


最近在自学深度学习,网上有很多计算机视觉比赛和资源,比如kaggle,天池 ,百度飞浆,paddle现在做得越来越好,于是我就选择了百度飞浆,支持国产开源框架,也自己跑通了代码,以此记录一下学习过程,若有纰漏,恳请各位大佬多多指点。


一、配置好 paddle的GPU环境  


三、下载好源码,并把项目导入到 Pycharm







一、配置好 paddle的GPU环境  




  1. 最好用conda安装,由于本人当时安装的环境是win7+cuda 9.0的环境,安装过程也遇到不少坑,当时安装过程有些截图没及时保存,所以大家自行查找一下,网上有很多教程,问题不大。   
  2. 配置cuda+cudnn,根据自己电脑显卡的配置信息来安装,一般情况下电脑是cuda9.2,去英伟达官网安装cuda 9.0+对应的cudnn版本都可以兼容,以此类推
  3. 如果下载英伟达驱动安装包,网速很慢,建议不要用无线,用有线下载,之前被坑了一次



数据集分为训练集 +测试集,大概有5万多张图片 ,文件还是蛮大哦!

三、下载好源码,并把项目导入到 Pycharm



这个标签图是把图片中不同物体类别进行分类 ,ignoreInEval的含义是否可以忽略,True置为0(归为背景),False置为1,原本是0-8个属性 ID(catid )一共9类,仔细分析catid=4时,ignoreInEval=True,所以这个属性可以忽略,所以就剩下8个类别。


Description: Encode & Decode Labels for Lane Segmentation Competition
NOTE: For 8 classes
import numpy as np

def encode_labels(color_mask):
    encode_mask = np.zeros((color_mask.shape[0], color_mask.shape[1]))
    # 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 0] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 249] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 255] = 0
    # 1
    encode_mask[color_mask == 200] = 1
    encode_mask[color_mask == 204] = 1
    encode_mask[color_mask == 213] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 209] = 1
    encode_mask[color_mask == 206] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 207] = 0
    # 2
    encode_mask[color_mask == 201] = 2
    encode_mask[color_mask == 203] = 2
    encode_mask[color_mask == 211] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 208] = 0
    # 3
    encode_mask[color_mask == 216] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 217] = 3
    encode_mask[color_mask == 215] = 0

    # 4 In the test, it will be ignored
    encode_mask[color_mask == 218] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 219] = 0

    # 4
    encode_mask[color_mask == 210] = 4
    encode_mask[color_mask == 232] = 0
    # 5
    encode_mask[color_mask == 214] = 5
    # 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 202] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 220] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 221] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 222] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 231] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 224] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 225] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 226] = 6
    encode_mask[color_mask == 230] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 228] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 229] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 233] = 0
    # 7
    encode_mask[color_mask == 205] = 7
    encode_mask[color_mask == 212] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 227] = 7
    encode_mask[color_mask == 223] = 0
    encode_mask[color_mask == 250] = 7

    return encode_mask

#看代码要独立思考,注意跳坑(id<---对应--->trainid )
def decode_labels(labels):
    deocde_mask = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')
    # 0
    deocde_mask[labels == 0] = 0
    # 1
    deocde_mask[labels == 1] = 204
    # 2
    deocde_mask[labels == 2] = 203
    # 3
    deocde_mask[labels == 3] = 217
    # 4
    deocde_mask[labels == 4] = 210
    # 5
    deocde_mask[labels == 5] = 214
    # 6
    deocde_mask[labels == 6] = 224
    # 7
    deocde_mask[labels == 7] = 227

    return deocde_mask

def decode_color_labels(labels):
    decode_mask = np.zeros((3, labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')
    # 0
    decode_mask[0][labels == 0] = 0
    decode_mask[1][labels == 0] = 0
    decode_mask[2][labels == 0] = 0
    # 1
    decode_mask[0][labels == 1] = 70
    decode_mask[1][labels == 1] = 130
    decode_mask[2][labels == 1] = 180
    # 2
    decode_mask[0][labels == 2] = 0
    decode_mask[1][labels == 2] = 0
    decode_mask[2][labels == 2] = 142
    # 3
    decode_mask[0][labels == 3] = 153
    decode_mask[1][labels == 3] = 153
    decode_mask[2][labels == 3] = 153
    # 4
    decode_mask[0][labels == 4] = 128
    decode_mask[1][labels == 4] = 64
    decode_mask[2][labels == 4] = 128
    # 5
    decode_mask[0][labels == 5] = 190
    decode_mask[1][labels == 5] = 153
    decode_mask[2][labels == 5] = 153
    # 6
    decode_mask[0][labels == 6] = 0
    decode_mask[1][labels == 6] = 0
    decode_mask[2][labels == 6] = 230
    # 7
    decode_mask[0][labels == 7] = 255
    decode_mask[1][labels == 7] = 128
    decode_mask[2][labels == 7] = 0

