Apollo 笔记(03)— Cyber RT Python 接口(channel 读和写、server/client 通信、record 文件读写信息查询、timer 时间定时器操作)



1. 背景

Cyber RT 核心代码是由 C++ 开发,同时为了方便开发者,提供了 Python 接口。

2. Cyber RT Python 接口实现思路

Cyber RT Python 接口的实现思路是在 Cyber RT C++ 实现的基础上,做了一层 Python 的封装,由 Python 来调用 C++ 的实现函数。Cyber RTPython Wrapper 的实现没有使用 swig 等第三方工具,完全自主实现,以此保证代码的高可维护性和可读性。

3. 主要接口


  • channel 读、写
  • server/client 通信
  • record 信息查询
  • record 文件读、写
  • Time/Duration/Rate 时间操作
  • Timer 定时器

3.1 Channel 读写接口


  1. 首先创建 Node;
  2. 创建对应的 readerwriter
  3. 如果是向 channel 写数据,调用 writerwrite 接口;
  4. 如果是从 channel 读数据,调用 nodespin,并在回调函数 callback 中对消息进行处理;


class Node:
    Class for Cyber RT Node wrapper.

    def create_writer(self, name, data_type, qos_depth=1):
        create a topic writer for send message to topic.
        @param self
        @param name str: topic name
        @param data_type proto: message class for serialization

   def create_reader(self, name, data_type, callback, args=None):
        create a topic reader for receive message from topic.
        @param self
        @param name str: topic name
        @param data_type proto: message class for serialization
        @callback fn: function to call (fn(data)) when data is
                   received. If args is set, the function must
                   accept the args as a second argument,
                   i.e. fn(data, args)
        @args any: additional arguments to pass to the callback
   def create_client(self, name, request_data_type, response_data_type):
   def create_service(self, name, req_data_type, res_data_type, callback, args=None):

    def spin(self):
        spin in wait and process message.
        @param self

class Writer(object):
    Class for Cyber RT writer wrapper.
    def write(self, data):
        writer msg string

3.2 Record 接口

Record 读的操作是:

  1. 创建一个 RecordReader;
  2. Record 进行迭代读;

Record 写的操作是:

  1. 创建一个 RecordReader;
  2. Record 进行写消息;


class RecordReader(object):
    Class for Cyber RT RecordReader wrapper.
    def read_messages(self, start_time=0, end_time=18446744073709551615):
        read message from bag file.
        @param self
        @param start_time:
        @param end_time:
        @return: generator of (message, data_type, timestamp)
	def get_messagenumber(self, channel_name):
        return message count.
	def get_messagetype(self, channel_name):
        return message type.
	def get_protodesc(self, channel_name):
        return message protodesc.
	def get_headerstring(self):
        return message header string.
	def reset(self):
        return reset.
        return _Cyber_RECORD.PyRecordReader_Reset(self.record_reader)

     def get_channellist(self):
        return channel list.
        return _Cyber_RECORD.PyRecordReader_GetChannelList(self.record_reader)

class RecordWriter(object):
    Class for Cyber RT RecordWriter wrapper.
	def open(self, path):
        open record file for write.
	def write_channel(self, channel_name, type_name, proto_desc):
        writer channel by channelname,typename,protodesc
	def write_message(self, channel_name, data, time, raw = True):
        writer msg:channelname,data,time,is data raw

	def set_size_fileseg(self, size_kilobytes):
        return filesegment size.

    def set_intervaltime_fileseg(self, time_sec):
        return file interval time.

    def get_messagenumber(self, channel_name):
        return message count.

    def get_messagetype(self, channel_name):
        return message type.

    def get_protodesc(self, channel_name):
        return message protodesc.

3.3 Time 接口

class Time(object):
    def now():
        time_now = Time(_CYBER_TIME.PyTime_now())
        return time_now

    def mono_time():
        mono_time = Time(_CYBER_TIME.PyTime_mono_time())
        return mono_time

    def to_sec(self):
        return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_to_sec(self.time)

    def to_nsec(self):
        return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_to_nsec(self.time)

    def sleep_until(self, nanoseconds):
        return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_sleep_until(self.time, nanoseconds)

3.4 Timer 接口

class Timer(object):
    def set_option(self, period, callback, oneshot=0):
        period The period of the timer, unit is ms
        callback The tasks that the timer needs to perform
        oneshot 1: perform the callback only after the first timing cycle
        0:perform the callback every timed period
    def start(self):
    def stop(self):

4. 例子

4.1 读 channel (参见 cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/listener.py)

