





  • 方法1: 先通过http请求获取用户信息,拿到用户权限角色,然后根据不同的角色去动态的生成路由(Routes),该方法实际是可行的,但是有个缺点,比如我们有路由,路径为/a/b,该路由我们规定SYS_ADMIN能访问而其他角色不能访问,那么我们由于是根据权限生成路由然后传参给useRoute这个hook的,因此会导致 其他用户访问的时候会显示是404找不到该页面。
  • 方法2: 在每个路由组件中先判断用户的权限在渲染对应的内容,该方法同样可行,问题是这样很麻烦,需要在每个路由组建中去写权限控制逻辑。
  • 方法3:类似于vue-routerrouter.beforeEach钩子,我们在路由表中每个路由都定义自己可以被访问的权限,然后在每次路由放生变化的时候先判断该用户是否有权限访问,如果有权限就返回对应的路由组件,否则就给到对应的提示信息(也可以是返回一个用于提示没有权限的组件)。这样做的优点就是我们只需要写一套逻辑,一劳永逸,后边添加新的模块的时候只需要在路由表里给到对应的权限即可。



// route.config.ts
export enum Pathnames {
  Login = "/login",
  SignUpPage = "/signup",
  ResetPassword = "/login/resetPassword",
  Dashboard = "",
  UserPage = "/user",
  Profile = "/user/profile",
  AdminManagement = "/user/admin-management",
  OrgnizationManagement = "/user/orgnization",
  RegistTemplate = "/reg-template",
  CreateRegTemplate = "/reg-template/create",
  EditRegTemplate = "/reg-template/:id",
  Geofence = "/geofence",
  CreateGeofence = "/geofence/create",
  GeofenceDetail = "/geofence/:id",
  Pipelines = "/pipelines",
  EditPipeline = "/pipelines/edit/:id",
  ViewPipelineDetail = "/pipelines/view/:id",
  ViewPipelineRunDetail = "/pipelines/view/:pipelineId/runs/:runId",
  Devices = "/device-management",
  GroupDetail = "/groups/:id",
  DeviceDetail = "/devices/:id",
  SettingsTemplate = "/settings-template",
  CreateSettingsTemplate = "/settings-template/create",
  EditSettingsTemplate = "/settings-template/:id",
  OtaUpgrade = "/ota",
  Applications = "/application",
  FileManagement = "/file",
  MainLayout = "/",
  TenantManagement = "/tenants",
  LicenseManagement = "/licenses",
  NotFound = "*",


// user.model.ts
export enum Authority {


export const TENANT_AND_GENERAL = [Authority.TENANT_ADMIN, Authority.GENERAL_ADMIN];

export const NOT_GROUP_ADMIN = [Authority.TENANT_ADMIN, Authority.GENERAL_ADMIN, Authority.OBSERVE_ADMIN];

export const NOT_OBSERVE_ADMIN = [Authority.TENANT_ADMIN, Authority.GENERAL_ADMIN, Authority.GROUP_ADMIN];

export const ALL_AUTHORITY = [Authority.TENANT_ADMIN, Authority.GENERAL_ADMIN, Authority.OBSERVE_ADMIN, Authority.SYS_ADMIN, Authority.GROUP_ADMIN, Authority.GROUP_OBSERVE_ADMIN];


// routes/MainRoute.tsx
import { RouteObject, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import LazyImport from "../components/common/tools/LazyImport";
import { Pathnames } from "./route.config";
const TenantManagement = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/TenantManagement"));
const LicenseManagement = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/LicenseManagement"));
const NotFound = LazyImport(() => import("../components/common/tools/NotFound"));
const Dashboard = LazyImport(() => import("../components/dashboard/Dashboard"));
const MainLayout = LazyImport(() => import("../components/layouts/MainLayout"));
const Login = LazyImport(() => import("../components/system/Login"));
const SignUpPage = LazyImport(() => import("../components/system/SignUpPage"));
const RegistTemplate = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/RegistTemplate"));
const CreateRegTemplate = LazyImport(() => import("../components/regist-template/CreateRegTemplate"));
const Devices = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/Devices"));
const SettingsTemplate = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/SettingsTemplate"));
const CreateSettingsTemplate = LazyImport(() => import("../components/settings-template/CreateSettingsTemplate"));
const Applications = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/Applications"));
const FileManagement = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/FileManagement"));
const GroupDetail = LazyImport(() => import("../components/devices/config/GroupDetail"));
const DeviceDetail = LazyImport(() => import("../components/devices/config/DeviceDetail"));
const UserPage = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/UserPage"));
const Profile = LazyImport(() => import("../components/admin/Profile"));
const AdminManagement = LazyImport(() => import("../components/admin/AdminManagement"));
const OrgnizationManagement = LazyImport(() => import("../components/admin/OrgnizationManagement"));
const ResetPassword = LazyImport(() => import("../components/common/tools/ResetPassword"));
const Geofence = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/Geofence"));
const CreateGeofence = LazyImport(() => import("../components/geofence/CreateGeofence"));
const ViewGeofenceDetail = LazyImport(() => import("../components/geofence/ViewGeofenceDetail"));
const Pipelines = LazyImport(() => import("../pages/Pipelines"));
const EditPipeline = LazyImport(() => import("../components/pipelines/EditPipeline"));
const ViewPipelineDetail = LazyImport(() => import("../components/pipelines/ViewPipelineDetail"));
const ViewPipelineRunDetail = LazyImport(() => import("../components/pipelines/ViewPipelineRunDetail"));

