Quartz2.2.0 产生misfire条件参数misfireThreshold和misfire策略详细说明







如果misfireThreshold = 9,即<prop key="org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold">9000</prop>  ,处理输出如下:(并 没有misfire)

QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1585915091]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:36
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1585915091]结束2014-02-17 03:33:47
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1031004174]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:47
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1031004174]结束2014-02-17 03:33:49
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1762116878]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:49
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1762116878]结束2014-02-17 03:33:51
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[297927453]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:51
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[297927453]结束2014-02-17 03:33:53
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1141610173]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:53
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1141610173]结束2014-02-17 03:33:55
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1222040615]开始:2014-02-17 03:33:55
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1222040615]结束2014-02-17 03:33:57

如果misfireThreshold = 8,即<prop key="org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold">8000</prop>  ,处理输出如下:(misfire了)

QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[905379918]开始:2014-02-17 03:53:33
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[905379918]结束2014-02-17 03:53:44
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[573294390]开始:2014-02-17 03:53:44
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[573294390]结束2014-02-17 03:53:46
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1944119278]开始:2014-02-17 03:53:47
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[1944119278]结束2014-02-17 03:53:49
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[505858271]开始:2014-02-17 03:53:50
QuartzMissfireJob的任务调度[505858271]结束2014-02-17 03:53:52

在quartz里,org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold: 60000,默认是60s

在spring配置文件中,如果没有配置<prop key="org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold">8000</prop>  属性,那么misfireThreshold会为0

当产生misfire时,会有多种处理策略,Quartz2.2.0 + Spring4.0.0版本配置文件中misfire策略详细说明:


<property name="misfireInstruction"><value>0</value></property>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
	xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans	http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">

	<!-- 启动触发器的配置开始 -->
	<!-- 总管理类 如果将lazy-init='false'那么容器启动就会执行调度程序  -->
	<bean name="startQuertz" lazy-init="false" autowire="no" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
		<property name="triggers">
			<!-- 调度清单 -->
				<ref bean="simpleTrigger" />
		<!-- quartz配置 -->  
		<property name="quartzProperties">  
				<prop key="org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount">10</prop>  
				<prop key="org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold">1</prop>  
		<!-- 初始化之后延迟3秒启动scheduler -->  
		<property name="startupDelay">  
	<!-- 启动触发器的配置结束 -->

	<!-- 调度的配置开始 -->
		<bean id="myJobTrigger"
			<property name="jobDetail">
				<ref bean="myJobDetail" />
			<property name="cronExpression">
				<value>0/1 * * * * ?</value>
	<!-- quartz-2.x的配置 -->
	<!-- 定义触发时间 -->
	<!-- cronTrigger简单触发器配置 -->
	<!-- 默认是withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed —— 以当前时间为触发频率立刻触发一次执行,然后按照Cron频率依次执行,如没有空闲进程可用,则kill掉前面那个调度,立即触发当前这个-->
	<bean id="simpleTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerFactoryBean">
		<property name="jobDetail">
			<ref bean="simpleJobDetail"/>
		<!-- <property name="startDelay" value="1" /> -->
		<!-- 每3s执行一次 -->
		<property name="repeatInterval" value="3000" />
		<property name="repeatCount" value="5" />
			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be fired now by Scheduler. 
			NOTE: This instruction should typically only be used for 'one-shot' (non-repeating) Triggers. If it is used on a trigger with a repeat count > 0 then it is equivalent to the instruction MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_RESCHEDULE_NOW_WITH_REMAINING_REPEAT_COUNT . 
			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to 'now' (even if the associated Calendar excludes 'now') with the repeat count set to what it would be, if it had not missed any firings. This does obey the Trigger end-time however, so if 'now' is after the end-time the Trigger will not fire again. 
			NOTE: Use of this instruction causes the trigger to 'forget' the start-time and repeat-count that it was originally setup with. Instead, the repeat count on the trigger will be changed to whatever the remaining repeat count is (this is only an issue if you for some reason wanted to be able to tell what the original values were at some later time). 
			NOTE: This instruction could cause the Trigger to go to the 'COMPLETE' state after firing 'now', if all the repeat-fire-times where missed. 
			立即执行,继续重复执行的次数等于本次+剩余的次数,即剩余次数+1,misfire job不会再执行.

			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to the next scheduled time after 'now' - taking into account any associated Calendar, and with the repeat count left unchanged. 
			NOTE/WARNING: This instruction could cause the Trigger to go directly to the 'COMPLETE' state if the end-time of the trigger has arrived. 
			不会立即执行,misfire job不会再执行,到下一个触发点再执行,继续重复执行的次数等于剩余次数-1.

			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to the next scheduled time after 'now' - taking into account any associated Calendar, and with the repeat count set to what it would be, if it had not missed any firings. 
			NOTE/WARNING: This instruction could cause the Trigger to go directly to the 'COMPLETE' state if all fire-times where missed. 
			不会立即执行,misfire job不会再执行,到下一个触发点再执行,继续重复执行的次数等于剩余次数-1.
			如:3s执行一次,重复执行5次,从 05:18:52开始,理论上依次执行的时间点是 05:18:55,05:18:58,05:19:01,05:19:04,05:19:07

			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the SimpleTrigger wants to be re-scheduled to 'now' (even if the associated Calendar excludes 'now') with the repeat count left as-is. This does obey the Trigger end-time however, so if 'now' is after the end-time the Trigger will not fire again. 
			NOTE: Use of this instruction causes the trigger to 'forget' the start-time and repeat-count that it was originally setup with (this is only an issue if you for some reason wanted to be able to tell what the original values were at some later time). 
			立即执行,不会丢失misfire job,从当前时刻开始重新计算每次执行时间点,重做misfire的job
			Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the updateAfterMisfire() method will be called on the Trigger to determine the mis-fire instruction, which logic will be trigger-implementation-dependent. 
			In order to see if this instruction fits your needs, you should look at the documentation for the getSmartMisfirePolicy() method on the particular Trigger implementation you are using.
			如果没有自定义的话,当misfire后,立即执行,不会丢失misfire job... 跟MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_RESCHEDULE_NOW_WITH_EXISTING_REPEAT_COUNT差不多策略
		<property name="misfireInstruction"><value>0</value></property>
	<!-- 调度的配置结束 -->

	<!-- job的配置开始 -->
	<!-- 定义调用对象和调用对象的方法 -->
	<bean id="simpleJobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean">
		<property name="targetObject" ref="missfireJob" />
		<property name="targetMethod" value="work" />
		<!-- <property name="concurrent" value="false" /> -->
		<!-- 同步执行 -->
		<property name="concurrent" value="false" />
	<!-- job的配置结束 -->

	<!-- 要调用的工作类 -->
	<bean id="missfireJob" class="com.liangbinny.quartz.example6.QuartzMissfireJob" />


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