    return decode_mask

def verify_labels(labels):
    pixels = [0]
    for x in range(labels.shape[0]):
        for y in range(labels.shape[1]):
            pixel = labels[x, y]
            if pixel not in pixels:
    print('The Labels Has Value:', pixels)



# Description: Make Data Lists for Lane Segmentation Competition(csv文件只保存图像文件位置和对应关系)

import os
import pandas as pd  #csv文件的创建和读取
from sklearn.utils import shuffle #打散数据
import shutil   #文件复制删除等操作
import numpy as np
import cv2  #建议没有必要使用cv2,例如PIL

from utils.process_labels import encode_labels, decode_color_labels

# make train & validation lists
label_list = []
image_list = []

# image_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/Image_Data/'
# label_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/Gray_Label/'

image_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/Val_Data/'
label_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/Gray_Label/'

# image_dir = '/home/gujingxiao/projects/PaddlePaddle/Image_Data/'
# label_dir = '/home/gujingxiao/projects/PaddlePaddle/Gray_Label/'

# os.path.join(path1[,path2[,......]]) 返回值:将多个路径组合后返回
# lower() 返回将字符串中所有大写字符转换为小写后生成的字符串

for s1 in os.listdir(image_dir):
    image_sub_dir1 = os.path.join(image_dir, s1)
    label_sub_dir1 = os.path.join(label_dir, 'Label_' + str.lower(s1), 'Label')
    # print(image_sub_dir1, label_sub_dir1)

    for s2 in os.listdir(image_sub_dir1):
        image_sub_dir2 = os.path.join(image_sub_dir1, s2)
        label_sub_dir2 = os.path.join(label_sub_dir1, s2)
        # print(image_sub_dir2, label_sub_dir2)

        for s3 in os.listdir(image_sub_dir2):
            image_sub_dir3 = os.path.join(image_sub_dir2, s3)
            label_sub_dir3 = os.path.join(label_sub_dir2, s3)
            # print(image_sub_dir3, label_sub_dir3)

            for s4 in os.listdir(image_sub_dir3):
                s44 = s4.replace('.jpg','_bin.png')#生成label文件名
                image_sub_dir4 = os.path.join(image_sub_dir3, s4)
                label_sub_dir4 = os.path.join(label_sub_dir3, s44)
                if not os.path.exists(image_sub_dir4):
                if not os.path.exists(label_sub_dir4):
                # print(image_sub_dir4, label_sub_dir4)
print(len(image_list), len(label_list))

save = pd.DataFrame({'image':image_list, 'label':label_list})  #生成CSV文件格式
save_shuffle = shuffle(save)     #打散数据

#save_shuffle.to_csv('E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/data_list/train.csv', index=False)

#save_shuffle.to_csv('../data_list/train.csv', index=False)
save_shuffle.to_csv('E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/data_list/val.csv', index=False)

# Description: Data Generator for Lane Segmentation Competition

import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from paddle.fluid import core
from utils.process_labels import encode_labels, verify_labels
from utils.image_process import crop_resize_data, crop_val_resize_data

# Feed Data into Tensor
def get_feeder_data(data, place, for_test=False):
    feed_dict = {}
    image_t = core.LoDTensor()
    image_t.set(data[0], place)
    feed_dict["image"] = image_t

    # if not test, feed label also
    # Otherwise, only feed image
    if not for_test:
        labels_t = core.LoDTensor()
        labels_t.set(data[1], place)
        feed_dict["label"] = labels_t

    return feed_dict

# Train Images Generator
def train_image_gen(train_list, batch_size=4, image_size=[1024, 384], crop_offset=690):
    # Arrange all indexes
    all_batches_index = np.arange(0, len(train_list))
    out_images = []
    out_masks = []
    image_dir = np.array(train_list['image'])
    label_dir = np.array(train_list['label'])
    while True:
        # Random shuffle indexes every epoch
        np.random.shuffle(all_batches_index)  #数据打散
        for index in all_batches_index:  #动态生成数据,读取数据
            if os.path.exists(image_dir[index]):
                ori_image = cv2.imread(image_dir[index])
                ori_mask = cv2.imread(label_dir[index], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
                # Crop the top part of the image
                # Resize to train size
                train_img, train_mask = crop_resize_data(ori_image, ori_mask, image_size, crop_offset)
                # Encode
                train_mask = encode_labels(train_mask)

