

深度学习病理 针对精确注释病理数据集的分类方法



import sys
import os
import argparse
import logging

sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../../../')

from annotation import Formatter  # noqa

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert Camelyon16 xml format to'
                                 'internal json format')
parser.add_argument('--xml_path', default=None, metavar='XML_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the input Camelyon16 xml annotation')
"""parser.add_argument('--json_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/json', metavar='JSON_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the output annotation in json format')"""

'''def run(args):
    Formatter.camelyon16xml2json(args.xml_path, out_json)'''

def main():

    args = parser.parse_args()
    for xml in os.listdir(args.xml_path):
        xml_wholepath = os.path.join(args.xml_path,xml)
        (xml_path, xml_name_ext) = os.path.split(xml_wholepath)#分离文件路径和文件名
        (xml_name,extension) = os.path.splitext(xml_name_ext)#分离文件名和后缀
        out_json = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/json/%s.json'%xml_name
        Formatter.camelyon16xml2json(xml_wholepath, out_json)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import copy

import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import points_in_poly


class Polygon(object):
    Polygon represented as [N, 2] array of vertices
    def __init__(self, name, vertices):
        Initialize the polygon.
            name: string, name of the polygon
            vertices: [N, 2] 2D numpy array of int
        self._name = name
        self._vertices = vertices

    def __str__(self):
        return self._name

    def inside(self, coord):
        Determine if a given coordinate is inside the polygon or not.
            coord: 2 element tuple of int, e.g. (x, y)
            bool, if the coord is inside the polygon.
        return points_in_poly([coord], self._vertices)[0]

    def vertices(self):

        return np.array(self._vertices)

class Annotation(object):
    Annotation about the regions within WSI in terms of vertices of polygons.
    def __init__(self):
        self._json_path = ''
        self._polygons_positive = []
        self._polygons_negative = []

    def __str__(self):
        return self._json_path

    def from_json(self, json_path):
        Initialize the annotation from a json file.
            json_path: string, path to the json annotation.
        self._json_path = json_path
        with open(json_path) as f:
            annotations_json = json.load(f)

        for annotation in annotations_json['positive']:
            name = annotation['name']
            vertices = np.array(annotation['vertices'])
            polygon = Polygon(name, vertices)

        for annotation in annotations_json['negative']:
            name = annotation['name']
            vertices = np.array(annotation['vertices'])
            polygon = Polygon(name, vertices)

    def inside_polygons(self, coord, is_positive):
        Determine if a given coordinate is inside the positive/negative
        polygons of the annotation.
            coord: 2 element tuple of int, e.g. (x, y)
            is_positive: bool, inside positive or negative polygons.
            bool, if the coord is inside the positive/negative polygons of the
        if is_positive:
            polygons = copy.deepcopy(self._polygons_positive)
            polygons = copy.deepcopy(self._polygons_negative)

        for polygon in polygons:
            if polygon.inside(coord):
                return True

        return False

    def polygon_vertices(self, is_positive):
        Return the polygon represented as [N, 2] array of vertices
            is_positive: bool, return positive or negative polygons.
            [N, 2] 2D array of int
        if is_positive:
            return list(map(lambda x: x.vertices(), self._polygons_positive))
            return list(map(lambda x: x.vertices(), self._polygons_negative))

class Formatter(object):
    Format converter e.g. CAMELYON16 to internal json
    def camelyon16xml2json(inxml, outjson):
        Convert an annotation of camelyon16 xml format into a json format.
            inxml: string, path to the input camelyon16 xml format
            outjson: string, path to the output json format
        root = ET.parse(inxml).getroot()
        annotations_tumor = \
        annotations_0 = \
        annotations_1 = \
        annotations_2 = \
        annotations_positive = \
            annotations_tumor + annotations_0 + annotations_1
        annotations_negative = annotations_2

        json_dict = {}
        json_dict['positive'] = []
        json_dict['negative'] = []

