OpenGL2 spec releases at the SIGGRAPH2004


发信人: chsoft (珍惜光华,善待光华), 信区: Graphics
标  题: OpenGL2 spec releases at the SIGGRAPH2004
发信站: 日月光华 (2004年08月11日13:22:06 星期三), 站内信件

SIGGRAPH 2004, LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10 - The latest version of the OpenGL(R)
specification, incorporating support for the OpenGL Shading Language
application programming interfaces (API), was announced today by Silicon
Graphics and the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) at the SIGGRAPH
2004 industry tradeshow. One of the most important and enduring standards
in the computer industry, OpenGL(R) 2.0 presents a revolution in graphics
by providing high-level access to the programmable features of modern
graphics processors and is an important step in creating photo-realistic,
real-time 3D graphics.

OpenGL(R) Shading Language has been extensively field tested for a year
within the proven ARB standardization process. Potential applications
include cinematic quality images for games, more realistic imagery for
training and simulation, better analysis tools for medical visualization,
and more true-to-life simulated environments for designing and styling
manufactured products.

Since its introduction in 2003, OpenGL Shading Language has become the most
widely supported shading language for developing interactive graphics and
visualization applications, with implementations for UNIX(R), Microsoft(R)
Windows(R), Linux(R), and other operating systems. This wide compatibility
enables developers to readily move their work across most major commercial
operating systems and hardware platforms. OpenGL 2.0 fully supports all
applications written under the previous versions of the specification.

"Explosive data growth is driving new uses of visualization," said Paul
McNamara, senior vice president and general manager, Visual Systems Group,
SGI. "Data analysis, for instance, demands that the results are visually
conveyed to minutely fine levels of granularity. With the inclusion of
OpenGL Shading Language into the core of OpenGL, developers can be assured
every graphics card that is OpenGL 2.0 compliant will showcase this
capability regardless of who supports the OS."

"With the availability of OpenGL Shading Language, OpenGL continues to
provide progressive, platform-independent access to the power of today's
hardware-accelerated graphics engines," said Rob Gingell, chief engineer
and fellow, Sun Microsystems, Inc. "With JSR 231 being introduced last
year, Java developers will enjoy an unprecedented set of tools for creating
visually exciting applications."

"Dell's involvement in developing OpenGL 2.0 underscores our commitment to
driving standards and delivering technologies that our customers demand,"
said Kevin Kettler, chief technology officer and vice president, Dell Inc.
"Including OpenGL Shading Language in OpenGL core marks a major
accomplishment that will deliver new functionality and drive next
generation graphics programming."

New features of OpenGL 2.0 include:
Programmable shading. With the new release, both OpenGL Shading Language
and its APIs are now core features of OpenGL. New functionality includes
the ability to create shader and program objects; and the ability to write
vertex and fragment shaders in OpenGL Shading Language.

Multiple render targets that enable programmable shaders to write different
values to multiple output buffers in a single pass.

Non-power-of-two textures for all texture targets, thereby supporting
rectangular textures and reducing memory consumption.

Two-sided stencil, with the ability to define stencil functionality for the
front and back faces of primitives, improving performance of shadow volume
and constructive solid geometry rendering algorithms.

Point sprites, which replace point texture coordinates with texture
coordinates interpolated across the point. This allows drawing points as
customized textures, useful for particle systems.
"3Dlabs trail-blazed both the vision and the creation of OpenGL Shading
Language and we are fully committed to the deployment and continued
evolution of this critical industry standard," said Neil Trevett, senior
vice president of market development, 3Dlabs. "Our professional graphics
accelerators ship with industrial-strength support for OpenGL Shading
Language that is now included in OpenGL 2.0 to bring full programmability
to the most demanding design applications."

"ATI is proud to have led the workgroup that created the OpenGL Shading
Language and its extensions," said Rick Bergman, senior vice president of
marketing and general manager, Desktop, ATI Technologies Inc. "This
collaborative effort to advance the industry will allow content creators to
develop even more realistic rendering both in real-time and offline. ATI
has supported the OpenGL Shading Language since 2003 in its products and
continues to work with developers to push the limits of what is possible
with graphics technology."

"The widespread availability of key enabling technologies like mainstream
64-bit, PCI Express, and OpenGL Shading Language has made this undoubtedly
one of the most exciting years in graphics history," said Nick Triantos,
chief software architect, NVIDIA Corporation. "By providing full support
for OpenGL Shading Language and three generations of finely-honed,
programmable graphics hardware, developers and users have all the tools to
create the next generation of visually compelling content and applications

OpenGL Shading Language Developer Session
The OpenGL ARB is hosting a detailed three-hour session for applications
developers wishing to learn how to use OpenGL Shading language in
real-world applications from 1-4 p.m. on Thursday, August 12, in Tech Talk
Room 2 in the registration area of SIGGRAPH. Admittance is free.

Most Widely Adopted Graphics Standard
With more than 60 hardware developer licensees, OpenGL has the broadest
industry support of any openly licensed graphics API. In 1992, SGI formed
the ARB that now governs the evolution and ongoing development of OpenGL, a
technology originally created by SGI as an open, platform-independent
standard for professional-quality 3D graphics.

The 12 voting members of the OpenGL ARB are 3Dlabs, Apple, ATI, Dell Inc.,
Evans & Sutherland, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM Corporation, Intel
Corporation, Matrox Graphics, Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, Sun Microsystems,
Inc. and Silicon Graphics Inc. Other ARB participants include Adobe,
Discreet, Id Software, NEC, Quantum 3D, S3 Graphics and the University of
Central Florida. In addition to the voting members and participants, OpenGL
is universally licensed throughout the graphics hardware developer
community. More information on the OpenGL 2.0 API and its supporters will
be made available on the OpenGL Web site at

About OpenGL
The OpenGL graphics system specification allows developers to incorporate a
broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects and other powerful
visualization functions and provides a graphics pipeline that allows
unfettered access to graphics hardware acceleration. Since its introduction
by SGI in 1992, OpenGL has become the industry's most widely used and
supported 3D and 2D graphics API. OpenGL is supported on all major computer
platforms, including AIX(R), HP-UX(R), IRIX(R), Linux(R), Mac(R) OS X,
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 and Windows(R) XP and Solaris(TM). The OpenGL
ARB governs the evolution and ongoing development of the OpenGL API. With
broad industry support, OpenGL is the vendor-neutral, graphics standard
that enables 3D graphics on multiple platforms ranging from cell-phones to
supercomputers. OpenGL's consistent backwards compatibility has created a
stable foundation for sophisticated graphics on a wide variety of operating
systems for over 10 years. OpenGL is constantly evolving state-of-the-art
functionality to efficiently support a wide array of applications from
consumer games to professional design applications.
===============pixel shader 3.0 sample

; Declare face register
dcl vFace
; Declare constant
def c0, 0, 0, 0, 1
※ 来源:·日月光华·[FROM:]



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