                # verify_labels(train_mask)
                if len(out_images) >= batch_size:
                    out_images = np.array(out_images)
                    out_masks = np.array(out_masks)
                    out_images = out_images[:, :, :, ::-1].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(np.float32) / (255.0 / 2) - 1
                    out_masks = out_masks.astype(np.int64)
                    yield out_images, out_masks
                    out_images, out_masks = [], []
                print(image_dir, 'does not exist.')

# Validation Images Generator
def val_image_gen(val_list, batch_size=4, image_size=[1024, 384], crop_offset=690):
    all_batches_index = np.arange(0, len(val_list))

    out_images = []
    out_masks = []
    image_dir = np.array(val_list['image'])
    label_dir = np.array(val_list['label'])
    while True:
        for index in all_batches_index:
            if os.path.exists(image_dir[index]):
                ori_image = cv2.imread(image_dir[index])
                ori_mask = cv2.imread(label_dir[index], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
                val_img, val_mask = crop_val_resize_data(ori_image, ori_mask, image_size, crop_offset)
                val_mask = encode_labels(val_mask)
                if len(out_images) >= batch_size:
                    out_images = np.array(out_images)
                    out_masks = np.array(out_masks)
                    out_images = out_images[:, :, :, ::-1].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(np.float32) / (255.0 / 2) - 1
                    out_masks = out_masks.astype(np.int64)
                    yield out_images, out_masks
                    out_images, out_masks = [], []
                print(image_dir, 'does not exist.')



# Description: Val & Inference Code for Lane Segmentation Competition

import cv2
import sys
import os
import time

import paddle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import paddle.fluid as fluid

from utils.process_labels import decode_color_labels
from utils.image_process import crop_resize_data, expand_resize_data
from utils.data_feeder import get_feeder_data, val_image_gen
from models.unet_base import unet_base
from models.unet_simple import unet_simple
from models.deeplabv3p import deeplabv3p


def mean_iou(pred, label, num_classes):
    pred = fluid.layers.argmax(pred, axis=1)
    pred = fluid.layers.cast(pred, 'int32')
    label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'int32')
    miou, wrong, correct = fluid.layers.mean_iou(pred, label, num_classes)
    return miou

no_grad_set = []
def create_loss(predict, label, num_classes):
    predict = fluid.layers.transpose(predict, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
    predict = fluid.layers.reshape(predict, shape=[-1, num_classes])
    predict = fluid.layers.softmax(predict)
    label = fluid.layers.reshape(label, shape=[-1, 1])
    bce_loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
    loss = bce_loss
    miou = mean_iou(predict, label, num_classes)
    return fluid.layers.reduce_mean(loss), miou

def create_network(train_image, train_label, classes, network='unet_simple', image_size=(1024, 384), for_test=False):
    if network == 'unet_base':
        predict = unet_base(train_image, classes, image_size)
    elif network == 'unet_simple':
        predict = unet_simple(train_image, classes, image_size)
    elif network == 'deeplabv3p':
        predict = deeplabv3p(train_image, classes)
        raise Exception('Not support this model:', network)
    print('The program will run', network)

    if for_test == False:
        loss, miou = create_loss(predict, train_label, classes)
        return loss, miou, predict
    elif for_test == True:
        return predict
        raise Exception('Wrong Status:', for_test)

# The main method
def main():
    IMG_SIZE =[1536, 512]
    SUBMISSION_SIZE = [3384, 1710]
    #save_test_logits = False
    save_test_logits = True

    num_classes = 8
    batch_size = 4
    log_iters = 100
    #network = 'unet_simple'
    network ='deeplabv3p'

