




wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v21.7/protobuf-cpp-3.21.7.zip
unzip protobuf-cpp-3.21.7.zip


To build protobuf from source, the following tools are needed:

  • autoconf
  • automake
  • libtool
  • make
  • g++
  • unzip

On Ubuntu/Debian, you can install them with:

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip

To build and install the C++ Protocol Buffer runtime and the Protocol

Buffer compiler (protoc) execute the following:


make -j$(nproc) # $(nproc) ensures it uses all cores for compilation

make check

sudo make install

sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.

By default, the package will be installed to /usr/local.

可以在终端上输入protoc --version查看安装成功与否。



  • 定义protobuf源文件,addressbook.proto
// [START declaration]
syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// [END declaration]

// [START messages]
message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 id = 2;  // Unique ID number for this person.
  string email = 3;

  enum PhoneType {
    MOBILE = 0;
    HOME = 1;
    WORK = 2;

  message PhoneNumber {
    string number = 1;
    PhoneType type = 2;

  repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4;

  google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 5;

// Our address book file is just one of these.
message AddressBook {
  repeated Person people = 1;
// [END messages]



  • 编译proto源文件


protoc -I=. --cpp_out=. addressbook.proto




  • 接口使用示例
  1. 测试写入文件testwrite.cc
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <google/protobuf/util/time_util.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "addressbook.pb.h"

using namespace std;

using google::protobuf::util::TimeUtil;

// This function fills in a Person message based on user input.
void PromptForAddress(tutorial::Person *person)
  cout << "Enter person ID number: ";
  int id;
  cin >> id;
  cin.ignore(256, '\n');

  cout << "Enter name: ";
  getline(cin, *person->mutable_name());

  cout << "Enter email address (blank for none): ";
  string email;
  getline(cin, email);
  if (!email.empty())

  while (true)
    cout << "Enter a phone number (or leave blank to finish): ";
    string number;
    getline(cin, number);
    if (number.empty())

    tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber *phone_number = person->add_phones();

    cout << "Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? ";
    string type;
    getline(cin, type);
    if (type == "mobile")
    else if (type == "home")
    else if (type == "work")
      cout << "Unknown phone type.  Using default." << endl;
  *person->mutable_last_updated() = TimeUtil::SecondsToTimestamp(time(NULL));

// Main function:  Reads the entire address book from a file,
//   adds one person based on user input, then writes it back out to the same
//   file.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is
  // compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against.

  if (argc != 2)
    cerr << "Usage:  " << argv[0] << " ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE" << endl;
    return -1;

  tutorial::AddressBook address_book;

    // Read the existing address book.
    fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
    if (!input)
      cout << argv[1] << ": File not found.  Creating a new file." << endl;
    else if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(&input))
      cerr << "Failed to parse address book." << endl;
      return -1;

  // Add an address.

    // Write the new address book back to disk.
    fstream output(argv[1], ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);
    if (!address_book.SerializeToOstream(&output))
      cerr << "Failed to write address book." << endl;
      return -1;

  // Optional:  Delete all global objects allocated by libprotobuf.

  return 0;


g++ testwrite.cc addressbook.pb.cc -o testwrite -lprotobuf


./testwrite addressbook.data



  1. 测试读文件testread.cc:
#include <fstream>
#include <google/protobuf/util/time_util.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "addressbook.pb.h"

using namespace std;

using google::protobuf::util::TimeUtil;

// Iterates though all people in the AddressBook and prints info about them.
void ListPeople(const tutorial::AddressBook &address_book)
    for (int i = 0; i < address_book.people_size(); i++)
        const tutorial::Person &person = address_book.people(i);

        cout << "Person ID: " << person.id() << endl;
        cout << "  Name: " << person.name() << endl;
        if (person.email() != "")
            cout << "  E-mail address: " << person.email() << endl;

        for (int j = 0; j < person.phones_size(); j++)
            const tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber &phone_number = person.phones(j);

            switch (phone_number.type())
            case tutorial::Person::MOBILE:
                cout << "  Mobile phone #: ";
            case tutorial::Person::HOME:
                cout << "  Home phone #: ";
            case tutorial::Person::WORK:
                cout << "  Work phone #: ";
                cout << "  Unknown phone #: ";
            cout << phone_number.number() << endl;
        if (person.has_last_updated())
            cout << "  Updated: " << TimeUtil::ToString(person.last_updated()) << endl;

// Main function:  Reads the entire address book from a file and prints all
//   the information inside.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is
    // compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against.

    if (argc != 2)
        cerr << "Usage:  " << argv[0] << " ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE" << endl;
        return -1;

    tutorial::AddressBook address_book;

        // Read the existing address book.
        fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
        if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(&input))
            cerr << "Failed to parse address book." << endl;
            return -1;


    // Optional:  Delete all global objects allocated by libprotobuf.

    return 0;


./testread addressbook.data


Person ID: 1
  Name: wzm
  E-mail address: 12345
  Mobile phone #: 11111
  Mobile phone #: sfafsa
  Mobile phone #: qqwq
  Mobile phone #: saf
  Updated: 2022-09-30T08:37:46Z



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