


  • 前言
  • dispatchGesture `api>=24`
    • GestureDescription
    • GestureResultCallback
    • 执行手势
  • DslAccessibilityGesture
    • click 点击
    • double 双击
    • move 移动
    • fling 快速移动
  • 系列文章
  • 联系作者






dispatchGesture api>=24



  • 声明一个构造器
val gestureBuilder = GestureDescription.Builder()
  • 创建一个手势
val path = Path()

path.moveTo(x, y)

path.moveTo(fromX, formY)
path.lineTo(toX, toY)

val stroke = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration)

//startTime 手势开始的时间延迟, 毫秒
//duration 手势持续的时间, 毫秒

//如果需要快速滑动效果 duration 设置成一个小值

  • 添加手势

val stroke1 = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration)
val stroke2 = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime+60,duration)





val gestureResultCallback = object : AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback() {
    override fun onCancelled(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {

    override fun onCompleted(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {



如果未指定Handler, gestureResultCallback默认在主线程回调.

如果上一个手势还未执行完成, 下一个手势就触发了, 则上一个手势会被中断.

如果用户干预了手势执行, 手势也会被中断.

如果在主线程执行手势, 那么主线程卡顿时, 也会影响手势执行的结果.



这里有一份我封装的手势操作类, kotlin语言编写.

typealias GestureResult = (gestureDescription: GestureDescription? /*执行的手势*/, dispatched: Boolean /*是否发送*/, canceled: Boolean /*是否被取消*/) -> Unit

class DslAccessibilityGesture {

    companion object {

        const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME = 16L



        //如果Duration时间太短, 将会产生fling
        const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION = 600L
        const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_FLING_DURATION = 30L //值太大, 将没有fling效果

    var gestureResult: GestureResult? = null

    var startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME
    var duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION
    var clickDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_CLICK_DURATION
    var doubleDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION
    var willContinue: Boolean = false

    /**无障碍服务, 用于执行手势*/
    var service: AccessibilityService? = null

     * 用于构建手势, 支持多指触控
     * [android.accessibilityservice.GestureDescription.getMaxStrokeCount]
     * */
    var _gestureBuilder: GestureDescription.Builder? = null

    var _gestureResultCallback: AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback? = null

    var _isDispatched: Boolean = false

    var _isCompleted: Boolean = false

    var _countDownLatch: CountDownLatch? = null

    var _isDo: Boolean = false

    init {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            _gestureResultCallback = object : AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback() {
                override fun onCancelled(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {
                    L.d("手势取消:$gestureDescription ${gestureDescription?.strokeCount ?: 0}".apply {
                    _isCompleted = false
                    gestureResult?.invoke(gestureDescription, true, true)

                override fun onCompleted(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {
                    L.d("手势完成:$gestureDescription ${gestureDescription?.strokeCount ?: 0}".apply {
                    _isCompleted = true
                    gestureResult?.invoke(gestureDescription, true, false)

    fun clear() {
        _isDo = false
        _isDispatched = false
        _gestureBuilder = null
        gestureResult = null
        _countDownLatch = null

    fun doIt(): Boolean {
        if (_isDo) {
            return false
        _isDispatched = false
        _isCompleted = false
        val service = service
        val builder = _gestureBuilder
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N && service != null && builder != null) {
                _isDo = true
                return if (isMain()) {
                    _isDispatched = service.dispatchGesture(
                } else {
                    MainExecutor.execute {
                        _isDispatched = service.dispatchGesture(
                    _countDownLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
            } else {
                gestureResult?.invoke(null, false, true)
                return true
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            return false

    fun ensureBuilder(action: GestureDescription.Builder.() -> Unit) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            if (_gestureBuilder == null) {
                _gestureBuilder = GestureDescription.Builder()

