watson studio_认可Watson认知服务


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Over the last weeks I had to pleasure to investigate most of the Watson services on Bluemix. Below is a series of articles I published on my personal blog. In the articles I describe the different services, most of the times by providing simple samples including code snippets and screenshots.

在过去的几周中,我不得不高兴地研究了Bluemix上的大多数Watson服务。 以下是我在个人博客上发布的一系列文章。 在大多数文章中,我通过提供简单的示例(包括代码片段和屏幕截图)来描述不同的服务。

Overall I really like the developer experience of the Watson services and how easy it is to embed cognitive functionality in your own applications. The last versions of some of the services can now be trained for your own domains which makes them even more valuable. So from me a “Thumbs Up” for the cognitive Watson services.

总体而言,我真的很喜欢Watson服务的开发人员经验以及将认知功能嵌入您自己的应用程序有多么容易。 现在可以针对您自己的域训练某些服务的最新版本,这使它们变得更加有价值。 因此,对我来说,为Watson认知服务提供“赞许”。

Thumbs Up for Watson’s Visual Recognition ServiceWatson’s Visual Recognition service understands the contents of images. You can train this service with your own classifications. This article describes a simple sample how to train Watson to recognize the thumbs up gesture.

Watson的视觉识别服务的赞许 Watson的视觉识别服务可以理解图像的内容。 您可以使用自己的分类来训练此服务。 本文介绍了一个简单的示例,该示例如何训练Watson识别竖起大拇指的手势。

Steering Anki Overdrive Cars via Speech RecognitionVia a combination of the Watson Speech to Text service and the Watson Natural Language Classifier service Anki Overdrive cars can be steered.

通过语音识别来引导Anki Overdrive汽车通过结合Watson语音到文本服务和Watson自然语言分类器服务,可以操纵Anki Overdrive汽车。

Analyzing the Personalities of Minecraft Players with WatsonIn multiplayer games it might make sense to understand the personalities of competitors or to understand the personalities of players when forming teams. This article describes how the Personality Insights service could be used in Minecraft.

使用Watson分析Minecraft玩家的个性在多人游戏中,组建团队时,了解竞争对手的个性或了解玩家的个性可能是有意义的。 本文介绍了如何在Minecraft中使用Personality Insights服务。

Having Fun with the Bluemix Selfie DroneThis Bluemix demonstration showcases the Internet of Things functionality and cognitive Watson services. With the “Bluemix Selfie Drone” application you can take selfies and tweet the portraits on the pictures which are identified via the Alchemy Face Recognition API.

与Bluemix Selfie Drone一起玩耍这个Bluemix演示展示了物联网功能和Watson认知服务。 使用“ Bluemix Selfie Drone”应用程序,您可以拍照并通过Alchemy Face Recognition API识别照片上的肖像鸣叫。

Watson Concept Insights Sample for Eclipse FAQMy colleague Hiroaki Komine and I open sourced a sample that shows how to use the Watson Concept Insights service and the Watson Document Conversion service on Bluemix to improve search results for the Eclipse FAQ.

Eclipse FAQ的Watson Concept Insights示例我的同事Hiroaki Komine和我开源了一个示例,该示例演示了如何在Bluemix上使用Watson Concept Insights服务和Watson Document Conversion服务来改善Eclipse FAQ的搜索结果。

Customizing the Watson Language Translation ServiceWith the Watson Language Translation service you can translate from and to English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish and Egyptian. To optimize the translations you can customize the service for your own domains.

定制Watson语言翻译服务使用Watson语言翻译服务,您可以翻译英文,法文,葡萄牙文,阿拉伯文,西班牙文和埃及文。 要优化翻译,您可以针对自己的域自定义服务。

Building Cognitive Question and Answer SystemsIBM Watson provides services to enable cognitive functionality in your own applications. In this article I describe on a high level how to ‘mix’ some of these services to build question and answers systems.

构建认知问答系统 IBM Watson提供服务以在您自己的应用程序中启用认知功能。 在本文中,我将高级别描述如何“混合”这些服务中的一些以构建问答系统。

Simple Sample of the Watson Dialog ServiceWith the Watson Dialog service developers can build applications using natural language to automatically respond to user questions, for example to help users to reset their passwords.

Watson Dialog服务的简单示例使用Watson Dialog服务,开发人员可以使用自然语言来构建应用程序,以自动响应用户问题,例如帮助用户重置密码。

Classify Natural Language without a Background in Machine LearningWith the Natural Language Classifier Watson service developers can classify natural language so that, for example, you can build a virtual agent application that answers common questions.


Sample of the Watson Tone Analyzer for WordPressWith the Watson Tone Analyzer service you can discover, understand, and revise the language tones in text before you publish, send or share it. This articles contains a little sample how to invoke the service from WordPress via a simple Chrome extension.

用于WordPress的Watson Tone Analyzer的样本使用Watson Tone Analyzer服务,您可以在发布,发送或共享文本之前发现,理解和修改文本中的语言。 本文包含一个小示例,介绍了如何通过简单的Chrome扩展程序从WordPress调用服务。

Text Analysis via AlchemyAPI to identify Entities, Concepts and SentimentsThe AlchemyAPI service provides multiple AlchemyLanguage APIs that offer text analysis through natural language processing. This article includese some samples that show how to extract entities and concepts and how to understand sentiments.

通过AlchemyAPI进行文本分析以识别实体,概念和情感 AlchemyAPI服务提供了多个AlchemyLanguage API,这些API通过自然语言处理提供文本分析。 本文包括一些示例,这些示例显示了如何提取实体和概念以及如何理解情绪。

News Analysis via AlchemyAPI for Topics, Companies and PeopleThe AlchemyAPI service provides an API to access news and blog content from the last 60 days enriched with meta information like sentiments and entities identified through natural language processing.

通过AlchemyAPI对主题,公司和人员进行新闻分析 AlchemyAPI服务提供了一个API,可以访问过去60天内的新闻和博客内容,其中包含通过自然语言处理识别的情感和实体等元信息。

Simple Sample of the Watson Document Conversion ServiceWith the Watson Document Conversion service PDF, Word and HTML documents can be converted into HTML, plain text or JSON. The converted documents can be used as input to other Watson services like Concept Insights and Retrieve and Rank.

Watson文档转换服务的简单示例使用Watson Document Conversion服务PDF,可以将Word和HTML文档转换为HTML,纯文本或JSON。 转换后的文档可以用作其他Watson服务的输入,例如Concept Insights和Retrieve and Rank。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/02/thumbs-up-for-the-cognitive-watson-services/

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