gre 填空78-89


section 78 median

1.Kinetic dynamic, energizing

Immutable  : not capable of or susceptible to change

2. It is often argued that psychoanalysis, which was _____ at that stage of the eighteenth century, provided the main filter by which death could be looked at,


Pompous having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant

3. Reviews written by music critic and composer Stephenson (注意这个人的作用)were hardly (i)_____ : musicians who performed his music could count on sympathetic coverage, while those who ignored him were held to (ii)_____ standards.

Lucid : clear to the understanding : intelligible

Minimal barely adequate

4. sporadic : occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances

Extermination : to get rid of completely usually by killing off 杀光

Assorted : suited especially by nature or character

5. The strategists who created the European Unions practiced piecemeal (: one piece at a time : gradually)social engineering. Recognizing that perfection is (i)_____, they set limited objectivessomething toward which effort is directed : an aim, goal, or end of action and then mobilize the political will for a small step forward knowing full well (很清楚)that when they achieved it, its (ii)_____ would become apparent and necessitate further measures.

Bromidic : lacking in originality : trite

Salubrious favorable to or promoting health or well-being

6选2 还是要看出逻辑方向

7. Analysis for the structural feather that were thought to _____ kinship between the two species prompted an investigation that dispelled that presumption and revealed that the two share a family history.

Signify to have significance : matter

Underrate : to rate too low : undervalue

point to : to show that something is true or probably true

8. The book captures the _____ of several politicians who spoke publicly of old-time virtues in order to mask private vices.

vice : blemish, defect

ingenuous showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness

dissemblance : the act or the art of dissembling : dissimulation

9. Baker was struck by the amount of _____ she saw at the renowned medical facility; for all their experience, the physicians could not seem to agree on the correct diagnosis for any given patient.

Discordance : lack of agreement or harmony : the state or an instance of being discordant

Contention : a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument

Indecision : a wavering between two or more possible courses of action : irresolution


Nepotism : favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship

Quackery : the practices or pretensions of a quack 


Advance: to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : propose


section 79 hard

Sagaciousness caused by or indicating acute discernment

Perfidious : of, relating to, or characterized by perfidy

2. People who are reluctant to oppose a court nominee straightforwardly on ideological grounds often search for any sort of peccadillo to serve as a _____ their opposition.

Pretext : a purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs

Mitigation 这个缓解的是一个难以承受的东西

Reparation 3: the payment of damages :

3. Britain’s Queen Victoria, however (i)_____ she had been at the beginning of her reign, was politically much more (ii)_____ by the end of her time on the throne, as she resigned herself to the emergence of an increasing powerful electorate that prevented her from stubbornly insisting on getting her own way in matters of state.


5. To get funding and tenured positions, medical researchers have to get their work published in well-regarded journals, where rejection can climb above 90 percent. Not surprisingly, the studies that tend to make the grade are those that make (i)_____ claims. But while coming up with such (ii)_____ claims (转成同义题)is relatively easy, getting the data to bear them out is another matter. When studied rigorously, the great majority of these claims (iii)_____.

bear out : confirm, substantiate

进入hard 模式速度堪忧

6. As the study of the foundation of western Shanghai reveals, there was a sense of elegance in the refined, simple lines that characterized the entire row, bereft of the exuberant, emphatic, assertive, ornament that constituted the latest British architectural fashion, which expressed its detestation of Plalladianism and neoclassicism—London’s Regent Street then being regarded as abhorrent(前面不需要仔细读,精准对应出词,马上选出来,要有重点读)—calling it the product of a (i)_____ “shopocracy”. The (ii)_____ of Western architectural taste—oscillating between simplicity and ornamental (iii)_____(exuberance展示这种风格)—must have bemused Chinese observers who had long accepted that both approaches were valid and could co-exist.

Succinct marked by compact precise expression without wasted words

Frank marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression

8. Given that the department director was such a feeble contributor, sitting silently at important policy meetings and usually deferring to low-level aides, it was surprising that he had such a reputation for _____.


9. Between the late 1800s and early 1900s, various institutional structures emerged that set researchers in scientific fields apart as a professional class and moderated disputes by _____ some kinds of knowledge as real science.