    //<editor-fold desc="操作方法">

    fun moveDuration(
        startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,
        duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION
    ) {
        this.startTime = startTime
        this.duration = duration

    fun flingDuration(
        startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,
    ) {
        this.startTime = startTime
        this.duration = duration

    fun doubleDuration(
        startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,
        duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_CLICK_DURATION,
        doubleDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION
    ) {
        this.startTime = startTime
        this.duration = duration
        this.doubleDuration = doubleDuration

    fun touch(
        fromX: Float, fromY: Float,
        startTime: Long = this.startTime,
        duration: Long = this.clickDuration
    ) {
        touch(PointF(fromX, fromY), startTime, duration)

    fun touch(fromX: Int, fromY: Int) {
        touch(Point(fromX, fromY))

    fun touch(
        point: PointF,
        startTime: Long = this.startTime,
        duration: Long = this.clickDuration
    ) {
        touch(Path().apply {
            moveTo(point.x, point.y)
        }, startTime, duration)

    fun touch(point: Point) {

    fun touch(
        fromX: Float,
        fromY: Float,
        toX: Float,
        toY: Float,
        startTime: Long = this.startTime,
        duration: Long = this.clickDuration
    ) {
        touch(Path().apply { moveTo(fromX, fromY);lineTo(toX, toY) }, startTime, duration)

    fun touch(fromX: Int, fromY: Int, toX: Int, toY: Int) {
        touch(fromX.toFloat(), fromY.toFloat(), toX.toFloat(), toY.toFloat())

    fun double(fromX: Float, fromY: Float) {
        double(PointF(fromX, fromY))

    fun double(fromX: Int, fromY: Int) {
        double(fromX.toFloat(), fromY.toFloat())

    fun double(point: PointF) {
        //双击, 需要伴随MOVE事件, 才能生效
            point.x - nextInt(5, 10),
            point.y + nextInt(5, 10)
        startTime += duration + doubleDuration
            point.x + nextInt(5, 10),
            point.y - nextInt(5, 10)

    fun touch(
        path: Path,
        startTime: Long = this.startTime,
        duration: Long = this.duration,
        willContinue: Boolean = this.willContinue
    ) {
        if (_isDo) {
            L.w("$path ignore touch stroke.".apply {
        ensureBuilder {
            try {
                //AutoParseInterceptor.log("添加手势:$startTime ms,$duration ms")
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
                } else {
            } catch (e: Exception) {

    //</editor-fold desc="操作方法">

fun AccessibilityService.dslGesture(action: DslAccessibilityGesture.() -> Unit = {}): Boolean {
    val gesture = DslAccessibilityGesture().apply {
        service = this@dslGesture
    return gesture._isDispatched

fun AccessibilityService.gesture(): DslAccessibilityGesture? =
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        DslAccessibilityGesture().apply {
            service = this@gesture
    } else {

//<editor-fold desc="move">

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.move(
    fromX: Int,
    fromY: Int,
    toX: Int,
    toY: Int,
    startTime: Long = this.startTime,
    duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    return touch(

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.move(
    fromX: Float,
    fromY: Float,
    toX: Float,
    toY: Float,
    startTime: Long = this.startTime,
    duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    return touch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveUp(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)
    val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)

    return move(fX, fY, fX, tY, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveDown(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)
    val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)

    return move(fX, tY, fX, fY, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveLeft(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)

    return move(fX, fY, tX, fY, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveRight(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)

    return move(tX, fY, fX, fY, result = result)

//</editor-fold desc="move">

//<editor-fold desc="fling">

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.fling(
    fromX: Float,
    fromY: Float,
    toX: Float,
    toY: Float,
    startTime: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,
    duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_FLING_DURATION,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    flingDuration(startTime, duration)
    return touch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration, result)

/**手指往上[fling] ↑*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingUp(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)
    val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)

    return fling(fX, fY, fX, tY, result = result)

/**手指往下[fling] ↓*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingDown(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)
    val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)

    return fling(fX, tY, fX, fY, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingLeft(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)

    return fling(fX, fY, tX, fY, result = result)

