller, call the view controller's dismiss(animated:completion:) method.

   移除 VC 的模态显示,你可以调用dismiss方法。



Creating a Custom Container View Controller (link)

--Create a composite interface by combining content from one or more view controllers with other custom views.

container的作用就是,通过将来自 “一个或多个视图控制器的内容”与“其他自定义视图“ 进行组合 来创建复合界面。


--Container view controllers promote better encapsulation by separating out your content from how you display that content onscreen.

  container 将“你的视图内容”与你展示内容的“方式”分离,从而提供了更好的封装性。

--Unlike a content view controller that displays your app’s data, a container view controller displays other view controllers, arranging them onscreen and handling navigation between them.

   container VC 的主要目的不在于展示 VC ,而在于如何在各个子VC之间导航,还有如何协调各个子VC。当不要忘记container VC自身也是一个VC,它也可以有自己的视图内容的。

--Each child continues to manage its own view hierarchy, but the container manages the position and size of that child’s root view.

   container VC 会合并“子VC的视图内容”到自己的视图层次中,管理子VC的根视图的大小和位置。但是子VC仍然自己管理自己的视图层次。




 Add a Child View Controller Programmatically to Your Content


--For each new child view controller you add to your interface, perform the following steps in order:


    1、Call the addChild(_:) method of your container view controller to configure the containment relationship.

         在你的 container VC中调用addChild方法 来确定容纳关系

    2、Add the child’s root view to your container’s view hierarchy.


    3、Add constraints to set the size and position of the child’s root view.


    4、Call the didMove(toParent:) method of the child view controller to notify it that the transition is complete.


--The following example code instantiates a new child view controller from a storyboard and embeds it as a child of the current view controller.


// Create a child view controller and add it to the current view controller.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name : "Main", bundle : .main) ;
if let viewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier : “imageViewController") as? ImageViewController {
   // Add the view controller to the container.
   // Create and activate the constraints for the child’s view.
   onscreenConstraints = configureConstraintsForContainedView(containedView  : viewController.view, stage : .onscreen)
   // Notify the child view controller that the move is complete.       
   viewController.didMove(toParent: self)

 -- UIKit normally routes information to each of your app’s view controllers independently.When a container-child relationship exists, UIKit routes many requests through the container view controller first, giving it a chance to alter the behavior for any child view controllers.

   一般来讲UIKit会独立的分发消息到各个VC。但如果是一个container VC的话,UIKit会把消息发给container VC,让container VC来管理对子VC的消息的分发,而不再是独立的分发给子VC了。所以,container VC有强制子VC的外观和行为的能力。


Remove a Child View Controller from Your Content

--To remove a child view controller from your container, perform the following steps in order:

    从你的container VC中移除子VC有以下几个步骤:

    1、Call the child’s willMove(toParent:) method with the value nil.


    2、Deactivate or remove any constraints for the child’s root view.

         第二步、 停用或者移除子VC的根视图

    3、Call removeFromSuperview() on the child’s root view to remove it from the view hierarchy.

          第三步、在子视图的 根VC 中调用removeFromSuperview方法,这样就可以从contianer VC的视图层次移除自身视图了。

    4、Call the child’s removeFromParent() method to finalize the end of the container-child relationship.


--Breaking a container-child relationship tells UIKit that your container view controller is no longer displaying the child’s content. You can still maintain other references to the child view controller. For example, UINavigationController manages a stack of child view controllers, but it maintains a container-child relationship with only one or two of those children at any given time.

    断开容纳关系,意味着,你的 container VC 不再展示子VC的内容了。但是只用你其他地方还持有这个子VC的引用,你仍然是可以直接使用这个子VC的。例如,navigationController在任意一个时刻都只是和一个或者两个子VC保持着 容纳关系 而已,也就是说栈中的其他子VC在这个时刻并不与NavigationController保持着容纳关系,轮到它时才有这种容纳关系。


 Embed a Child View Controller in Your Storyboard UI





--A container view is a proxy view that stands in for the content of a child view controller. When you add one to your interface, it looks like a normal view, but it has an attached view controller.

   一个container视图只是子VC的代理视图,当你添加container视图在storyboard上时,实际上它链接着一个container VC的。

 --However, don’t add any subviews to the container view itself. Instead, add them to the view of the attached view controller.

   不要直接添加子view 在container 的view中,而是将 子VC 添加到 container VC中,以展示 子VC 的方式展示 子view。虽然方法的名字叫做addSubview。

--After creating the new view controllers, UIKit adds them as children of the original view controller you requested. You don’t need to call addChild(_:) yourself.

   当你在storyboard中的container VC添加子VC的时候,UIKit会自动地设置父子关系,不需要你显示地调用addChild方法。


Support Additional Container Behaviors

--Consider implementing the following additional behaviors in your custom container view controllers:

    考虑在你的container VC中实现以下方法,以便实现更多的行为。一般都是很有用的的方法,不然文档不会提及。

  • Override show(_:sender:), and use it to present a new child view controller.


  • Override showDetailViewController(_:sender:), as needed, to present a secondary child view controller.


  • Update additionalSafeAreaInsets to account for decoration views that might obscure the content of your children.


  • Call setOverrideTraitCollection(_:forChild:) to change the traits of your child view controllers. For example, you might designate a child view controller as always horizontally or vertically compact.


  • Override childForScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures or childForHomeIndicatorAutoHidden to let a child view controller determine the behavior for system gestures.

        修改VC的childForScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures or childForHomeIndicatorAutoHidden计算属性,这样可以让子VC来决定响应系统手势的行为。

  • Override allowedChildrenForUnwinding(from:) to limit the set of child view controllers that are targets of an unwind segue action.

        重写allowedChildrenForUnwinding(from:)方法,来限制unwind segue的 目标子VC集 的大小和行为。

For more information, see the descriptions in UIViewController(link).














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