        for annotation in annotations_positive:
            X = list(map(lambda x: float(x.get('X')),
            Y = list(map(lambda x: float(x.get('Y')),
            vertices = np.round([X, Y]).astype(int).transpose().tolist()
            name = annotation.attrib['Name']
            json_dict['positive'].append({'name': name, 'vertices': vertices})

        for annotation in annotations_negative:
            X = list(map(lambda x: float(x.get('X')),
            Y = list(map(lambda x: float(x.get('Y')),
            vertices = np.round([X, Y]).astype(int).transpose().tolist()
            name = annotation.attrib['Name']
            json_dict['negative'].append({'name': name, 'vertices': vertices})

        with open(outjson, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(json_dict, f, indent=1)

    def json2camelyon16xml(self, dict, xml_path, group_color):

        group = ["_" + str(i) for i in range(len(group_color))]
        group_keys = dict.keys()

        assert len(group_keys) == len(group_color)
        # root and its two sub element
        root = ET.Element('ASAP_Annotations')
        sub_01 = ET.SubElement(root, "Annotations")
        sub_02 = ET.SubElement(root, "AnnotationGroups")

        # part of group. e.g. 2 color -- 2 part
        self.partofgroup(sub_02, group_color)

        # for vertices
        for i, key in enumerate(group_keys):
            group_ = group[i]
            cor_ = group_color[i]
            self.plot_area(sub_01, dict[key], group_, cor_)

        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

    def partofgroup(self, father_node, group_color):

        cor = group_color
        for i in range(len(group_color)):
            title = ET.SubElement(father_node, "Group")
            title.attrib = {"Color": cor[i], "PartOfGroup": "None",
                            "Name": "_" + str(i)}
            ET.SubElement(title, "Attributes")

    def plot_area(self, father_node, all_area, group_, cor_):

        for i in range(len(all_area)):
            # print(all_area)
            dict_ = all_area[i]
            title = ET.SubElement(father_node, "Annotation")
            title.attrib = {"Color": cor_, "PartOfGroup": group_,
                            "Type": "Polygon", "Name": "_"+str(i)}

            coordinates = ET.SubElement(title, "Coordinates")
            dict_point = dict_["vertices"] # all vertices of the i area

            for j in range(len(dict_point)):
                X = dict_point[j][0]
                Y = dict_point[j][1]
                coordinate = ET.SubElement(coordinates, "Coordinate")
                coordinate.attrib = {"Y": str(Y), "X": str(X), "Order": str(j)}



  1. 首先获取wsi的组织部分,即tissue_mask
import sys
import os
import argparse
import logging

import numpy as np
import openslide
from skimage.color import rgb2hsv
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu

sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../../')

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get tissue mask of WSI and save'
                                 ' it in npy format')
'''parser.add_argument('--wsi_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/NCRF/NCRFtest/WSI-TRAIN/%s'%dataclass, metavar='WSI_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the WSI file')'''
'''parser.add_argument('--npy_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tissue_np/tumor_084.npy', metavar='NPY_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the output npy mask file')'''
parser.add_argument('--level', default=6, type=int, help='at which WSI level'
                    ' to obtain the mask, default 6')
parser.add_argument('--RGB_min', default=50, type=int, help='min value for RGB'
                    ' channel, default 50')

def run(args,wsi_wholepath,out_tissue_mark):

    slide = openslide.OpenSlide(wsi_wholepath)