Censure a judgment involving condemnation

Reprehend : to voice disapproval of : censure




section 80 hard

Abhorrent causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred : being so repugnant as to stir up positive antagonism

4. Each new generation of students grow up (i)_____ the world of classical physics, with its mostly intuitive, billiard-ball causality; that is the everyday vantage from which we approach the alien world of quantum physics, which has for this reason never lost its air of (ii)_____.这种对比要看的出来

5. His importance as a critic of African America art and as an art theorist is (ii)_____ if controversial, yet(和上面的主句反) (本应上面那样,但实际)he has received (iii)_____ attention for his unique insight into the broad forces that shaped American modernism and cultural nationalism in the visual arts.

注意if 4: even though : although perhaps•an interesting if untenable argument

6. Vaccine denial has all the hallmarks of a belief system that is not (i)_____.(这一空用下面两句关系做) The notion that childhood vaccines are driving autism rates has been (ii)_____ by multiple epidemiological studies. Yet the true believers (那前面心就不是这么诚了)are (iii)_____, critiquing each new study that challenges their views, and rallying to the defense of disgraced researchers whose work was retracted.


8. Caricature can be revealing as well as amusing, and Ager’s novel is both: Ager’s delineation of class, ethnic, and generational struggle is exaggerated for comical effect, but it _____ nonetheless.

fall short to be deficient

9. Although the claim that no one knows what dark matter is(这个很迷性) remains _____, some scientists dispute the parallel assertion that dark matter has not been detected

注意这里后半句是dispute 因此前半句要赞成方向

Unassailable : not assailable : not liable to doubt, attack, or question

Unverifiable : unable to be confirmed or verified

10. Benjamin Franklin’s reputation is so much one of appearing scientific investigation with commonsense empiricism (the practice of relying on observation and experiment especially in the natural sciences)that it is somewhat startling to realize(这里表转折) how _____ the great experiment’s mentoring truly was.

Speculative conjectural


section 81 hard

1. The chairman, faced with the need to forge a consensus on a number of proposals, acknowledged that it would be difficult to reconcile the push for a radical overhaul with the stance of those who want _____ change.

Indiscriminate注意这个词 haphazard 就是表示思考的不深入


2. The stars’ attitudes toward their glowing press are diametrically opposed: some think it _____ and others take the adulation seriously.




3. Up to the 1970s, histories of science tended to be (i)_____ not least in their focus on discoveries and theories that could be read as anticipating later scientific orthodoxies, rather than on those deemed (to come to think or judge)(ii)_____ in their own periods. Historians of science are now routinely far more sensitive on such scores.这里要能读出时间对应

4. The students seeking undergraduate representation on the board of trustees viewed the impasseimpasse in their negotiations with the administration as (i)_____, since it promised to (ii)_____ the administration’s belief that students should take no part in running the university.

Dismiss to reject serious consideration of


Suspense a: mental uncertainty : anxiety

6. Filler claims that after the social welfare programs of the 1960s, belief that the government has an obligation to provide decent housing for citizens who cannot afford it was (i)_____ in the United States by the notion that providing suitable shelter for everyone should be (ii)_____. Thus today in the (iii)_____ of taxpayer-sponsored initiatives we have volunteer home-construction programs, honorable in intent but pitifully limited in scope这一小部分点出了第三个空

a shared civic responsibility注意这里,这个选项是明显对应不上的

因为这一空的前面提到的是government has an obligation

7. In its few decades of existence, the field of technology assessment has undergone large changes: its original high ambitions to predict consequences of technology have been _____ if not discarded.

Subvert to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : ruin

Modulate to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion : temper

8. Individuals interested in longevity have sought to fine-tune their bodies with all kinds of _____ diets: only raw foods; only plant; only the flesh, fruit, and nuts that prehistoric humans would have hunted and foraged.


Proscription an imposed restraint or restriction : prohibition这里就是有限制的意思

Meager deficient in quality or quantity 这个是量少


9. The baseball players performance during last nights game was impressive, although not _____; others have performed similar feats.这一句根据后文的意思

10. The laboratory maze has grown ever less _____ since it was first invented instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth; today’s scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measured behaviors. 后面时间的对比,照应到前面的句子


section 82 hard

1.Studies of hermaphroditic plants may exhibit sampling bias against self-fertilizing and cross-fertilizing species, thus inflating the frequency of species using a mixed mating system (both self-fertilizing and cross-fertilizing); nevertheless the number of mixed-system species is not _____.