    # Define paths for each model
    if network == 'deeplabv3p':
        #model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_deeplabv3p_8_end_060223"
        #npy_dir = '/npy_save/deeplabv3p/'
        model_path = "E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/model_weights/paddle_deeplabv3p_8_end_060223"
        npy_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/npy_save/deeplabv3p/'

    elif network == 'unet_base':
        # model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_unet_base_10_end_059909"
        # npy_dir = '/npy_save/unet_base/'
        model_path = "E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/model_weights/paddle_unet_base_0_2000"
        npy_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/npy_save/unet_base/'

    elif network == 'unet_simple':
        # model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_unet_simple_12_end_060577"
        # npy_dir = '/npy_save/unet_simple/'
        model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_unet_simple_12_end_060577"
        npy_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/npy_save/unet_simple/'

    program_choice = 2 # 1 - Validtion; 2 - Test
    show_label = False
    crop_offset = 690
    data_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/data_list/val.csv'
    #data_dir = './data_list/val.csv'
    test_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/TestSet/ColorImage/'
    #test_dir = '../PaddlePaddle/TestSet_Final/ColorImage/'

    sub_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/test_submission/'

    # Get data list and split it into train and validation set.
    val_list = pd.read_csv(data_dir)

    images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=[3, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')
    labels = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')

    iter_id = 0
    total_loss = 0.0
    total_miou = 0.0
    prev_time = time.time()
    # Validation
    if program_choice == 1:
        val_reader = val_image_gen(val_list, batch_size=batch_size, image_size=IMG_SIZE, crop_offset=crop_offset)
        reduced_loss, miou, pred = create_network(images, labels, num_classes, network=network, image_size=(IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]), for_test=False)
        place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
        exe = fluid.Executor(place)
        fluid.io.load_params(exe, model_path)
        print("loaded model from: %s" % model_path)

        # Parallel Executor to use multi-GPUs
        exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
        exec_strategy.allow_op_delay = True
        build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
        build_strategy.reduce_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy.Reduce
        train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(use_cuda=True, build_strategy=build_strategy, exec_strategy=exec_strategy)

        print('Start Validation!')
        for iteration in range(int(len(val_list) / batch_size)):
            val_data = next(val_reader)
            results = train_exe.run(
                feed=get_feeder_data(val_data, place),
                fetch_list=[reduced_loss.name, miou.name, pred.name])
            if iter_id % log_iters == 0:
                print('Finished Processing %d Images.' %(iter_id * batch_size))
            iter_id += 1
            total_loss += np.mean(results[0])
            total_miou += np.mean(results[1])
            # label to mask
            if show_label == True:
                label_image = val_data[1][0]
                color_label_mask = decode_color_labels(label_image)
                color_label_mask = np.transpose(color_label_mask, (1, 2, 0))
                cv2.imshow('gt_label', cv2.resize(color_label_mask, (IMG_SIZE[0], IMG_SIZE[1])))

                prediction = np.argmax(results[2][0], axis=0)
                color_pred_mask = decode_color_labels(prediction)
                color_pred_mask = np.transpose(color_pred_mask, (1, 2, 0))
                cv2.imshow('pred_label', cv2.resize(color_pred_mask, (IMG_SIZE[0], IMG_SIZE[1])))

        end_time = time.time()
        print("validation loss: %.3f, mean iou: %.3f, time cost: %.3f s"
            % (total_loss / iter_id, total_miou / iter_id, end_time - prev_time))
    # Test
    elif program_choice == 2:
        predictions = create_network(images, labels, num_classes, network=network, image_size=(IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]), for_test=True)
        place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
        # place = fluid.CPUPlace()
        exe = fluid.Executor(place)
        fluid.io.load_params(exe, model_path)
        print("loaded model from: %s" % model_path)

        print('Start Making Submissions!')
        test_list = os.listdir(test_dir)
        for test_name in test_list:
            test_ori_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(test_dir, test_name))
            test_image = crop_resize_data(test_ori_image, label=None, image_size=IMG_SIZE, offset=crop_offset)
            out_image = np.expand_dims(np.array(test_image), axis=0)
            out_image = out_image[:, :, :, ::-1].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(np.float32) / (255.0 / 2) - 1

            feed_dict = {}
            feed_dict["image"] = out_image
            results_1 = exe.run(

            if iter_id % 20 == 0:
                print('Finished Processing %d Images.' %(iter_id))
            iter_id += 1
            prediction = np.argmax(results_1[0][0], axis=0)

            # Save npy files
            if save_test_logits == True:
                np.save(npy_dir + test_name.replace('.jpg', '.npy'), results_1[0][0])

            # Save Submission PNG
            submission_mask = expand_resize_data(prediction, SUBMISSION_SIZE, crop_offset)
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(sub_dir, test_name.replace('.jpg', '.png')), submission_mask)

