



       对于相机内参的标定,笔者认为可以将其看为一个解方程的过程,也就是说在我们知道空间点P ( X,Y,Z ) 以及其在像素坐标系下的坐标  p(u,v),再根据世界坐标系同相机内部各个坐标系之间的转换关系,来求解相机的内参,从而达到相机内参的标定的目的。下面就让我们先来了解一下各个坐标系之间的转换关系。

        上文假设一点的空间坐标为P ( X,Y,Z )(世界坐标系下的坐标),通过相机的外参矩阵 T(其中 T 是由旋转矩阵 R,平移矩阵 t 组成的)将点P ( X,Y,Z )转换到相机坐标系下得到点Pc(Xc,Yc,Zc),公式如下:

Pc_{}=T\cdot P


X'=f\cdot \frac{Xc}{Zc}

Y'=f\cdot \frac{Yc}{Zc}

        至此得到了空间点P ( X,Y,Z )在物理成像平面上的坐标P'(X',Y',Z')。因为这些坐标的单位都是米,要想转换到像素坐标系下还需要通过参数\alpha\beta来进行转换,这两个参数的物理意义是单位长度上的像素点的个数,同时考虑到物理成像坐标系和像素坐标系的原点不重合。


\left\{\begin{matrix} u=\alpha \cdot X'+c_{x} & & \\ v=\beta \cdot Y'+c_{y} & & \end{matrix}\right.


\left\{\begin{matrix} u=f_{x}\cdot \frac{Xc}{Zc}+c_{x} & & \\ v=f_{y}\cdot \frac{Yc}{Zc}+c_{y} & & \end{matrix}\right.


\begin{bmatrix} u\\ v\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} f_{x} &0 & c_{x}\\ 0&f_{y} &c_{y} \\ 0 &0 &1 \end{bmatrix}\cdot \begin{bmatrix} \frac{Xc}{Zc}\\ \frac{Yc}{Zc}\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}


p=K\cdot T\cdot P


        在ROS(机器人操作系统 Roboat Operating System)下进行相机标定,以下部分为代码部分,作出了部分注解。

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <ros/ros.h>

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

string camera_in_path, camera_folder_path, result_path;
int row_number, col_number, width, height;
//1.camera_in_path 2.camera_folder_path 3.result_path 4.row_number 5.col_number 6.width 7.height

void getParameters() //该函数是从launch文件中读取参数
    cout << "Get the parameters from the launch file" << endl;

    if (!ros::param::get("camera_in_path", camera_in_path)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of camera_in_path" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("camera_folder_path", camera_folder_path)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of camera_folder_path" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("result_path", result_path)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of result_path" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("row_number", row_number)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of row_number" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("col_number", col_number)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of col_number" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("width", width)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of width" << endl;
    if (!ros::param::get("height", height)) 
        cout << "Can not get the value of height" << endl;


int main(int argc, char **argv) 
	ros::init(argc, argv, "cameraCalib");//通过ros::init()进行初始化
        ifstream fin(camera_in_path);//相机标定时采用的图像文件的保存路径
        ofstream fout(result_path);//相机标定完成保存输出结果的文件路径
        int image_count = 0;  // 图像数量 
	Size image_size;      // 图像的尺寸    
        Size board_size = Size(row_number, col_number);   // 标定板上每行、列的角点数 
	vector<Point2f> image_points_buf;         // 缓存每幅图像上检测到的角点 
	vector<vector<Point2f>> image_points_seq; // 保存检测到的所有角点 
        string filename;      // 图片名
	vector<string> filenames;
	while (getline(fin, filename) && filename.size() > 1) 
		filename = camera_folder_path + filename;
		cout << filename << endl;
		Mat imageInput = imread(filename);
                if (imageInput.empty())
		filenames.push_back(filename); //将filename存入到filenames中去

		// 读入第一张图片时获取图片大小
		if (image_count == 1) 
			image_size.width = imageInput.cols;
			image_size.height = imageInput.rows;

		/* 提取角点 */
		if (0 == findChessboardCorners(imageInput, board_size, image_points_buf)) //利用Opencv中的函数来寻找角点
			cout << "**" << filename << "** can not find chessboard corners!\n";
			Mat view_gray;
			cvtColor(imageInput, view_gray, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY);  // 转灰度图

			/* 亚像素精确化 */
			// image_points_buf 初始的角点坐标向量,同时作为亚像素坐标位置的输出
			// Size(5,5) 搜索窗口大小
			// (-1,-1)表示没有死区
			// TermCriteria 角点的迭代过程的终止条件, 可以为迭代次数和角点精度两者的组合
			cornerSubPix(view_gray, image_points_buf, Size(5, 5), Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::EPS + cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 30, 0.1));  //Opencv中的函数进行亚像素精确化

			image_points_seq.push_back(image_points_buf);  // 保存亚像素角点
			drawChessboardCorners(view_gray, board_size, image_points_buf, false); // 用于在图片中标记角点

			imshow("Camera Calibration", view_gray);       // 显示图片

			waitKey(1000); //暂停1S      
	// int CornerNum = board_size.width * board_size.height;  // 每张图片上总的角点数