注意很多具体的名词并不重要,只需要知道,前面是一个studies 而后面thus 是一个结果,而nevertheless 是对这个结果的转折,这里最为关键的地方是在于找到关系与两句讨论的共同点

3. It was fine to be (i)_____(这里有点让步的意思) in the old days when papers were still not losing readers and ad revenue was not tough to come by, but many editors today are uneasy(所以前面是一个比较舒服的状态) about bludgeoning their readers with the inherently (ii)_____ work of cartoonists.

Profligate wildly extravagant





Opinionated : firmly or unduly adhering to one's own opinion or to preconceived notions


这两个词是有偏见的意思 a: not in equilibrium


4. Some academic criticism of popular novels has been (i)_____ in character, being based on the assumption that the wider the appeal, the more (ii)_____ the novel.


5. The order applies to all Federal agency whose actions may affect the status of invasive species and requires agencies to identify such actions and to the extent practicable and permitted by law, and since invasive species severely reduce the number of native species and even (i)___(这里表示递进就不能用减少)__ their existence, the agency has determined and made public its determination that the benefits of such actions clearly outweigh the potential harm caused by invasive species; and that all feasible and (ii)_____ measures to (iii)_____ risk of harm of the introduction of invasive species will be taken in conjunction with the actions.


Mawkish exaggeratedly or childishly emotional

Braggart : a loud arrogant boaster

Counterbalance 要有好有坏

Preclude: to make impossible by necessary consequence : rule out in advance

6. Conventionally, the ultimate measure of a scientific work’s validity is how broadly and confidently its conclusions become accepted in the relevant field, which (这里说的是这种接受又源自这个) in turn (i)_____ the extent to which its findings are replicated and extended. However, establishing such validity, especially for a novel experimental finding, can take years, and what (ii)_____ replication or extension may be (iii)_____ for some time.这个并列的意思

7. While the group's street protests assumed an assertory uncompromising tenor, once admitted to the halls of power to begin formal lobbying, the group's leadership wisely chose to _____ the stridency of their rhetoric

Metamorphose: to change strikingly the appearance or character of : transform

Gild to give an attractive but often deceptive appearance to

Succor : relief;also : aid, help

Damp : to diminish the activity or intensity of

Palliate : to moderate the intensity of

Wane to diminish in phase or intensity—used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets


8. His own writing style was _____: colorful and tart in its choice of language, willing to run risks in its allusions, metaphors, and verbal juxtapositions, prone to irreverent conclusions designed to surprise or startle.

Audacious striking

9. Debate rages on between proponents of corporal punishment and the death penalty and their detractors, though even(这里句内有小转折) the most rabid(这一部分做修饰) supporter agrees that punishments must be ___(这里要和rabid取反)__ and(这里的and表示并列关系)(因此前一空要与这里的evenhanded and thorough取同,所以是应当是恰当的) the justice system evenhanded and thorough.




condign: deserved, appropriate meet 这里对应前文的细节



Exploitative:unfairly or cynically using another person or group for profit or advantage


section 83 hard

1. The threat of litigation makes the art authentication industry _____ realm: connoisseurs refuse to communicate in writing and confidential agreements bind authenticators to silence.

Xenophobic 这里并没有别的人

2. Some of the areas of research covered in the collection have already attracted substantial scholarly interest, while others are more _____, hence requiring pioneering effort to map the territory and suggest productive avenues of inquiry.

3. Since he had demonstrated (i)_____ talent as an amateur, several of his acquaintances (ii)_____ a career on the stage, but he followed his parents’ wishes, becoming an engineer.

requisite: essential, necessary

aided him in pursuing 这个选项就是那种和后文反的太厉害了

innocuous  producing no injury : harmless


Nugatory of little or no consequence

Momentous: important, consequential

5. Saul’s particular combination of intellectuality and vitality was not paradoxical; it was category shattering. (i)_____ was, in a way, his very theme. Was ever a bookish soul so cracklingly unmediated, so (ii)_____ raw life? He was as vivid强词 physically as he was mentally, almost perversely alert, completely at home in the world of matter, repulsed by (iii)_____.(最后一句话很多修饰)