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingRight(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)
    val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)

    return fling(tX, fY, fX, fY, result = result)

//</editor-fold desc="fling">

//<editor-fold desc="other">

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.touch(
    fromX: Float,
    fromY: Float,
    toX: Float,
    toY: Float,
    startTime: Long = this.startTime,
    duration: Long = this.clickDuration,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    gestureResult = result
    touch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration)
    return doIt()

    x: Float = _screenWidth / 2f,
    y: Float = _screenHeight / 2f,
    startTime: Long = this.startTime,
    duration: Long = this.clickDuration,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    gestureResult = result
    touch(x, y, startTime, duration)
    return doIt()

fun DslAccessibilityGesture.double(
    x: Float = _screenWidth / 2f,
    y: Float = _screenHeight / 2f,
    startTime: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,
    duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION,
    result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {
    gestureResult = result
    doubleDuration(startTime, duration)
    double(x, y)
    return doIt()

fun randomPoint(
    offsetLeft: Int = 10 * dpi,
    offsetTop: Int = _satusBarHeight,
    offsetRight: Int = 10 * dpi,
    offsetBottom: Int = _navBarHeight
): Point {
    val screenWidth = _screenWidth
    val screenHeight = _screenHeight

    val x: Int = nextInt(offsetLeft, screenWidth - offsetRight)
    val y: Int = nextInt(offsetTop, screenHeight - offsetBottom)

    return Point(x, y)

fun nextDp(from: Int, until: Int) = nextInt(from * dpi, until * dpi)

//</editor-fold desc="other">

/**随机操作, 返回随机操作名称*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.randomization(): Pair<Boolean, String> {
    val p1 = PointF(randomPoint())
    val p2 = PointF(randomPoint())
    return when (nextInt(10)) {
        0 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"
        1 -> move(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "move ${p1}->${p2}"
        2 -> click(p1.x, p1.y) to "click $p1"
        3 -> double(p1.x, p1.y, result = null) to "double $p1"
        4 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"
        5 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"
        6 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"
        7 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"
        8 -> click(p1.x, p1.y) to "click $p1"
        9 -> double(p1.x, p1.y, result = null) to "double $p1"
        else -> true to "pass"

有了这个工具类, 可以很快速的执行常规的手势操作, 如下:

click 点击,y)

double 双击


move 移动

DslAccessibilityGesture.move(x1,y1, x2,y2)

fling 快速移动

DslAccessibilityGesture.fling(x1,y1, x2,y2)


  • acc–›Android无障碍开发入门
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发常用操作
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发手势操作
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发框架



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    我们都知道Android应用软件基本上都会用到登录注册功能 xff0c 那么对一个一个好的登录注册模块进行封装就势在必行了 这里给大家介绍一下我的第一个项目中所用到的登录注册功能的 xff0c 已经对其进行封装 xff0c 希望能对大家有帮
  • Kotlin 官方学习教程之扩展

    扩展 类似于 C 和 Gosu xff0c Kotlin 也提供了一种可以在不继承父类也不使用类似装饰器这样的设计模式的情况下对指定类进行扩展的功能 这是通过称为扩展名的特殊声明来实现的 Kotlin 支持函数扩展和属性扩展 函数扩展 要声
  • Kotlin 官方学习教程之密封类与泛型

    密封类 密封类用于表示受限类层次结构 xff0c 当值可以有一个有限集合的类型 xff0c 但不能有其他类型 它们在某种意义上是枚举类的扩展 xff1a 枚举类型的值集合也受到限制 xff0c 但每个枚举常量仅作为单个实例存在 xff0c
  • 致年轻时如此拼搏的你我

    离别总是伤人意 这一篇文章写在这个时候是有其特殊意义和价值 xff0c 起码对我来说是这样的 这个时候正是一年一度的毕业季 xff0c 而我最敬重的师兄即将要离校实习 xff0c 很幸运的是师兄收到了很不错的 offer xff0c 在这里
  • Linux网络编程:libnet 移植及使用