// 自定义react-router v5之前的Redirect组件
export function Redirect({ to }) {
  let navigate = useNavigate();
  useEffect(() => {
  return null;

export interface RouteWithArgs extends RouteObject {
  path: Pathnames;
  auth?: Authority[];
  children?: RouteWithArgs[];

export const allRoutes: RouteWithArgs[] = [
    element: Login,
    path: Pathnames.Login,
    element: SignUpPage,
    path: Pathnames.SignUpPage,
    element: ResetPassword,
    path: Pathnames.ResetPassword,
    element: MainLayout,
    path: Pathnames.MainLayout,
    children: [
        element: Dashboard,
        path: Pathnames.Dashboard,
        auth: ALL_AUTHORITY,
        element: UserPage,
        path: Pathnames.UserPage,
        auth: [Authority.TENANT_ADMIN],
        children: [
            element: <Redirect to={"/user/profile"}></Redirect>,
            path: Pathnames.UserPage,
            element: Profile,
            path: Pathnames.Profile,
            element: AdminManagement,
            path: Pathnames.AdminManagement,
            element: OrgnizationManagement,
            path: Pathnames.OrgnizationManagement,
        element: RegistTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.RegistTemplate,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: CreateRegTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.CreateRegTemplate,
        auth: TENANT_AND_GENERAL,
        element: CreateRegTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.EditRegTemplate,
        auth: TENANT_AND_GENERAL,
        element: Geofence,
        path: Pathnames.Geofence,
        auth: NOT_GROUP_ADMIN,
        element: CreateGeofence,
        path: Pathnames.CreateGeofence,
        auth: TENANT_AND_GENERAL,
        element: ViewGeofenceDetail,
        path: Pathnames.GeofenceDetail,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: Pipelines,
        path: Pathnames.Pipelines,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: EditPipeline,
        path: Pathnames.EditPipeline,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: ViewPipelineDetail,
        path: Pathnames.ViewPipelineDetail,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: ViewPipelineRunDetail,
        path: Pathnames.ViewPipelineRunDetail,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: Devices,
        path: Pathnames.Devices,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: GroupDetail,
        path: Pathnames.GroupDetail,
        auth: NOT_OBSERVE_ADMIN,
        element: DeviceDetail,
        path: Pathnames.DeviceDetail,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: SettingsTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.SettingsTemplate,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: CreateSettingsTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.CreateSettingsTemplate,
        auth: TENANT_AND_GENERAL,
        element: CreateSettingsTemplate,
        path: Pathnames.EditSettingsTemplate,
        auth: TENANT_AND_GENERAL,
        element: Applications,
        path: Pathnames.Applications,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
        element: FileManagement,
        path: Pathnames.FileManagement,
        auth: GENARAL_AUTHORITY,
    element: MainLayout,
    path: Pathnames.MainLayout,
    auth: [Authority.SYS_ADMIN],
    children: [
        element: <Redirect to="/tenants" />,
        auth: [Authority.SYS_ADMIN],
        path: Pathnames.Dashboard,
        element: TenantManagement,
        path: Pathnames.TenantManagement,
        auth: [Authority.SYS_ADMIN],
        element: LicenseManagement,
        path: Pathnames.LicenseManagement,
        auth: [Authority.SYS_ADMIN],
        element: UserPage,
        path: Pathnames.UserPage,
        auth: [Authority.SYS_ADMIN],
        children: [
            element: <Redirect to={"/user/profile"}></Redirect>,
            path: Pathnames.UserPage,
            element: Profile,
            path: Pathnames.Profile,
    element: NotFound,
    path: Pathnames.NotFound,

export function createRoutes(auth: Authority): RouteWithArgs[] {
  return allRoutes.filter((route) => !route.auth || route.auth.includes(auth));



// routes/Index.tsx
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo } from "react";
import { useLocation, useRoutes } from "react-router-dom";
import { createRoutes } from "./MainRoute";
import { setLicenseInfoAction, setUserFetchStatus, setWidth } from "../store/actions/config.action";
import { selectAuthority } from "../store/selectors";
import { Store } from "../models/store.model";
import CommonLoading from "../components/common/tools/CommonLoading";
import { userController } from "../controllers/user.controller";
import { licenseController } from "../controllers/license.controller";
import Login from "../components/system/Login";
import * as debounce from "debounce";
import { decryptExpireTime } from "../utils";

const Routes = () => {
  const auth = useSelector(selectAuthority);

  const routes = useMemo(() => {
    return createRoutes(auth);
  }, [auth]);

  const locationData = useLocation();

