Error during font loading: Failed to execute ‘postMessage‘ on ‘Worker‘: ArrayBuffer at index 0 is al


vue-pdf 展示出现字体丢失问题

解决办法:重写两个js CMapReaderFactory buffer-loader

// CMapReaderFactory.js
import { CMapCompressionType } from 'pdfjs-dist/es5/build/pdf.js'

// see

export default function() {
  this.fetch = function(query) {
    return import('./buffer-loader!pdfjs-dist/cmaps/' + + '.bcmap' /* webpackChunkName: "noprefetch-[request]" */)
      .then(function(bcmap) {
        delete require.cache[require.resolve('./buffer-loader!pdfjs-dist/cmaps/' + + '.bcmap')]
        return {
          cMapData: bcmap.default,
          compressionType: CMapCompressionType.BINARY

// buffer-loader
module.exports = function(content) {

	var data;
	if ( content instanceof Buffer )
		data = content;
		data = Buffer.from(content);

	return 'export default Buffer.from("'+data.toString('base64')+'", "base64")';

module.exports.raw = true;

pdf vue组件

  <!-- 弹窗组件 -->
  <!-- top="20vh"  距离浏览器上面距离 -->
    :title="pageNum + '/' + pageTotalNum"
    <div class="pdf" :style="{ height: heights + 'px' }">
      <div class="main">
          @progress="loadedRatio = $event"
          @num-pages="pageTotalNum = $event"
          @link-clicked="page = $event"
      <div class="flexbox">
        <div class="btn-def btn-pre" @click.stop="prePage">
          <img src="@/assets/images/syy.png" width="26px" alt="" />
        <div class="btn-def btn-next" @click.stop="nextPage">
          <img src="@/assets/images/xyy.png" width="26px" alt="" />
          :class="{ select: idx == 0 }"
          @touchstart="idx = 0"
          @touchend="idx = -1"
          <img src="@/assets/images/fd.png" width="26px" alt="" />
          :class="{ select: idx == 1 }"
          @touchstart="idx = 1"
          @touchend="idx = -1"
          <img src="@/assets/images/sx.png" width="26px" alt="" />
        <div @click="fileDownload(pdfUrl)">
          <img src="@/assets/images/xz.png" width="22px" alt="" />
import download from 'downloadjs'
import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
import CMapReaderFactory from './CMapReaderFactory.js'
export default {
  name: 'ElianPdf',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      pdfUrl: '',
      pageNum: 1,
      pageTotalNum: 1,
      loadedRatio: 0, // 加载进度
      curPageNum: 0,
      pageRotate: 0,
      scale: 70, //放大系数
      idx: -1,
      visible: false,
      heights: '',
      widths: '',
      fileList: []
  computed: {},
  created() {
    this.heights = window.innerHeight - 90
  methods: {
      var self = this
      // 传参 CMapReaderFactory
      this.pdfUrl = pdf.createLoadingTask({url: pdfUrl, CMapReaderFactory})
      this.pdfUrl.promise.then(pdf => {
        self.numPages = pdf.numPages
      }).catch((err) => {
    open(fileurl) {
      //this.pdfUrl = fileurl
      this.visible = true
     * 确定 - 调用父页面新增操作
    handleSubmit() {
      this.visible = false
     * 关闭 - 当前弹窗,并刷新父页面
    beforeClosed() {
      this.visible = false
    fileDownload(item) {
      // console.log(item)
      // let fileurls
      // fileurls = window.location.origin + item
    scaleD() {
      if (this.scale == 100) {
      this.scale += 5
      // this.$refs.pdf.$ = parseInt(this.scale) + '%'
      this.widths = parseInt(this.scale) + '%'

    scaleX() {
      if (this.scale == 40) {
      this.scale += -5
      // this.$refs.pdf.$ = parseInt(this.scale) + '%'
      this.widths = parseInt(this.scale) + '%'
    prePage() {
      var p = this.pageNum
      p = p > 1 ? p - 1 : this.pageTotalNum
      this.pageNum = p
    nextPage() {
      var p = this.pageNum
      p = p < this.pageTotalNum ? p + 1 : 1
      this.pageNum = p
    password(updatePassword, reason) {
      updatePassword(prompt('password is "123456"'))
    pageLoaded(e) {
      this.curPageNum = e
    pdfError(error) {
    pdfPrintAll() {
    pdfPrint() {
      this.$refs.pdf.print(100, [1, 2])

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.pdf {
  overflow: auto;
  width: 100%;
  & .flexbox {
    display: flex;
    position: fixed;
    width: 260px;
    height: 36px;
    padding: 10px 16px;
    left: -webkit-calc(50% - 130px);
    left: -moz-calc(50% - 130px);
    left: calc(50% - 130px);
    bottom: 20px;
    background: rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.6);
    border-radius: 20px;
    & div {
      width: 25%;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;

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