

Apple iPhone 11 Pro in Hand at Park
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

iTunes can be a chore, but here’s some happy news. In macOS Catalina, you no longer need to use iTunes to backup and restore your iPhone or iPad. And if you’re running a previous version of macOS, you can use a third-party app.

iTunes可能很麻烦,但这是一些喜讯。 在macOS Catalina中,您不再需要使用iTunes备份和还原iPhone或iPad。 而且,如果您运行的是先前版本的macOS,则可以使用第三方应用程序。

在macOS Catalina和更高版本中进行备份和还原 (Backup and Restore in macOS Catalina and Newer)

In macOS Catalina, iTunes has been disbanded into multiple appsPodcasts, TV, and Music. The responsibility of backing up and syncing the iPhone and iPad goes to the Finder app.

在macOS Catalina中,iTunes已被分解为多个应用程序播客,电视和音乐。 备份和同步iPhone和iPad的责任由Finder应用程序承担。

After connecting your iPhone or iPad to your Mac, open the Finder app. Here, you’ll see your iPhone or iPad in the “Locations” section. Select your device from the sidebar.

将iPhone或iPad连接到Mac后,打开Finder应用程序。 在这里,您会在“位置”部分中看到您的iPhone或iPad。 从边栏中选择设备。

If this is the first time you’re syncing your iPhone or iPad, you’ll be prompted to trust the device. If prompted, click on the “Trust” button on the Mac. Then, on your iPhone or iPad, click the “Trust” button from the prompt and then enter the device passcode.

如果这是您第一次同步iPhone或iPad,则会提示您信任该设备。 如果出现提示,请在Mac上单击“信任”按钮。 然后,在iPhone或iPad上,从提示中单击“信任”按钮,然后输入设备密码。

Once authenticated, you’ll see the device management screen for your iPhone or iPad right in the Finder window. If you’ve used iTunes previously to sync your iOS or iPadOS device, you’ll feel right at home.

通过身份验证后,您将在Finder窗口中直接看到iPhone或iPad的设备管理屏幕。 如果您以前使用过iTunes来同步iOS或iPadOS设备,那么您会感到宾至如归。

To back up your iPhone or iPad, go to the “Backups” section and switch to the “Back Up All the Data on Your iPhone/iPad to This Mac” option.

要备份iPhone或iPad,请转到“备份”部分,然后切换到“将iPhone / iPad上的所有数据备份到此Mac”选项。

Then, if needed, choose the “Encrypt Local Backup” option. This ensures all your private data—like health data, passwords, and more—is backed up as well.

然后,如果需要,选择“加密本地备份”选项。 这样可以确保还备份您的所有私人数据(例如健康数据,密码等)。

If this is the first time you’re doing this, you’ll be prompted to create a password (you can also add this password to your Keychain). Click on the “Set Password” button to save the password.

如果这是您第一次这样做,系统将提示您创建密码(您也可以将此密码添加到钥匙串中)。 单击“设置密码”按钮以保存密码。

Click on “Back Up Now” to start the backup process. The progress wheel next to the device name in the sidebar will start spinning.

单击“立即备份”以开始备份过程。 边栏中设备名称旁边的进度轮将开始旋转。

If at any point you want to stop the backup process, hover over the spinning wheel next to the device name in the sidebar. It will turn into an “X” icon. Click on it to stop the sync process.

如果您想随时停止备份过程,请将鼠标悬停在侧边栏中设备名称旁边的纺车上。 它将变成一个“ X”图标。 单击它停止同步过程。

To confirm that the backup was completed, take a look at the “Last Backup to This Mac” section.


If you want to restore an old backup on the iPhone or iPad, click on the “Restore Backup” button.


From the popup, select the backup and then click on the “Restore” button to start the process.


To safely eject the iPhone or iPad after the backup or restore process, click on the “Eject” button next to the device name in the sidebar.


先前macOS版本的替代品 (Alternatives for Previous macOS Versions)

If you’re not running macOS Catalina and you don’t want to use iTunes to back up and restore your iPhone or iPad, you can use a third-party app. A couple of iOS device managers are out there (like dr.fone). We recommend you take a look at iMazing. The app is simple to use and is filled with features you won’t find in Apple’s own backup tool.

如果您未运行macOS Catalina,并且不想使用iTunes备份和还原iPhone或iPad,则可以使用第三方应用程序。 几个iOS设备管理器在那里(例如dr.fone )。 我们建议您看看iMazing 。 该应用程序易于使用,并具有苹果自己的备份工具中找不到的功能。

Using iMazing, you can individually sync photos, apps, and other data. This is a two-way sync, so you can just as easily export music, photos, or other data from an iPhone or iPad back to the Mac.

使用iMazing,您可以分别同步照片,应用程序和其他数据。 这是双向同步,因此您可以轻松地将音乐,照片或其他数据从iPhone或iPad导出回Mac。

iMazing’s free version lets you take unlimited backups for free. But to restore a backup, you’ll need to buy a license for $44.99. Download the iMazing app from the website and once it’s installed, open the app.

iMazing的免费版本可让您免费进行无限备份。 但是要恢复备份,您需要以44.99美元的价格购买许可证。 从网站下载iMazing应用程序,然后在安装后打开该应用程序。

Connect your iPhone or iPad to the Mac using a cable and then select your device from the sidebar. From the menu, click on the “Back Up” button.

使用电缆将iPhone或iPad连接到Mac,然后从侧边栏中选择设备。 从菜单中,单击“备份”按钮。

From the next screen, change the settings and destination folder if needed. Here, click on the “Back Up” button.

在下一个屏幕上,根据需要更改设置和目标文件夹。 在这里,单击“备份”按钮。

Now the backup process will begin. Once the backup is finished, you can go back to the main screen and individually sync photos or music.

现在,备份过程将开始。 备份完成后,您可以返回主屏幕并单独同步照片或音乐。

To restore a backup, click on the “Restore a Backup” button to start the process. From the next screen, you’ll be able to choose a particular backup.

要还原备份,请单击“还原备份”按钮以开始该过程。 在下一个屏幕上,您将能够选择特定的备份。

If you’ve just updated to macOS Catalina, take a look at our list of best features.

如果您刚刚更新到macOS Catalina ,请查看我们的最佳功能列表。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447130/how-to-backup-and-restore-your-iphone-or-ipad-without-itunes/


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