"""Module for example of listener."""
from cyber.python.cyber_py3 import cyber
from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import ChatterBenchmark

def callback(data):
    Reader message callback.
    print("=" * 80)
    print("py:reader callback msg->:")
    print("=" * 80)

def test_listener_class():
    Reader message.
    print("=" * 120)
    test_node = cyber.Node("listener")
    test_node.create_reader("channel/chatter", ChatterBenchmark, callback)

if __name__ == '__main__':

apollo 镜像中执行命令

export PYTHONPATH=/apollo/bazel-bin/cyber/python/internal:/apollo:/apollo/cyber/proto

/apollo/cyber 目录下执行

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I=./proto --python_out=./proto --grpc_python_out=./proto  ./proto/unit_test.proto

用于生成以下两个文件 unit_test_pb2.pyunit_test_pb2_grpc.py

4.2 写 channel(参见 cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/talker.py)

"""Module for example of talker."""
import time

from cyber.python.cyber_py3 import cyber
from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import ChatterBenchmark

def test_talker_class():
    Test talker.
    msg = ChatterBenchmark()
    msg.content = "py:talker:send Alex!"
    msg.stamp = 9999
    msg.seq = 0
    test_node = cyber.Node("node_name1")
    g_count = 1

    writer = test_node.create_writer("channel/chatter", ChatterBenchmark, 6)
    while not cyber.is_shutdown():
        g_count = g_count + 1
        msg.seq = g_count
        msg.content = "I am python talker."
        print("=" * 80)
        print("write msg -> %s" % msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':


python cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/listener.py

python cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/talker.py

listener.py 打印如下:

py:reader callback msg->:
stamp: 9999
seq: 2
content: "I am python talker."

py:reader callback msg->:
stamp: 9999
seq: 3
content: "I am python talker."


talker.py 打印如下:

stamp: 9999
seq: 0
content: "py:talker:send Alex!"

write msg -> stamp: 9999
seq: 2
content: "I am python talker."

write msg -> stamp: 9999
seq: 3
content: "I am python talker."


4.3 读写消息到 Record 文件(参见 cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/record.py)

Module for example of record.
Run with:
    bazel run //cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples:record

import time

from google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 import FileDescriptorProto

from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import Chatter
from cyber.python.cyber_py3 import record
from modules.common.util.testdata.simple_pb2 import SimpleMessage

MSG_TYPE = "apollo.common.util.test.SimpleMessage"
MSG_TYPE_CHATTER = "apollo.cyber.proto.Chatter"

def test_record_writer(writer_path):
    Record writer.
    fwriter = record.RecordWriter()

    if not fwriter.open(writer_path):
        print('Failed to open record writer!')
    print('+++ Begin to writer +++')

    # Writer 2 SimpleMessage
    msg = SimpleMessage()
    msg.text = "AAAAAA"

    file_desc = msg.DESCRIPTOR.file
    proto = FileDescriptorProto()
    proto.name = file_desc.name
    desc_str = proto.SerializeToString()
        'simplemsg_channel', msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, desc_str)
    fwriter.write_message('simplemsg_channel', msg, 990, False)
    fwriter.write_message('simplemsg_channel', msg.SerializeToString(), 991)

    # Writer 2 Chatter
    msg = Chatter()
    msg.timestamp = 99999
    msg.lidar_timestamp = 100
    msg.seq = 1

    file_desc = msg.DESCRIPTOR.file
    proto = FileDescriptorProto()
    proto.name = file_desc.name
    desc_str = proto.SerializeToString()
    fwriter.write_channel('chatter_a', msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, desc_str)
    fwriter.write_message('chatter_a', msg, 992, False)
    msg.seq = 2
    fwriter.write_message("chatter_a", msg.SerializeToString(), 993)


def test_record_reader(reader_path):
    Record reader.
    freader = record.RecordReader(reader_path)
    print('+' * 80)
    print('+++ Begin to read +++')
    count = 0
    for channel_name, msg, datatype, timestamp in freader.read_messages():
        count += 1
        print('=' * 80)
        print('read [%d] messages' % count)
        print('channel_name -> %s' % channel_name)
        print('msgtime -> %d' % timestamp)
        print('msgnum -> %d' % freader.get_messagenumber(channel_name))
        print('msgtype -> %s' % datatype)
        print('message is -> %s' % msg)
        print('***After parse(if needed),the message is ->')
        if datatype == MSG_TYPE:
            msg_new = SimpleMessage()
        elif datatype == MSG_TYPE_CHATTER:
            msg_new = Chatter()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_record_file = "/tmp/test_writer.record"

    print('Begin to write record file: {}'.format(test_record_file))

    print('Begin to read record file: {}'.format(test_record_file))

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