    # note the shape of img_RGB is the transpose of slide.level_dimensions
    img_RGB = np.transpose(np.array(slide.read_region((0, 0),
                           axes=[1, 0, 2])

    img_HSV = rgb2hsv(img_RGB)

    background_R = img_RGB[:, :, 0] > threshold_otsu(img_RGB[:, :, 0])
    background_G = img_RGB[:, :, 1] > threshold_otsu(img_RGB[:, :, 1])
    background_B = img_RGB[:, :, 2] > threshold_otsu(img_RGB[:, :, 2])
    tissue_RGB = np.logical_not(background_R & background_G & background_B)
    tissue_S = img_HSV[:, :, 1] > threshold_otsu(img_HSV[:, :, 1])
    min_R = img_RGB[:, :, 0] > args.RGB_min
    min_G = img_RGB[:, :, 1] > args.RGB_min
    min_B = img_RGB[:, :, 2] > args.RGB_min

    tissue_mask = tissue_S & tissue_RGB & min_R & min_G & min_B, tissue_mask)

def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dataclass = "normal"
    wsi_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/NCRF/NCRFtest/WSI-TRAIN/%s'%dataclass
    for wsi in os.listdir(wsi_path):
        wsi_wholepath = os.path.join(wsi_path,wsi)
        (wsi_path, wsi_extname) = os.path.split(wsi_wholepath)
        (wsi_name,extension) = os.path.splitext(wsi_extname)
        out_tissue_mark = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tissue_np/%s.npy'%wsi_name

if __name__ == '__main__':

  1. 通过精确注释获取组织部分中的肿瘤部分,即tumor_mask
import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse

import numpy as np
import openslide
import cv2
import json

sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../../')

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get tumor mask of tumor-WSI and ''save it in npy format')
'''parser.add_argument('--wsi_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/NCRF/NCRFtest/WSI-TRAIN', metavar='WSI_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the WSI file')'''
'''parser.add_argument('--json_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/json', metavar='JSON_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the JSON file')'''
'''parser.add_argument('--npy_path', default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tumor_np/Tumor_084_tumor.npy', metavar='NPY_PATH', type=str,
                    help='Path to the output npy mask file')'''
parser.add_argument('--level', default=6, type=int, help='at which WSI level'
                    ' to obtain the mask, default 6')

def run(args,wsi_wholepath,json_path,out_tumor_mask):

    # get the level * dimensions e.g. tumor0.tif level 6 shape (1589, 7514)
    slide = openslide.OpenSlide(wsi_wholepath)
    w, h = slide.level_dimensions[args.level]
    mask_tumor = np.zeros((h, w)) # the init mask, and all the value is 0

    # get the factor of level * e.g. level 6 is 2^6
    factor = slide.level_downsamples[args.level]

    with open(json_path) as f:
        dicts = json.load(f)
    tumor_polygons = dicts['positive']

    for tumor_polygon in tumor_polygons:
        # plot a polygon
        name = tumor_polygon["name"]
        vertices = np.array(tumor_polygon["vertices"]) / factor
        vertices = vertices.astype(np.int32)

        cv2.fillPoly(mask_tumor, [vertices], (255))

    mask_tumor = mask_tumor[:] > 127
    mask_tumor = np.transpose(mask_tumor), mask_tumor)

def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dataclass ="tumor"
    wsi_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/NCRF/NCRFtest/WSI-TRAIN/%s'%dataclass
    for tumor in os.listdir(wsi_path):
        wsi_wholepath = os.path.join(wsi_path,tumor)
        (wsi_path,wsi_extname) = os.path.split(wsi_wholepath)
        (wsi_name,extension) = os.path.splitext(wsi_extname)
        json_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/json/%s.json'%wsi_name
        out_tumor_mask ='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tumor_np/%s.npy'%wsi_name

if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. 组织部分的剩余部分就是normal_mask
import sys
import os
import argparse
import logging

import numpy as np

sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../../")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Get the normal region"
                                             " from tumor WSI ")
'''parser.add_argument("--tumor_path", default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tumor_np', metavar='TUMOR_PATH', type=str,
                    help="Path to the tumor mask npy")
parser.add_argument("--tissue_path", default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tissue_np', metavar='TISSUE_PATH', type=str,
                    help="Path to the tissue mask npy")
parser.add_argument("--normal_path", default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/non_tumor_np', metavar='NORMAL_PATCH', type=str,
                    help="Path to the output normal region from tumor WSI npy")'''

