


我的系统:fedora22 64bit




[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ tree
├── cal.c
├── cal.h
├── Makefile
├── test.c
└── testcal.c

0 directories, 5 files
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$


[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ cat cal.h
#ifndef _CAL_H_
#define _CAL_H_

int add(int a, int b );

int minus( int a, int b);
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$

[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ cat cal.c

int add(int a, int b ){
	return a + b;

int minus( int a, int b){
	return a - b;
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$

[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ cat testcal.c 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <CUnit/Console.h>
#include "cal.h"

int InitSuite()
	return 0;

int EndSuite()
	return 0;

int test_add(int a, int b, int real)
	int result;

	result = add(a, b);
	if(result == real)
		return 1;
	return 0;

int test_minus(int a, int b, int real)
	int result;

	result = minus(a, b);
	if(result == real)
		return 1;
	return 0;

void TestAdd()
//	CU_ASSERT(test_add(3, 4, 7));
  int result = add(3, 4);
  int real = 7;

void TestMinus()
  //	CU_ASSERT(test_minus(4, 5, -1));
  int result = minus(3, 4);
  int real = -1;

/*0 表示成功,1表示失败*/
int AddTestCalModule()
	CU_pSuite pSuite = NULL;

	* 1. CU_add_suite 增加一个Suite 
	* 2. Suite名字 : testSuite
	* 3. InitSuite EndSuite:分别是测试单元初始和释放函数,如不需要则NULL传递
	pSuite = CU_add_suite("cal模块", InitSuite, EndSuite);  

	if(NULL == pSuite)
		//return 1;
	* 1. 注册当前Suite下的测试用例 
	* 2. pSuite:用例指针
	* 3. "Test1": 测试单元名称 
	* 4. Test1:测试函数
	if( NULL == CU_add_test(pSuite, "add(加)", TestAdd) ||
		NULL == CU_add_test(pSuite, "minus(减)", TestMinus))
		return 1;
	CU_TestInfo testcases[] = {
        {"Test1:", Test1},
        {"Test2:", Test2},

	CU_SuiteInfo suites[] = {
		{"Testing the function cal_num:", InitSuite, EndSuite, testcases},

	if(CUE_SUCCESS != CU_register_suites(suites))
		return 1;

	return 0;
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$

[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <CUnit/Console.h>

extern int AddTestCalModule();

int main()
	//CU_initialize_registry 注册函数注册一个用例返回CUE_系列异常值
	if( CUE_SUCCESS != CU_initialize_registry())
		return CU_get_error();

	//CU_get_registry 返回注册到用例指针 
	assert(NULL != CU_get_registry());

	if (0 != AddTestCalModule())
		return CU_get_error();


	return 0;
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$


laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ cat Makefile 
#gcc -o test -I /usr/include/CUnit/ -L /usr/lib64/ -lcunit *.c
all: cal.c testcal.c test.c
	gcc $^ -o hello $(INC) $(LIB) -lcunit
	rm -rf hello
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$


[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ make
gcc cal.c testcal.c test.c -o hello -I/usr/include/CUnit/ -L/usr/lib64/ -lcunit
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ ./hello 

     CUnit - A Unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: r

Running Suite : cal模块
     Running Test : add(加)
     Running Test : minus(减)

Run Summary:    Type  Total    Ran Passed Failed Inactive
              suites      1      1    n/a      0        0
               tests      2      2      2      0        0
             asserts      2      2      2      0      n/a

Elapsed time =    0.000 seconds

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: l

--------------------- Registered Suites -----------------------------
 #  Suite Name                         Init? Cleanup? #Tests Active?

 1. cal模块                           Yes      Yes      2     Yes
Total Number of Suites : 1

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: s

--------------------- Registered Suites -----------------------------
 #  Suite Name                         Init? Cleanup? #Tests Active?

 1. cal模块                           Yes      Yes      2     Yes
Total Number of Suites : 1

Enter number of suite to select (1-1) : 1-1
Suite 'cal模块' selected.

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - SUITE MENU ***************************
(R)un (S)elect (L)ist (A)ctivate (F)ailures (U)p (O)ptions (H)elp (Q)uit
Enter command: r

Running Suite : cal模块
     Running Test : add(加)
     Running Test : minus(减)

Run Summary:    Type  Total    Ran Passed Failed Inactive
              suites      1      1    n/a      0        0
               tests      2      2      2      0        0
             asserts      2      2      2      0      n/a

Elapsed time =    0.000 seconds

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - SUITE MENU ***************************
(R)un (S)elect (L)ist (A)ctivate (F)ailures (U)p (O)ptions (H)elp (Q)uit
Enter command: u

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: q
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$











void TestMinus()
  //	CU_ASSERT(test_minus(4, 5, -1));
  int result = minus(3, 4);
  int real = 1;//这里由-1修改为1

[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ make
gcc cal.c testcal.c test.c -o hello -I/usr/include/CUnit/ -L/usr/lib64/ -lcunit
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$ ./hello 

     CUnit - A Unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: r

Running Suite : cal模块
     Running Test : add(加)
     Running Test : minus(减)

Run Summary:    Type  Total    Ran Passed Failed Inactive
              suites      1      1    n/a      0        0
               tests      2      2      1      1        0
             asserts      2      2      1      1      n/a

Elapsed time =    0.000 seconds

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: f

--------------- Test Run Failures -------------------------
   src_file:line# : (suite:test) : failure_condition

1. testcal.c:53 : (cal模块 : minus(减)) : CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(result,real)
Total Number of Failures : 1

***************** CUNIT CONSOLE - MAIN MENU ******************************
(R)un  (S)elect  (L)ist  (A)ctivate  (F)ailures  (O)ptions  (H)elp  (Q)uit
Enter command: q
[laolang@laolang mycunittest]$




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