3分钟学会在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格


在本文中,您将学习如何在ASP.NET MVC 应用程序中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格。为此,我们将创建一个由功能丰富的网格控件组成的电子表格应用程序,用于显示和编辑 Excel 文件,如下所示:

如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格?Aspose轻松搞定

为了在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建电子表格应用程序,我们将使用Aspose.Cells.GridJs。API 允许您创建基于 Web 的应用程序以快速轻松地显示或编辑电子表格文档。此外,您可以导入流行的电子表格(XLS、XLSX、XLSM、XLSB、CSV、SpreadsheetML、ODS)文件格式(阅读更多)。此外,它还提供了强大而丰富的公式计算引擎,不仅可以计算内置函数,还可以计算自定义公式。

创建 ASP.NET MVC 电子表格应用程序的步骤

以下是在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建基于 Web 的电子表格应用程序的步骤。

1、在 Visual Studio 中创建一个新的ASP.NET Core Web 应用程序(模型-视图-控制器)。

如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格?Aspose轻松搞定

2、从 NuGet安装Aspose.Cells.GridJs。

如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格?Aspose轻松搞定

3、将以下代码插入到HomeController.cs 中。

public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return RedirectToRoute("default",
          new { controller = "GridJs2", action = "List" });

        public IActionResult Privacy()
            return Redirect("https://about.aspose.app/legal/privacy-policy");

        [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
        public IActionResult Error()
            return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });

4、在Models文件夹中新建一个名为TestConfig.cs 的类,并添加以下代码(根据您的环境更改文件夹路径)。

public class TestConfig
    // the directory which contains workbook files
    ///internal static String ListDir = @"D:\tmpdel\storage\wb";
    // temp directory to store files
    ///internal static String TempDir = @"D:\tmpdel\storage\wb\tmp\";


/* Add the following namespaces as well.
using Aspose.Cells.GridJs;
using System.IO;

public class LocalFileCache : GridCacheForStream

    // Implement this method to savecache,save the stream to the cache object with the key id.
    //the source stream///he key id.public override void SaveStream(Stream s, String uid)
        String filepath = Path.Combine(Config.FileCacheDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "streamcache", uid.Replace('/', '.'));
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create))
            s.Position = 0;


    // Implement this method to loadcache with the key uid,return the stream from the cache object.
    //the key id///the stream from  the cachepublic override Stream LoadStream(String uid)
        String filepath = Path.Combine(Config.FileCacheDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "streamcache", uid.Replace('/', '.'));
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open);
        return fs;
    //  implement the url in action controller  to get the file
    //the key id///public override String GetFileUrl(string uid)
        return "/GridJs2/GetFile?id=" + uid;



/* Add the following namespaces as well.

public class GridJs2Controller : Controller

    public ActionResult List()
        //this.ViewBag.list = new List();
        ArrayList dirlistsss = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filelistsss = new ArrayList();

        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(TestConfig.ListDir);

        //find files under the directory
        FileInfo[] fi = dir.GetFiles();
        foreach (FileInfo f in fi)
            String fname = f.FullName.ToString();
        //  ViewData.
        ViewBag.dirlist = dirlistsss;
        ViewBag.filelist = filelistsss;
        return View("~/Views/Home/list.cshtml");

    // GET: /GridJs2/DetailJson?filename=
    public ActionResult DetailFileJson(string filename)

        String file = Path.Combine(TestConfig.ListDir, filename);

        return DetailJson(file);

    private ActionResult DetailJson(string path)
        GridJsWorkbook wbj = new GridJsWorkbook();

            GridInterruptMonitor m = new GridInterruptMonitor();
            wbj.SetInterruptMonitorForLoad(m, 50 * 1000);
            Thread t1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(InterruptMonitor));
            t1.Start(new object[] { m, 90 * 1000 });

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
                wbj.ImportExcelFile(fs, GridJsWorkbook.GetGridLoadFormat(Path.GetExtension(path)));

        catch (Exception ex)

            if (ex is GridCellException)
                return Content(wbj.ErrorJson(((GridCellException)ex).Message + ((GridCellException)ex).Code), "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            return Content(wbj.ErrorJson(ex.Message), "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
        //return File(stream, "application/octet-stream", "streamfile");
        return Content(wbj.ExportToJson(), "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
    private static void InterruptMonitor(object o)
        object[] os = (object[])o;

        catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Succeeded for load in give time.");
    // post: /GridJs2/UpdateCell
    public ActionResult UpdateCell()

        string p = HttpContext.Request.Form["p"];
        string uid = HttpContext.Request.Form["uid"];
        GridJsWorkbook gwb = new GridJsWorkbook();
        String ret = gwb.UpdateCell(p, uid);

        return Content(ret, "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

    // GET: /GridJs2/Xspreadtml
    public ActionResult Xspreadtml(String filename)
        return Redirect("~/xspread/index.html?file=" + filename);

    // GET: /GridJs2/Image?uid=&id=

    public FileResult Image()

        string fileid = HttpContext.Request.Query["id"];
        string uid = HttpContext.Request.Query["uid"];

        return new FileStreamResult(GridJsWorkbook.GetImageStream(uid, fileid), "image/png");

    //if use GridCacheForStream you need to set this api
    // GET: /GridJs2/ImageUrl?uid=&id=
    public JsonResult ImageUrl(string id, string uid)

        return new JsonResult(GridJsWorkbook.GetImageUrl(uid, id, "."));

    private string GetMimeType(string FileName)
        string contentType;
        new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider().TryGetContentType(FileName, out contentType);
        return contentType ?? "application/octet-stream";

    // GET: /GridJs2/GetFile?id

    public FileResult GetFile(string id)

        string fileid = id;
        string mimeType = GetMimeType(fileid);

        return File(GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp.LoadStream(fileid), mimeType, fileid.Replace('/', '.'));

    // down load file

    public JsonResult Download()

        string p = HttpContext.Request.Form["p"];
        string uid = HttpContext.Request.Form["uid"];
        string filename = "123.xlsx";

        GridJsWorkbook wb = new GridJsWorkbook();
        wb.MergeExcelFileFromJson(uid, p);

        GridInterruptMonitor m = new GridInterruptMonitor();
        Thread t1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(InterruptMonitor));
        t1.Start(new object[] { m, 30 * 1000 });
            wb.SaveToCacheWithFileName(uid, filename, null);
        catch (Exception ex)

            if (ex is GridCellException)
                return Json(((GridCellException)ex).Message + ((GridCellException)ex).Code);
        if (filename.EndsWith(".html"))
            filename += ".zip";
        String fileurl = GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp.GetFileUrl(uid + "/" + filename);
        return new JsonResult(fileurl);



/* Add the following namespace as well.
using Aspose.Cells.GridJs;

License l = new License();
LocalFileCache mwc = new LocalFileCache();
GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp = mwc;

8、在Views/Home/index.cshtml 中插入以下代码。

    ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";

9、在Views/Home/文件夹下新建一个名为list.cshtml 的视图,并插入以下代码。

<div id="body" style="  width: 800px; height: 800px; border: 1px solid; overflow-y: scroll; SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #8ccc8c;">
    @foreach (var item in ViewBag.filelist)
        <a href="Xspreadtml?filename=@item" target="_blank"><em> @item   </em>  </a> <br />


如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格?Aspose轻松搞定



以下是我们刚刚创建的 ASP.NET MVC 电子表格应用程序的演示。

如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中创建、读取和编辑 Excel 电子表格?Aspose轻松搞定



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