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const getLicenseExpireTime = useCallback(() => {
    const result = licenseController.getLicenseExpireTime();
      .then((res) => {
        localStorage.setItem("licenseExpire", res);
        let expireTimeStamp = decryptExpireTime(res);
        if (expireTimeStamp === -1) {
          const existLicense = false;
          dispatch(setLicenseInfoAction({ existLicense }));
        } else {
          const existLicense = true;
          const licenseExpire = expireTimeStamp > ? false : true;
          dispatch(setLicenseInfoAction({ existLicense, licenseExpire }));
      .catch(() => {});
    return result;
  }, [dispatch]);

  // 一进来首先校验token
  const checkUserInfo = useCallback(() => {
      .then(() => {
        getLicenseExpireTime().finally(() => {
      .catch(() => {
  }, [dispatch, getLicenseExpireTime]);

  // 设置屏幕宽度监听器
  const watchWindowWidthDebounce = useMemo(() => {
    return function () {
      dispatch(setWidth(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight));
      window.onresize = debounce(() => {
        dispatch(setWidth(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight));
      }, 300);
  }, [dispatch]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [checkUserInfo, watchWindowWidthDebounce]);

  const getUserInfoFinish = useSelector((state: Store) => state.config.getUserInfoFinish);

  const RouteComponent = useRoutes(routes);

  // 通过useRoutes传入配置的路由表来生成路由组建,因此暴露出去的Routes其实就是一个路由组件
  if (locationData.pathname === "/login") {
    return <Login />;
  } else if (getUserInfoFinish) {
    return RouteComponent;
  } else {
    return <CommonLoading title={null}></CommonLoading>;

export default Routes;


import { Box } from "@mui/material";
import { memo, useMemo } from "react";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { matchRoutes, Navigate, Outlet, RouteMatch, useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { Store } from "../../models/store.model";
import { isMobile, selectAuthority, selectUserLoginStatus } from "../../store/selectors";
import CommonLoading from "../common/tools/CommonLoading";
import UploadLicense from "../layouts/UploadLicense";
import Content from "./Content";
import HeaderBar from "./HeaderBar";
import NavMenu from "./NavMenu";
import NavMenuDrawer from "./NavMenuDrawer";
import "leaflet.markercluster";
import "leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css";
import "leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css";
import { allRoutes, RouteWithArgs } from "../../routes/MainRoute";
import { Pathnames } from "../../routes/route.config";
import NoPermissionPage from "../common/tools/NoPermissionPage";

const MainLayout = memo(() => {
  const state = useSelector((state: Store) => state.config);
  const _isMobile = useSelector(isMobile);
  const { isLogin, licenseValid } = useSelector(selectUserLoginStatus);
  const auth = useSelector(selectAuthority);

  const { getUserInfoFinish, collapsed } = state;

  const { pathname } = useLocation();

  const hasPermission = useMemo(() => {
    // 判断用户是否有权限访问该页面
    const matchedRoutes: RouteMatch<Pathnames>[] = matchRoutes(allRoutes, pathname);
    if (!matchedRoutes?.length) {
    // 这里通过matchedRoutes中的auth和当前用户的auth来对比判断是否有权限访问
    const matchedRoute = matchedRoutes[matchedRoutes.length - 1];
    // @ts-ignore
    const route: RouteWithArgs = matchedRoute?.route;
    const allowedAuth = route?.auth;
    return !allowedAuth || allowedAuth.includes(auth);
  }, [pathname, auth]);

  const contentWidth = useMemo(() => {
    if (_isMobile) {
      return "100%";
    return collapsed && !_isMobile ? "calc(100% - 240px)" : "calc(100% - 80px)";
  }, [collapsed, _isMobile]);

  if (!getUserInfoFinish) {
    // 如果还在获取用户信息阶段  就展示loading界面
    return <CommonLoading></CommonLoading>;
  } else if (isLogin && licenseValid) {
    // 如果用户权限校验通过
    return (
          width: "100%",
          height: "100%",
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "space-between",
        {_isMobile ? <NavMenuDrawer collapsed={collapsed}></NavMenuDrawer> : <NavMenu></NavMenu>}
        <Box sx={{ height: 1 / 1, width: contentWidth, transition: "width .3s" }}>
          {/* 判断用户是否有权限访问该页面,如果没有权限就渲染没有权限的页面 */}
          <Content>{hasPermission ? <Outlet /> : <NoPermissionPage />}</Content>
  } else if (!licenseValid) {
    // 如果用户license过期
    return <UploadLicense></UploadLicense>;
  } else {
    // 如果用户权限校验不通过 就跳转到登录页面
    return <Navigate to="/login" />;

export default MainLayout;


<Content>{hasPermission ? <Outlet /> : <NoPermissionPage />}</Content>),


如果hasPermission为true,代表有权限,返回路由组件<Outlet />,反之返回没有权限的提示组件


import { Box, Typography, Button } from "@mui/material";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import MatDialog from "./MatDialog";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";

export default function NoPermissionPage() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  const navigateToHome = () => navigate("/");
  return (
      <MatDialog open={true} hideFooter onClose={null} size="sm" title={null}>
        <Box className="flex flex-column">
          <Typography variant="h3">{t("user.noPermissionForThisPage")}</Typography>
          <Button sx={{ mt: 4, mb: 2 }} variant="contained" onClick={navigateToHome}>






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