Unmediated : not mediated : not communicated or transformed by an intervening agency



6. The difficulty for nineteenth-century advocates of the claim that forests helped regulate climate was that their argument (i)_____ historical anecdote and observations(这个并不可靠). Proving the forest-climate link through verifiable and experimental scientific means rather than observation was (ii)_____ for these individuals注意这些人的特点, a situation that eventually led to the link (iii)_____ justifications for forest conservation. 并不好做


Effectual : producing or able to produce a desired effect

Placebo : something tending to soothe

9. Three of the nation’s largest airlines could be operating under bankruptcy protection in coming weeks, analysts say, the latest sign of the industry’s ___ as it lurches through a historic transformation.



section 84 hard

1. The painter has emphasized the figure’s erect posture(vertical in position) by making it contrast so starkly with the _____ exhibited by trees of the windswept orchard in the background.

Uprightness marked by strong moral rectitude

2. The idea of a “language instinct” may seem _____ to those who think of language as the zenith of the human intellect and of instincts as brute impulses.



Gratifying : giving pleasure or satisfaction : pleasing

Conciliatory : intended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility : tending or intended to conciliate

3. Hidebound by cloying(这个词所要修饰的是后面两个) commercial radio and clueless record executives, the American pop music scene has frequently depended on cities at the edges of the cultural map to provide a much needed shot of (i)_____. (这一空要对应段首的词,有点小转折,这样不好,所以要。。)Seattle, Minneapolis, Austin, Texas, and Athens, Georgia, have all served as temporary pivot points, churning out bands and defining the sound of the moment. Even(递进,加强语气) Omaha, Nebraska, has its 15 minutes not so long ago. The momentary (ii)_____ seems to come out of nowhere—as if someone blows a whistle only those in the know can hear, and suddenly record executives and journalists are crawling all over what had previously been an obscure locale.

Burlesque: to imitate in a humorous or derisive manner : mock

Hidebound: having an inflexible or ultraconservative character

Cloying : excessively sweet or sentimental

Disjunction: a sharp cleavage : disunion, separation

censorship : the institution, system, or practice of censoring

4. The guilty-pleasure of the play lies in its invitation for us to identify with its characters—attractive, articulate young women and young men (i)_____ behavior that, from the outside, may look more than a little (ii)_____(这一个空对应了后文中的意思):(这里用冒号表示前后两句同义重复) though the actions are initially repugnant, we cannot help but share the point of the view of the characters committing them.


lament : to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively : mourn

execrate : to declare to be evil or detestable : denounce

monstrous : shockingly wrong or ridiculous



5. Methods were developed to remove distortions caused by either the research environment or the researcher. Such methods, especially with respect to the researcher, were considered to (i)_____(这里取两个负评价的空,) those (ii)_____ (主观性的入侵)subjectivity whose unbridled expression was thought to otherwise (iii)_____ research.


Obviate: to anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary

6. People accustomed to thinking that the human lifespan (i)_____ the outer bounds of animal longevity tend to dismiss tales of musket balls being found in the shells of living turtles. (第一句是说人的寿命长)Samantha Romney, however, argues that while such stories may be (ii)_____, (这半句让步)some turtles do indeed (这里是让步)exhibit a phenomenon known as “negligible (iii)_____,”(后面相当于however的转折) showing no signs of aging even as they pass the two-century mark.


7. The recent exhibition on Dadaism is nothing if not _____, for the visual arts are currently awash in Dadaist gestures and gambits of one variety or another.


Consolidate to join together into one whole : unite

9. Consuming 25 to 35 percent of their body weight each day, sea otters are not only _____ (照顾前文的意思)but highly specialized eaters, organizing themselves into groups that zero in on specific kinds of prey.


section 85 hard

1. “RESIGNATION”, an English word the French novelist Christian Oster would no doubt

appreciate, presents an elegant paradox: in one sense, it indicated a bold step, a cleaving of oneself from an attachment grown onerous; in another, it’s the height of _____, an acquiescence to fate.




Desperation:Desperation loss of hope and surrender to despair

2. He accused some people who _____ him of being by contrast supportive of another candidate(注意标红的这一部分修饰people, who shared a similar stance on most political issues

Offend: violate, transgress

Excoriate: to censure scathingly

3. To say the actors were (i)_____ their director is an understatement: a director who is visibly bored by his cast and their performances is hard to (ii)_____.


