



1. HtmlParser 简介


2. 建立Maven工程



<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


2.1 创建一个解析器




Interface Node

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Remark, Tag, Text
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNode, AppletTag, BaseHrefTag, BodyTag, Bullet, BulletList, CompositeTag, DefinitionList, DefinitionListBullet, Div, DoctypeTag, FormTag, FrameSetTag, FrameTag, HeadingTag, HeadTag, Html, ImageTag, InputTag, JspTag, LabelTag, LinkTag, MetaTag, ObjectTag, OptionTag, ParagraphTag, ProcessingInstructionTag, RemarkNode, ScriptTag, SelectTag, Span, StyleTag, TableColumn, TableHeader, TableRow, TableTag, TagNode, TextareaTag, TextNode, TitleTag



Method Summary
 voidaccept(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the visitor to this node.
          Allow cloning of nodes.
 voidcollectInto(NodeList list,NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes into a list, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.
          Perform the meaning of this tag.
          Get the children of this node.
          Gets the ending position of the node.
          Get the first child of this node.
          Get the last child of this node.
          Get the next sibling to this node.
          Get the page this node came from.
          Get the parent of this node.
          Get the previous sibling to this node.
          Gets the starting position of the node.
          Returns the text of the node.
 voidsetChildren(NodeList children)
          Set the children of this node.
 voidsetEndPosition(int position)
          Sets the ending position of the node.
 voidsetPage(Page page)
          Set the page this node came from.
 voidsetParent(Node node)
          Sets the parent of this node.
 voidsetStartPosition(int position)
          Sets the starting position of the node.
 voidsetText(String text)
          Sets the string contents of the node.
          Return the HTML for this node.
 StringtoHtml(boolean verbatim)
          Return the HTML for this node.
          A string representation of the node.
          Return the string representation of the node.



Class Summary
AndFilterAccepts nodes matching all of its predicate filters (AND operation).
CssSelectorNodeFilterA NodeFilter that accepts nodes based on whether they match a CSS2 selector.
HasAttributeFilterThis class accepts all tags that have a certain attribute, and optionally, with a certain value.
HasChildFilterThis class accepts all tags that have a child acceptable to the filter.
HasParentFilterThis class accepts all tags that have a parent acceptable to another filter.
HasSiblingFilterThis class accepts all tags that have a sibling acceptable to another filter.
IsEqualFilterThis class accepts only one specific node.
LinkRegexFilterThis class accepts tags of class LinkTag that contain a link matching a given regex pattern.
LinkStringFilterThis class accepts tags of class LinkTag that contain a link matching a given pattern string.
NodeClassFilterThis class accepts all tags of a given class.
NotFilterAccepts all nodes not acceptable to it's predicate filter.
OrFilterAccepts nodes matching any of its predicates filters (OR operation).
RegexFilterThis filter accepts all string nodes matching a regular expression.
StringFilterThis class accepts all string nodes containing the given string.
TagNameFilterThis class accepts all tags matching the tag name.





	 * 获取html中的主题和所有回复节点
	 * @param url
	 * @param ENCODE
	 * @return
	protected  NodeList getNodelist(String url, String ENCODE) {

		try {
			NodeList nodeList = null;
			Parser parser = new Parser(url);
			NodeFilter filter = new NodeFilter() {
				public boolean accept(Node node) {
					if(node.getText().contains("style=\"border-bottom: 0px;\"")) {
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;
			NodeFilter replyfilter = new NodeFilter() {
				public boolean accept(Node node) {
					String containsString = "id=\"r_";
					if(node.getText().contains(containsString)) {
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;
			OrFilter allFilter = new OrFilter(filter, replyfilter);
			nodeList = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(allFilter);
			return nodeList;
		} catch (ParserException e) {
			return null;





	public Forum parse2Thread(String url,String ENCODE) {
		List<Reply> replylist = new ArrayList<Reply>();	//回复列表
		Topic topic = new Topic();	//主题
		NodeFilter divFilter = new NodeClassFilter(Div.class);//div过滤器
		NodeFilter headingFilter = new NodeClassFilter(HeadingTag.class);//heading过滤器
		NodeFilter tagFilter = new NodeClassFilter(TagNode.class);//heading过滤器
		NodeList nodeList = this.getNodelist(url, ENCODE);

		for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
			Node node = nodeList.elementAt(i);
			if(node.getText().contains("style=\"border-bottom: 0px;\"")) {
				NodeList list = node.getChildren();//node的子节点
				//header div
				Node headerNode = list.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(Div.class)).elementAt(0);
				Node h1Node = headerNode.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(headingFilter).elementAt(0);
				NodeList headerChrildrens = headerNode.getChildren();
				Node frNode = headerChrildrens.extractAllNodesThatMatch(divFilter).elementAt(0);
				ImageTag imgNode = (ImageTag) frNode.getFirstChild().getFirstChild();
				//cell div
				Node cellNode = list.extractAllNodesThatMatch(divFilter).elementAt(1);
				Node topic_content = cellNode.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(divFilter).elementAt(0);
				Node markdown_body = topic_content.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(divFilter).elementAt(0);

			} else if(node.getText().contains("id=\"r_")){
				Reply reply = new Reply();
				Node tableNode = node.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(tagFilter).elementAt(0);
				Node trNode = tableNode.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(tagFilter).elementAt(0);
				NodeList tagList = trNode.getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(tagFilter);
				ImageTag reply_img = (ImageTag) tagList.elementAt(0).getChildren().extractAllNodesThatMatch(tagFilter).elementAt(0);
				//nodeList bodyNode = tagList;
		Forum forum = new Forum(topic, replylist);
		return null;


	public  void test() throws Exception {
		Html2Domain parse = new Html2DomainImpl();



附上项目代码:测试使用的是jdk1.6+eclipse kepler


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