def run(wsi_np_whole_path,tissue_path,normal_path):
    tumor_mask = np.load(wsi_np_whole_path)
    tissue_mask = np.load(tissue_path)

    normal_mask = tissue_mask & (~ tumor_mask), normal_mask)

def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    tumor_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tumor_np'
    for wsi_np_extname in os.listdir(tumor_path):
        wsi_np_whole_path = os.path.join(tumor_path,wsi_np_extname)
        (wsi_np_path,wsi_np_extname) = os.path.split(wsi_np_whole_path)
        (wsi_np_name,extension) = os.path.splitext(wsi_np_extname)#wsi_np_name is name
        tissue_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tissue_np/%s.npy' % wsi_np_name
        wsi_np_name = 'non_'+wsi_np_name
        normal_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/non_tumor_np/%s.npy'%wsi_np_name

if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. 在tumor_mask和normal_mask部分随机获取patch中心坐标点(我选择1000),利用这些坐标点随机生成1000个patchs(这样在一定程度上可以解决肿瘤和正常组织数据不均衡的问题)
import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse

import numpy as np

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), "/../../"))

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Get center points of patches "
                                             "from  mask")
'''parser.add_argument("--mask_path", default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/tumor_np/Tumor_084_tumor.npy', metavar="MASK_PATH", type=str,
                    help="Path to the mask npy file")
parser.add_argument("--txt_path", default='/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/coord/train_spot.txt', metavar="TXT_PATH", type=str,
                    help="Path to the txt file")'''
parser.add_argument("--patch_number", default=1000, metavar="PATCH_NUMB", type=int,
                    help="The number of patches extracted from WSI")
parser.add_argument("--level", default=6, metavar="LEVEL", type=int,
                    help="Bool format, whether or not")

class patch_point_in_mask_gen(object):
    extract centre point from mask
    inputs: mask path, centre point number
    outputs: centre point

    def __init__(self, mask_path, number):
        self.mask_path = mask_path
        self.number = number

    def get_patch_point(self):
        mask_tissue = np.load(self.mask_path)
        X_idcs, Y_idcs = np.where(mask_tissue)

        centre_points = np.stack(np.vstack((X_idcs.T, Y_idcs.T)), axis=1)

        if centre_points.shape[0] > self.number:
            sampled_points = centre_points[np.random.randint(centre_points.shape[0],
                                                             size=self.number), :]
            sampled_points = centre_points
        return sampled_points

def run(args,tumor_np_whole_path,coord_path):
    sampled_points = patch_point_in_mask_gen(tumor_np_whole_path, args.patch_number).get_patch_point()
    sampled_points = (sampled_points * 2 ** args.level).astype(np.int32) # make sure the factor

    mask_name = os.path.split(tumor_np_whole_path)[-1].split(".")[0]
    name = np.full((sampled_points.shape[0], 1), mask_name)
    center_points = np.hstack((name, sampled_points))

    txt_path = coord_path

    with open(txt_path, "w+") as f:
        np.savetxt(f, center_points, fmt="%s", delimiter=",")

def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dataclass = 'normal_np'
    wsi_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/%s'%dataclass
    for wsi_np_name in os.listdir(wsi_path):
        wsi_np_whole_path = os.path.join(wsi_path,wsi_np_name)
        (wsi_path,wsi_np_extname) = os.path.split(wsi_np_whole_path)
        (wsi_name,extension) = os.path.splitext(wsi_np_extname)
        coord_name = "coord_"+wsi_name
        coord_path = '/home/omnisky/tmp/quanhao/ilikewind/camelyon16/preprocessing/coord/%s.txt'%coord_name

if __name__ == "__main__":


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    深度学习病理 针对精确注释病理数据集的分类方法 预处理部分 一 首先获取病理图片的标注信息 精确注释标签 利用ASAP对病理图片进行标注 会生成xml文件 可以先将xml文件转换成json文件 为什么要将xml文档转换成json json是