Cast (1): the set of actors in a dramatic production

  • The show features an all-star cast.

注意这里cast 的意思

lambaste: to attack verbally : censure

displease: to incur the disapproval or dislike of especially by annoying

4. Just as (表明了两这个差不多的情况)large manufacturing companies with dominant positions in large domestic markets were once able to resist (i)_____(这里是抵制一个好的东西,却还能生存,与前面的特点进行对比) despite ample signs that foreign competition was rapidly overtaking them, strong and wealthy states can (ii)_____ and still manage to limp along for many years.

Temptation the act of tempting or the state of being tempted especially to evil : enticement


5. For a time in the early Middle Ages, Latin culture came close to (i)_____: the witness to that is the (ii)_____ of manuscript copies of texts datable to the period. The process of copying manuscripts, the only way in which the fragile products of centuries of accumulating knowledge could be preserved, (iii)_____, a situation that did not change for two and a half centuries, until the time of Charlemagne. In the intervening period, much of Classical literature was lost to use forever.


6. Barker’s account of how mores have evolved over time is illuminating. It reveals as (i)_____ and (ii)_____ some values that have often been regarded(这里认为这样regard是错的) as (iii)_____, while uncovering other values that do indeed seem to be universal.

: not negotiable;especially : not open to discussion or reconsideration

Antiquate : to make old or obsolete

有些resilient enduring的value 常常被认为过时,但有些看起来是universal

Liberate to free (something, such as a country) from domination by a foreign power

Transcendent exceeding usual limits : surpassing

Resilient tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change




It reveals some values as .. and ..

换对象一般是不同,但这里用do indeed 就有回来了

7. The current _____ of repackaged music under Miles Davis’ name might prompt any reasonable person to conclude that the recording vault has been plundered bare.


8. People enjoy listening to the governor’s inspiring speeches, and his eloquencethe quality of forceful or persuasive expressiveness lulls(这个词有倾向性) his adversaries into underestimating his ______, the tempered steel beneath the sleek suits.

Tenacity : the quality or state of being tenacious

Resolve a legal or official determination;especially : a formal resolution

Compassion : sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it

9. Ancient cave painters explored every surface, and although they bypassed certain walls that to us seem just as suitable for decoration as ones they chose, the placement of the art apparently wasn’t _____.

Undisclosed : not made known : not named or identified : not disclosed

Impulsive: arising from an impulse

Capricious: governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive, unpredictable

10. Although many skeptics of the scientific theory _____ critiques that have long since been disproved, some of the doubters arguably bring up valid points.






section 86 hard


Unobtainable : not capable of being obtained : not available : not obtainable

2. Even though the authors repeatedly _____ their own shrewdness, they show a remarkable credulousness(ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence) toward far-fetched ideas such as carbon-eating trees and cloud-making machinery.

soft-pedal play down, de-emphasize

3. The piecrust was not punctured, so steam built up and the crust _____(这里类似一个取同), bursting like a balloon, creating an over-cleaning project where hopes of dinner were expected.

caved in


(屋顶、天花板等) 塌陷,坍塌; (尤指迫于压力) 突然停止争辩,让步,屈服;

4. Regardless of the putative decline of (i)_____ in contemporary culture, such (ii)_____ remains essential to civil discourse.(这里表示虽然decline了,但是这种understate还是很有必要的) It allows people to avoid embarrassing or maligning an adversary, and it serves as a form of irony that draws attention to a problem that can scarcely be exaggerated.

第二个空的restrain 对应第一个空的understatement


5. Much of the newspapers readership found it hard to (i)_____ the allegations of venality laid against the superintendent, since these readers were still (ii)_____ the superintendents reputation for (iii)_____. The superintendents subsequent vindication will have come as no surprise to them.

Superintendents : one who has executive oversight and charge

Allegation : the act of alleging something

Venal originateng in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery

Grouchy : given to grumbling : peevish

Ignore credit dismiss



6. Persian prose writers from the second half of the twelfth century onward were characteristically (i)_____ the literary form of their works, a fact that some scholars have perceived as a derogation of those works’ content.(这里换对象了,这个是这个态度,前面应该相反) It may be better interpreted as (ii)_____ the development of an awareness of authorship, for the awareness of authorship (iii)_____ the awareness of form.