	Size square_size = Size(width, height);         /* 实际测量得到的标定板上每个棋盘格的大小 */
	vector<vector<Point3f>> object_points;   /* 保存标定板上角点的三维坐标 */

	Mat cameraMatrix = Mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));  /* 摄像机内参数矩阵 */
	vector<int> point_counts;   // 每幅图像中角点的数量
	Mat distCoeffs = Mat(1, 5, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));       /* 摄像机的5个畸变系数:k1,k2,p1,p2,k3 */
        vector<Mat> tvecsMat;      /* 每幅图像的旋转向量 */ //R
        vector<Mat> rvecsMat;      /* 每幅图像的平移向量 */ //t

	/* 初始化标定板上角点的三维坐标 */
	int i, j, t;
        for (t = 0; t<image_count; t++) //此时的image count为所有图片的个数
		vector<Point3f> tempPointSet; //存储数据类型为Point3f的点
		for (i = 0; i<board_size.height; i++) //标定板上的行
			for (j = 0; j<board_size.width; j++) //标定板上的列
				Point3f realPoint; //定义真实空间下的点的坐标

				/* 假设标定板放在世界坐标系中z=0的平面上 */
				realPoint.x = i * square_size.width; //空间点的X坐标,所在行与单个棋盘格子宽度的乘积
				realPoint.y = j * square_size.height; //空间点的Y坐标,所在列与单个棋盘格子高度的乘积
				realPoint.z = 0;
				tempPointSet.push_back(realPoint); //把得到的点的坐标存入到temp中去
			} //一列一列的进行遍历

	/* 初始化每幅图像中的角点数量,假定每幅图像中都可以看到完整的标定板 */
        for (i = 0; i<image_count; i++)
		point_counts.push_back(board_size.width * board_size.height);

	/* 开始标定 */
	// object_points 世界坐标系中的角点的三维坐标
	// image_points_seq 每一个内角点对应的图像坐标点
	// image_size 图像的像素尺寸大小
	// cameraMatrix 输出,内参矩阵
	// distCoeffs 输出,畸变系数
	// rvecsMat 输出,旋转向量
	// tvecsMat 输出,位移向量
	// 0 标定时所采用的算法
	calibrateCamera(object_points, image_points_seq, image_size, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecsMat, tvecsMat, 0);


	// -------------------对标定结果进行评价------------------------------

	double total_err = 0.0;         /* 所有图像的平均误差的总和 */
	double err = 0.0;               /* 每幅图像的平均误差 */
	vector<Point2f> image_points2;  /* 保存重新计算得到的投影点 */
	fout << "Average error: \n";

	for (i = 0; i<image_count; i++) 
		vector<Point3f> tempPointSet = object_points[i];

		/* 通过得到的摄像机内外参数,对空间的三维点进行重新投影计算,得到新的投影点 */
		projectPoints(tempPointSet, rvecsMat[i], tvecsMat[i], cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, image_points2);

		/* 计算新的投影点和旧的投影点之间的误差*/
		vector<Point2f> tempImagePoint = image_points_seq[i];
		Mat tempImagePointMat = Mat(1, tempImagePoint.size(), CV_32FC2);
		Mat image_points2Mat = Mat(1, image_points2.size(), CV_32FC2);

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tempImagePoint.size(); j++) {
			image_points2Mat.at<Vec2f>(0, j) = Vec2f(image_points2[j].x, image_points2[j].y);
			tempImagePointMat.at<Vec2f>(0, j) = Vec2f(tempImagePoint[j].x, tempImagePoint[j].y);
		err = norm(image_points2Mat, tempImagePointMat, NORM_L2);
		total_err += err /= point_counts[i];
		fout << "The error of picture " << i + 1 << " is " << err << " pixel" << endl;
	fout << "Overall average error is: " << total_err / image_count << " pixel" << endl << endl;


	Mat rotation_matrix = Mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));  /* 保存每幅图像的旋转矩阵 */
	fout << "Intrinsic: " << endl;
	fout << cameraMatrix << endl << endl;
	fout << "Distortion parameters: " << endl;
	fout << distCoeffs << endl << endl << endl;
	cout << "Get result!" << endl;

	return 0;


<param name="camera_in_path" value="$(find camera_calibration)/data/camera/in.txt"/>

<param name="camera_folder_path" value="$(find camera_calibration)/data/camera/photos/"/>

<param name="result_path" value="$(find camera_calibration)/data/camera/result.txt"/>

<param name="row_number" type="int" value="9"/>

<param name="col_number" type="int" value="6"/>

<param name="width" type="int" value="50"/>

<param name="height" type="int" value="50"/>

<node pkg="camera_calibration" name="camera_calibration" type="camera_calibration" output="screen"/>


Intrinsic: //相机的内参矩阵
[886.2391758072229, 0, 639.496654129007;
 0, 884.5569261594919, 338.8017291870644;
 0, 0, 1]

Distortion parameters: //相机的畸变参数
[0.179050927277567, -0.6498127975110598, -0.0004748475598530125, 0.00124291886207487, 0.6813914669391971]









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