

微信小程序卡券样式## 微信小程序## 卡券


<nav-bar navbar-data='{{nvabarData}}'></nav-bar>
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      <view class='swiper_con swiper_have_con'>
        <view class="wrapper" wx:for="{{coupon}}" wx:index="{{index}}">
          <view class="left">
            <view class="yh-price">{{item.price}}<text class="small-txt2">{{item.unit}}</text></view>
            <view class="describe">{{item.describe}}</view>
          <view class="right">
            <view class="yh-name">{{item.name}}</view>
            <view class="yh-date">
              <navigator url="/pages/coupon/index" class="yh-use">立即使用</navigator>
            <view class="yh-apply">{{item.apply}}</view>
      <view class="swiper_con swiper_invalid_con">
        <view class="wrapper" wx:for="{{coupon_invalid}}" wx:index="{{index}}">
          <view class="left">
            <view class="yh-price">{{item.price}}<text class="small-txt2">{{item.unit}}</text></view>
            <view class="describe">{{item.describe}}</view>
          <view class="right">
            <view class="yh-name">{{item.name}}</view>
            <view class="yh-date">
            <view class="yh-apply">{{item.apply}}</view>
            <image class="invalid-image" src="{{item.invalid==1?'/static/image/mycoupon/shixiao.png':'/static/image/mycoupon/guoqi.png'}}"></image>
      <view class='swiper_con swiper_not_con'>
        <image src="/static/image/mycoupon/nope.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
        <view class="nope">暂无优惠券</view>
/* css */

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.nope{color:#999;font-size: 32rpx;margin-top:30rpx;}

/* 这是第二个 */
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.swiper_have_con .yh-price{color:#E61515;font-size: 46rpx;margin-top:54rpx;margin-bottom:10rpx;font-weight:bold;}
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.swiper_have_con .describe{font-size: 24rpx;color:#999;}

.swiper_have_con .yh-name{font-size: 32rpx;color:#333;margin-top:38rpx;margin-bottom:12rpx;text-align: left;}
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.swiper_invalid_con .yh-price{color:#999;font-size: 44rpx;margin-top:54rpx;margin-bottom:10rpx;font-weight:bold;}
.swiper_invalid_con .small-txt2{font-size: 24rpx;position: none;border:none;font-weight:bold;}
.swiper_invalid_con .describe{font-size: 24rpx;color:#999;}

.swiper_invalid_con .yh-name{font-size: 32rpx;color:#333;margin-top:38rpx;margin-bottom:12rpx;text-align: left;}
.swiper_invalid_con .yh-date{font-size: 24rpx;color:#999;display: flex;align-items: center;}
.swiper_invalid_con .yh-use{margin-left:76rpx;color:#CD2314;border:1px solid #CD2314;border-radius: 28rpx;text-align: center;font-size: 24rpx;box-sizing: border-box;padding:6rpx 20rpx;}
.swiper_invalid_con .yh-apply{margin-top:10rpx;font-size:24rpx;color:#999;text-align: left;}
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const app = getApp()

  data: {
    height: app.globalData.height,
    nvabarData: {
      showCapsule: 1, //是否显示左上角图标   1表示显示    0表示不显示
      title: '我的优惠券', //导航栏 中间的标题
    currentData: 0,
      { price: 4200,unit:'元', describe: '满600元可用', name: '梅州旅游优惠券', date: '2018.10.20-2020.09.0', apply:'适用范围:所有产品可用'},
      { price: 4200, unit: '元',describe: '满600元可用', name: '梅州旅游优惠券', date: '2018.10.20-2020.09.0', apply: '适用范围:所有产品可用' },
      { price: '兑换券', describe: '无门槛', name: '梅州旅游优惠券', date: '2018.10.20-2020.09.0', apply: '适用范围:所有产品可用' },
    coupon_invalid: [
      { price: 4200, unit: '元', describe: '满600元可用', name: '梅州旅游优惠券', date: '2018.10.20-2020.09.09', apply: '适用范围:所有产品可用', invalid: 1 },
      { price: 4200, unit: '元', describe: '满600元可用', name: '梅州旅游优惠券', date: '2018.10.20-2020.09.09', apply: '适用范围:所有产品可用', invalid: 2 },
  bindchange: function (e) {
    const that = this;
      currentData: e.detail.current
  checkCurrent: function (e) {
    const that = this;

    if (that.data.currentData === e.target.dataset.current) {
      return false;
    } else {

        currentData: e.target.dataset.current



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    微信小程序卡券样式 微信小程序 卡券 html