7. Although the employees’ union and company management, entering into contract negotiations, both issued statements encouraging _____, acrimony(空对应的强词) between the two sides continued unabated.

comity  friendly social atmosphere : social harmony

civility civilized conduct;especially : courtesy, politeness

8. As a way of _____ the negative impacts of overdependence on a single export product—crude oil, the Nigerian government passed legislation in 1999 intended to revitalize the moribund solid minerals sector.


Aggrieve to give pain or trouble to : distress

10. Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories _____: she didn’t understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.



section 87 hard


  1. Given the many thematic strands that the book seeks to draw together into a continuous cord of narrative, it is perforce work of _____(此空是标红部分的替换), which is not to say that the author’s research fails to provide sufficient detail about each of his chosen themes.



Accretion the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup:

2.For many in the room, the idea of coming to the assistance of a rival was more than unpleasant: it was _____.


Unpropitious : not likely to have or produce a good result : not favorable or advantageous : not propitious

Meretricious tawdrily and falsely attractive


Distinct notable

Pedestrian commonplace, unimaginative

Unequivocal unquestionable

5. Many researchers assume that politicians consider the preferences of the entire public, and not merely those of likely voters, when making decisions. Yet, since the desire to be reelected is central, it is plausible that politicians (i)_____(这个空要考虑前面提到的那一点) the opinions of likely voters in formulating their positions on issues. It is possible that researchers’ suppositions(这里指的是第一句话的部分一定要清楚) about policy makers’ (ii)_____ aggregate public opinion may serve to (iii)_____ the fact that only the preferences of likely voters actually matter.

6. Observers of modern presidential campaigns who (i)_____ the highly (ii)_____ productions that pass for campaigns these days do sometimes find reason for hope in the occasional mix-ups that (iii)_____ candidates on the trail despite the presence of political strategist’s plotting every event with the tactical precision of military commanders.



7. Upon realizing that the indicators of a stressful situation can be extremely _____, the psychologist reconsidered her claim that a reliable way of reducing stress is to recognize stressful situations and then avoid them.



Exiguous : excessively scanty : inadequate

Tenuous having little substance or strength : flimsy, weak

Unrelenting not softening or yielding in determination : hard, stern

8. To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation would be a _____ compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism.



Objectivity 这个是真实描述

Withstand to resist successfully

Envisage to have a mental picture of especially in advance of realization


section 88 hard

1. Many Latin American writers and critics have come to bristle at the very mention of the type of fiction termed “magic realism,” but to the common reader the appeal of such fiction is _____. 这里表现的是尽管又批评,但appeal 并没有减少

2. Shirky argues that the Internet (i)_____ the needs for hierarchical structures and the sluggish organizations that (ii)_____ them: the Internet makes it possible to do things cheaply and efficiently on one’s own(这个词对应第一个空的同义替换).


hierarchical structures and the sluggish organizationsneed的关系

显然这里是一个正向的关系,这些structure 和 organization 产生了need


to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail

•delineate a character in the story


: to make twice as great in size or amount;broadly : intensify, strengthen


: to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem •the setup circumvented the red tape


: to value, rate, or estimate below the real worth

•undervalue stock

3. Not only is the field of behavioral genetics strewn with (i)_____ findings, but even among those findings that managed to survive, many have turned out to be (ii)_____ a very restricted class of cases.

Convergent 汇聚

Disparate markedly distinct in quality or character 这个是不同的感觉

Subordinate placed in or occupying a lower class, rank, or position : inferior


Refute to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous

4. The prime minister’s spokesman faces a difficult task in defending his boss from what he sees as the (i)_____ of a decidedly prejudiced (同义替换上一个空) press. To make his defense effectively he will certainly have to give specific examples of the media coverage he finds so (ii)______.



a eulogistic oration or writing

•composed a panegyric about Tchaikovsky for the concert program


7. Governments are often willing to pay the direct costs of preparing for emergencies that may never happen: they make room in their budgets to prepare for _____ but unlikely events.

