


While SmartThings has its own lineup of sensors and devices, you can connect them with all sorts of third-party devices, giving you unified control from a single app.


There are a small handful of SmartThings-branded sensors and devices available to connect to your SmartThings hub, like motion sensors, water leak sensors, open/close sensors, and even a streaming camera, but SmartThings isn’t limited to just those devices. In fact, you can add a ton of different third-party devices to SmartThings and have them interact with your other sensors and devices.

有少量SmartThings品牌的传感器和设备可用于连接到SmartThings集线器,例如运动传感器,漏水传感器,打开/关闭传感器,甚至是流式摄像头,但SmartThings不仅限于这些设备。 实际上,您可以向SmartThings添加大量不同的第三方设备 ,并使它们与您的其他传感器和设备进行交互。

Philips Hue, Belkin WeMo, and even smart thermostats like the Ecobee3 are just some of the popular smarthome devices that you can control with SmartThings, and we’ll show you how to add them to your setup using Philips Hue as an example. Once you add your Philips Hue lights, you’ll be able to do things like have them turn on when a SmartThings sensor activates.

飞利浦Hue , Belkin WeMo甚至像Ecobee3之类的智能恒温器只是可以通过SmartThings进行控制的一些流行的智能家居设备,我们将以飞利浦Hue为例向您展示如何将它们添加到您的设置中。 添加飞利浦Hue灯后,您将能够执行诸如激活SmartThings传感器时将其打开的操作。

To start off, open up the SmartThings app, which will show the Smart Home Monitor screen. Tap on the “My Home” tab at the bottom.

首先,打开SmartThings应用程序,该应用程序将显示Smart Home Monitor屏幕。 点击底部的“我的家”标签。

Next, tap on the “+” icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

接下来,点击屏幕右上角的“ +”图标。

Select “Add a Thing” when the pop-up at the bottom appears.


Select the category that relates to the product that you’re adding to your SmartThings setup. In this case, we’re choosing “Lights & Switches”.

选择与要添加到SmartThings设置中的产品相关的类别。 在这种情况下,我们选择“灯光和开关”。

Tap on “Light Bulbs”.


Select “Philips” from the list.

从列表中选择“ Philips”。

We’ll be adding regular Hue light bulbs to our setup, so tap on “Philips hue Light Bulb”.

我们将在我们的设置中添加常规的Hue灯泡,因此请点击“ Philips hue灯泡”。

Tap on “Connect Now”.


The app will search for your Hue Bridge and once it finds it (denoted by “1 found”), tap on “Select Hue Bridge”.


Tap on the Hue Bridge listed to select it and then tap “Done” in the top-right corner.


You’ll be taken back to the previous screen, where you’ll tap “Next” in the top-right corner.


Next, you’ll need to press the button on your Hue Bridge, which put the hub in pairing mode so that the SmartThings app can communicate with it.


A message will pop up saying that the connection was a success. Tap on “Next”.

将会弹出一条消息,说明连接成功。 点击“下一步”。

After that, select the Hue bulbs you want to add to SmartThings by tapping on “Select Hue Bulbs”.


You can select just some of the bulbs are all of them. Tap on “Done” when you’ve selected the bulbs you want.

您可以仅选择部分灯泡。 选择所需的灯泡后,点击“完成”。

Tap “Done” again when you’re taken back to the previous screen.


From there, you’ll be taken back to the “My Home” screen. Tap on the “Things” tab at the top.

从那里,您将回到“我的家”屏幕。 点击顶部的“事物”标签。

Your Philips Hue light bulbs will appear in the list alongside your other SmartThings sensors and devices. You can turn on and off individual bulbs by tapping on the toggle buttons off to the right-hand side.

飞利浦Hue灯泡将与其他SmartThings传感器和设备一起出现在列表中。 您可以通过点击右侧的切换按钮来打开和关闭单个灯泡。

Of course, you can do more than just turn on and off your Hue lights from the SmartThings app. In fact, one of the biggest benefits of adding third-party devices to your SmartThings setup (like Philips Hue) is that you can do things like turn on your lights when a SmartThings motion sensor is activated. That’s just a brief example, but the more devices you add to your setup, the more you can do with home automation.

当然,您不仅可以通过SmartThings应用程序打开和关闭色相灯,还可以做更多的事情。 实际上,在SmartThings设置中添加第三方设备(例如Philips Hue)的最大好处之一是,可以在激活SmartThings运动传感器时执行一些操作,例如打开灯。 这只是一个简单的示例,但是添加到设置中的设备越多,家庭自动化的功能就越多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255514/how-to-add-third-party-devices-to-smartthings/



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