            # Show Label
            if show_label == True:
                cv2.imshow('test_image', cv2.resize(test_ori_image,(IMG_SIZE[0], IMG_SIZE[1])))
                cv2.imshow('pred_label', cv2.resize(submission_mask,(IMG_SIZE[0], IMG_SIZE[1])))

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":



PS:注意单卡与双卡训练的代码区别,我猜测作者运行的环境应该是在Ubuntu系统下运行的,因为作者说明了是用paddlepaddle-gpu 1.3.0.post97,就是paddle 1.3.0版本+cuda9.0+cudnn v7+双卡训练(paddle只有linux系统才支持双卡训练,Windows仅支持单卡训练)

  • 当然目前paddle已经更新到2.1了,可能有些语法上的不兼容之类的,自己根据实际报错来找答案
  • 此处labels的类型由float32改为int32目的是,当时是报了一个数据类型的错误,后面咨询了别人才知道修改
  • #labels = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')

# Description: Train Code for Lane Segmentation Competition

import time

import paddle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import os

from utils.data_feeder import get_feeder_data, train_image_gen
from models.unet_base import unet_base
from models.unet_simple import unet_simple
from models.deeplabv3p import deeplabv3p

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1,2' #以防GPU出问题

# Compute Mean Iou
def mean_iou(pred, label, num_classes=8):
    pred = fluid.layers.argmax(pred, axis=1)
    pred = fluid.layers.cast(pred, 'int32')
    label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'int32')
    miou, wrong, correct = fluid.layers.mean_iou(pred, label, num_classes)
    return miou

# Get Loss Function
no_grad_set = []
def create_loss(predict, label, num_classes):
    predict = fluid.layers.transpose(predict, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
    predict = fluid.layers.reshape(predict, shape=[-1, num_classes])
    predict = fluid.layers.softmax(predict)
    label = fluid.layers.reshape(label, shape=[-1, 1])
    # BCE with DICE
    bce_loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(predict, label)
    dice_loss = fluid.layers.dice_loss(predict, label)
    loss = bce_loss + dice_loss
    miou = mean_iou(predict, label, num_classes)
    return fluid.layers.reduce_mean(loss), miou

def create_network(train_image, train_label, classes, network='unet_simple', image_size=(1024, 384), for_test=False):
    if network == 'unet_base':
        predict = unet_base(train_image, classes, image_size)
    elif network == 'unet_simple':
        predict = unet_simple(train_image, classes, image_size)
    elif network == 'deeplabv3p':
        predict = deeplabv3p(train_image, classes)
        raise Exception('Not support this model:', network)
    print('The program will run', network)

    if for_test == False:
        loss, miou = create_loss(predict, train_label, classes)
        return loss, miou, predict
    elif for_test == True:
        return predict
        raise Exception('Wrong Status:', for_test)

# The main method
def main():
    IMG_SIZE =[1536, 512]
    SUBMISSION_SIZE = [3384, 1710]
    add_num = 13
    num_classes = 8
    #batch_size = 2 #双卡训练为偶数
    batch_size = 1
    log_iters = 100
    base_lr = 0.001
    #base_lr = 0.0006
    save_model_iters = 2000
    #use_pretrained = True
    use_pretrained = False
    #network = 'deeplabv3p'
    network = 'unet_base'
    save_model_path ="E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/model_weights/paddle_" + network + "_"
    model_path ="E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/models" + network + "_12_end"
    #save_model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_" + network + "_"
    #model_path = "./model_weights/paddle_" + network + "_12_end"
    epoches = 2
    crop_offset = 690
    data_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/data_list/train.csv'

    # Get data list and split it into train and validation set.
    train_list = pd.read_csv(data_dir)

    images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=[3, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')
    labels = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='int32')
    #labels = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')

    iter_id = 0
    total_loss = 0.0
    total_miou = 0.0
    prev_time = time.time()
    # Train
    print('Train Data Size:', len(train_list))
    train_reader = train_image_gen(train_list, batch_size, IMG_SIZE, crop_offset) #数据生成器
    # Create model and define optimizer
    reduced_loss, miou, pred = create_network(images, labels, num_classes, network=network, image_size=(IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]), for_test=False)
    optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=base_lr)
    optimizer.minimize(reduced_loss, no_grad_set=no_grad_set)

    # Whether load pretrained model(单卡执行的程序)
    place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
    exe = fluid.Executor(place)
    if use_pretrained == True:
        fluid.io.load_params(exe, model_path)
        print("loaded model from: %s" % model_path)
        print("Train from initialized model.")