10. The writer’s assignment of the critic includes personal _____ such as jibes about his physical girth and style of delivery, and is not the better for it.这后半句体现了前一句的一空的态度

6. Many historians of the ancient world are wary of sounding (i)_____. Write so much as a sentence and the temptation is immediately to (ii)_____ it. Even in cases when the sources for a given event are (iii)_____, uncertainties and discrepancies crop up everywhere.

Anachronistic 这里是没有这个概念的

6. Many historians of the ancient world are wary of sounding (i)_____. Write so much as a sentence(这里是就一句话的意思) and the temptation(这里是说这个做法诱人) is immediately to (ii)_____ it. Even in cases when the sources for a given event are (iii)_____, uncertainties and discrepancies crop up everywhere.(最后一句是对上面做法的评论)

Irreverent lacking proper respect or seriousness

7. Governments are often willing to pay the direct costs of preparing for emergencies that may never happen: they make room in their budgets to prepare for _____ but unlikely events.

10. The writer’s assignment of the critic includes personal _____ such as jibes about his physical girth and style of delivery, and is not the better for it.这后半句体现了前一句的一空的态度


.section 89 hard

1. Paintings created in India during the Mughal dynasty were _____ in ambition but ornamental in presentation: in one direction they have an affinity with newspaper photographs, while in the other they have the intricacy of jewels.



3. To the avid reader of E.O. Wilson, much of his most recent book Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge will be (i)_____, as the book represents the culmination of a life spent thinking about everything from the social lives of ants to the social lives of people. Nonetheless, new thoughts(这个转折反映出前面的一个特点) have been mixed in with the old to produce a book remarkable for its (ii)_____(这个对应第一点) and ambition.

Overreaching exaggerate

4. Until the advent of film, commercial entertainment in England occurred only where concentrated urban populations provided audiences large enough to make it remunerative: theaters and music halls were (i)_____ in rural villages. But village cinemas quickly become (ii)_____, even though they were ramshackle affairs in comparison to the urban picture palaces.
换对象了 不同了
spartan: marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort
inconceivable 这个词在这里就是说没有
unfashionable  not favored socially ~unfashionable neighborhoods

5. His new role gives the normally clownish actor a chance to impress audiences with his (i)_____.(新的) He is among the most uninhibited comic performers around(这半句说出了旧时的特点uninhibited), but here he buttons his lip and stares straight ahead. Perhaps without quite knowing it, the audience waits for a wink, a hint that some of the (ii)_____ (旧时的特点)spirit that animated his previous movies might be lurking inside the (iii)_____ (新的特点)manner he presents in this film.
我描述一下阅读的过程,读到第一句话结束,不知道填什么,读到but here 知道前半句是说旧时的特点,因此第一个空取uninhibited 反, 第二空之后的that 致使这一个空取uninhibited同, 注意but there 这一话的意思也可以利用,注意修饰manner的短句,可以知道第三个空取uninhibited的反

Facetious 这个选项是根据clownish 设置的
Beguiling 根据这半句设置Perhaps without quite knowing it

Edifying 根据the audience waits for a wink设置
Lugubrious 根据he buttons his lip and stares straight ahead

Raillery 根据clownish
Effusiveness 根据uninhibited 与正确反向相反的方向


总结一下,一定要理出最重要的强词 和逻辑关系

6. Some climatologists dismiss as (i)_____ the debate among geophysicists over the role of carbon dioxide in global climate change across many millions of years. These climatologists say the evidence of a tie between carbon dioxide and planetary warming over the last few centuries is so (ii)_____ that any longer-term evidence against such a link must somehow be (iii)______.



Undecidable unavoidable根据debate 设置

但是你要注意下文 These climatologists 看出他们态度是十分鲜明的

: to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile •Investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions.

7. A priori mathematics, according to Galileo, does not _____ the need for observation, but mathematics does allow us to deduce unobservable properties and thus to penetrate further into the structure of nature than observation does.

6选2 一定要好好背

: to anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary

•The new medical treatment obviates the need for surgery.

to become gradually less (as in size or importance) : dwindle

the side effects tend to diminish over time

8. One of the peculiarities of humans is that we irrationally gravitate to (下一空替换的这个词)the predictable and avoid risk, whatever the reasons for this _____, it is hardly a sound basis for dealing with complex, long term problems.

6选2 要先聚类 至少变成3选1


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