




Picture a planet where every living thing is made of light. The landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful, with mountains and waterfalls made of swirling patterns of color. What kind of societies might exist in a world where physical bodies are nonexistent?

想象一个星球,那里的所有生物都是由光构成的 风景美得令人叹为观止 山脉和瀑布由旋转的颜色图案组成 在一个没有肉体的世界中可能存在什么样的社会




Picture a forest made entirely of ice. The trees, leaves and even the animals are frozen solid, but still seem to emit a soft blue light. What kind of creatures would live here, and what kind of stories might they have to tell?

想象一片完全由冰构成的森林 树木的叶子甚至动物都被冻成固体,但似乎仍散发出柔和的蓝光 什么样的生物会生活在这里,他们会讲什么样的故事



Imagine a world where every surface is covered in thick, lush moss. The trees, rocks, and even the ground are all completely green, making it difficult to distinguish between living and non-living things. What kind of creatures might live in this world, and how would they adapt to their surroundings?





Imagine a forest where every tree is a different color of the rainbow. The leaves, bark, and even the roots are all brightly colored, creating a dazzling display of hues. What kind of creatures might call this forest home, and what kind of secrets might they hold?






i want to be closer to reality



Envision a rural farmland during harvest season, with farmers working tirelessly to bring in their crops. What kind of crops might be grown here, and what kind of machinery is used to help with the harvest?









I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney's artificial intelligence program.
Your job is to provide detailed descriptions that will inspire unique and interesting images
from the Al.Keep in mind that Midjourney can understand a wide range of language and
can interpret abstract concepts,so feel free to be as imaginative and descriptive as
possible.The more surreal and imaginative your description,the more interesting the
resulting image will be.
我希望你充当 midjourneys 人工智能程序的提示生成器你的工作是提供详细的描述,以激发独特而有趣的图像
来自 al 请记住,midjourney 可以理解范围广泛的语言和可以解释抽象概念,因此请尽可能地发挥想象力和描述性


Sure, I'd be happy to assist you in generating prompts for Midjourney's AI program. Here are some detailed descriptions that may inspire unique and interesting images:

Imagine a world where gravity is reversed, and everything floats upwards towards the sky. What kind of architecture and infrastructure would exist in this world? How would people adapt to living in a weightless environment?

Picture a forest made entirely of ice. The trees, leaves and even the animals are frozen solid, but still seem to emit a soft blue light. What kind of creatures would live here, and what kind of stories might they have to tell?

Envision a city encased in a giant crystal dome, with intricate patterns etched into its surface. Inside this dome, the sky is always a shimmering purple, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of a thousand flowers. What kind of secrets might this city hold?

Imagine a world where time flows backwards instead of forwards. People are born old and grow younger with age, memories are forgotten instead of gained, and the end comes before the beginning. What kind of challenges would this present, and how might the inhabitants of this world cope?

Picture a planet where every living thing is made of light. The landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful, with mountains and waterfalls made of swirling patterns of color. What kind of societies might exist in a world where physical bodies are nonexistent?

I hope these descriptions provide some inspiration for Midjourney's AI program!

当然我很乐意帮助您为 midjourneys ai 程序生成提示这里有一些详细的描述可能会激发出独特而有趣的图像

想象一个重力反转的世界,一切都向天空漂浮是什么样的这个世界上会存在大量的建筑和基础设施 人们如何适应生活在失重环境中

想象一片完全由冰构成的森林,树叶甚至动物都被冻成固体,但似乎仍然散发出柔和的蓝光 什么样的生物会住在这里,他们会讲什么样的故事




continue for ten more






提示词由chatGPT生成,有需要chatGPT的可以查看该文,白嫖三个月阿里云部署stable diffusion教程该文


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