    # Parallel Executor to use multi-GPUs(这个是多卡执行的程序)
    # exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
    # exec_strategy.allow_op_delay = True
    # build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
    # build_strategy.reduce_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy.Reduce
    # train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(use_cuda=True, loss_name=reduced_loss.name,
    #                                    build_strategy=build_strategy, exec_strategy=exec_strategy)

    # Training
    for epoch in range(epoches):
        print('Start Training Epoch: %d'%(epoch + 1))
        train_length = len(train_list)
        for iteration in range(int(train_length / batch_size)):
            train_data = next(train_reader)
            results = exe.run(
                feed=get_feeder_data(train_data, place),
                fetch_list=[reduced_loss.name, miou.name])

            # results = train_exe.run(
            #     feed=get_feeder_data(train_data, place),
            #     fetch_list=[reduced_loss.name, miou.name])
            iter_id += 1
            total_loss += np.mean(results[0])
            total_miou += np.mean(results[1])

            if iter_id % log_iters == 0: # Print log
                end_time = time.time()
                "Iter - %d: train loss: %.3f, mean iou: %.3f, time cost: %.3f s"
                % (iter_id, total_loss / log_iters, total_miou / log_iters, end_time - prev_time))
                total_loss = 0.0
                total_miou = 0.0
                prev_time = time.time()

            if iter_id % save_model_iters == 0: # save model
                dir_name =save_model_path + str(epoch + add_num) + '_' + str(iter_id)
                fluid.io.save_params(exe, dirname=dir_name)
                print("Saved checkpoint: %s" % (dir_name))
        iter_id = 0
        dir_name = save_model_path + str(epoch + add_num) + '_end'
        fluid.io.save_params(exe, dirname=dir_name)
        print("Saved checkpoint: %s" % (dir_name))

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":



import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
from paddle import fluid
from utils.image_process import expand_resize_data

# Create a bilineraNet to resize predictions to full size
def bilinearNet(predictions, submission_size, crop_offset):
    logit = fluid.layers.resize_bilinear(input=predictions, out_shape=(submission_size[0], submission_size[1] - crop_offset))
    return logit

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Start Making Ensemble Submissions!')
    #test_dir = '../PaddlePaddle/TestSet_Final/ColorImage/'
    #sub_dir = './test_submission/'

    test_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/chusai_data/TestSet_Final/ColorImage/'
    sub_dir = 'E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/test_submission/'

    IMG_SIZE = [1536, 512]
    SUBMISSION_SIZE = [3384, 1710]
    crop_offset = 690
    # Ignore Class 4
    label_num = 8
    test_list = os.listdir(test_dir)

    # Three Folders which save npy files corresponding to all test images
    # ensemble index 1 0.61234

    # model_lists = ['/npy_save/deeplabv3p/',
    #                '/npy_save/unet_base/',
    #                '/npy_save/unet_simple/']

    model_lists = ['E:/PaddleXinstallation/data/Lane-Segmentation-Solution-For-BaiduAI-Autonomous-Driving-Competition-master/npy_save/deeplabv3p/',

    # Build Model & Initialize Program
    images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=[label_num, IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0]], dtype='float32')
    predictions = bilinearNet(images, SUBMISSION_SIZE, crop_offset)
    place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
    exe = fluid.Executor(place)

    for index in range(len(test_list)):
        test_name = test_list[index]
        print(index, test_name)

        # Load three diffirent npys and then do average
        model_logits1 = np.load(model_lists[0] + test_name.replace('.jpg', '.npy'))
        model_logits2 = np.load(model_lists[1] + test_name.replace('.jpg', '.npy'))
        model_logits3 = np.load(model_lists[2] + test_name.replace('.jpg', '.npy'))
        avg_model_logits = (model_logits1 + model_logits2 + model_logits3) / 3.0
        logits_input = np.expand_dims(np.array(avg_model_logits), axis=0)

        # Feed data & Run BilinearNet
        feed_dict = {}
        feed_dict["image"] = logits_input
        results = exe.run(

        prediction = np.argmax(results[0][0], axis=0)
        # Convert prediction to submission image
        submission_mask = expand_resize_data(prediction, SUBMISSION_SIZE, crop_offset)
        # Save submission png
        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(sub_dir, test_name.replace('.jpg', '.png')), submission_mask)

以上就是这个项目源码的解剖分析 ,运行的结果如下:


如果自己电脑显卡不支持训练,也可以在线 GPU训练,欢迎关注百度飞浆







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