    目录 参考文章 xff1a 一 libnet库下载二 libnet库交叉编译安装三 应用程序交叉编译四 Ubuntu系统安装 libnet xff08 非交叉编译 xff09 五 libnet使用六 开发板上测试 参考文章 xff1a li
  • ZYNQ Linux 使用SPI驱动

    原文链接 xff1a ZYNQ Linux使用SPI驱动 配置 Vivado Vivado中双击ZYNQ PS核 xff08 例如ZYNQ7000 xff09 xff0c 选上需要使用的SPI xff0c 这一步略 spi该驱动不支持片选功
  • Call to undefined function think\captcha\imagettftext()

    php安装gd库以后 xff0c 在生成验证码图片的时候报错Call to undefined function think captcha imagettftext xff0c 查阅资料 xff08 参考资料 xff1a http www
  • acc--›Android无障碍开发常用操作

    文章目录 前言AccessibilityNodeInfo获取输入焦点 96 api gt 61 14 96 清理输入焦点 96 api gt 61 14 96 选中 96 api gt 61 14 96 清理选中 96 api gt 61
  • 解决composer安装alibabacloud/sdk下载不下来问题

    近期需要接入阿里云服务相关接口 xff0c 官方文档中写着php sdk可以支持composer安装 xff0c 于是就按照官网文档执行了了composer require alibabacloud sdk 结果等了半天也没反应 xff0c
  • 请求报警:Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin或引用站点策略: no-referrer-when-downgrade

    提交表单发送ajax请求时 xff0c chrome请求返回Referrer Policy strict origin when cross origin错误 xff0c 360浏览器返回 引用站点策略 no referrer when d
  • docker安装ES及kibana

    docker安装elasticsearch xff1a docker pull elasticsearch 7 4 2 docker pull kibana 7 4 2 xff08 可视化界面 xff0c 要与es版本保持一致 xff09
  • redis分布式锁到redisson的转变

    首先导入redis依赖 xff1a lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot sta
  • 实现Mysql事务嵌套(部分回滚)

    测试数据库表结构 xff1a CREATE TABLE 96 my user 96 96 id 96 int 11 NOT NULL AUTO INCREMENT 96 name 96 varchar 50 DEFAULT NULL 96
  • iframe框架中a标签的target失效问题,导致链接跳转到新窗口

    最近遇到一个问题很奇怪 xff0c 我用iframe搭建的页面 xff0c 页面左侧设置了菜单栏 xff0c 右侧是菜单对应的链 接内容 a标签加target实现 xff0c 但是最近发现有一个菜单链接一访问会导致所有的菜单target失效
  • http和https网页切换导致cookie失效问题

    网站先后从https和http方式登陆网站 xff0c 会导致http中cookie无法生效 xff0c 即https覆盖和http但作用域只在https中 xff0c 在http中浏览器debug中查看不到相关cookie 之前遇到这个问
  • 程序员要多跳巢才能涨工资

    不要一辈子呆死在一家公司 都是打工高薪才是王道 fs xff1a 这 篇文章的本意 xff0c 是告诉大家如何识别公司 而不是鼓励大家无脑跳槽 只有当你在一个公司略有所成的时候 xff0c 你才能有所积累 跳槽更多时候 xff0c 应该看到
  • Ajax反正现在我没怎么看懂

    AJAX即 A synchronous J avascript A nd X ML xff08 异步JavaScript和XML xff09 xff0c 是指一种创建交互式 网页应用的网页开发技术 AJAX 61 异步 JavaScript
  • ViewBinding封装基类(BaseActivity,BaseFragment)

    混淆规则 keep class 包名 databinding 使用反射 BaseActivity public class BaseActivity lt T extends ViewBinding gt extends AppCompat
  • acc--›Android无障碍开发手势操作

    文章目录 前言dispatchGesture 96 api gt 61 24 96 GestureDescriptionGestureResultCallback执行手势 DslAccessibilityGestureclick 点击dou