


返回参数:map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> (乍看起来可复杂,细细分析之)首先是一个map,键值对中的是一个vector,其中每个元素是一个pair。具体什么含义?

map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> trackImage(double _cur_time, const cv::Mat &_img, const cv::Mat &_img1 = cv::Mat());

TicToc是一个类,感觉和计时有关,使用std::chrono实现(The elements in this header deal with time.)暂时不展开。
predict_pts,cur_pts:类数据成员,vector<cv::Point2f> predict_pts,cur_pts;
hadPrediction:数据成员,bool hasPrediction;,初始值为什么?(254行赋值为hasPrediction = false;)

函数功能:Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
使用带金字塔的迭代Lucas Kanade方法 计算稀疏特征集的光流。
C++ API:
void calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(InputArray prevImg, InputArray nextImg, InputArray prevPts, InputOutputArray nextPts, OutputArray status, OutputArray err, Size winSize=Size(21,21), int maxLevel=3, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01), int flags=0, double minEigThreshold=1e-4 )
prevImg – first 8-bit input image or pyramid constructed by buildOpticalFlowPyramid().

nextImg – second input image or pyramid of the same size and the same type as prevImg.

prevPts – vector of 2D points for which the flow needs to be found; point coordinates must be single-precision floating-point numbers.

nextPts – output vector of 2D points containing the calculated new positions of input features in the second image; when OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW flag is passed, the vector must have the same size as in the input.

status – output status vector (of unsigned chars); each element of the vector is set to 1 if the flow for the corresponding features has been found, otherwise, it is set to 0.

err – output vector of errors; each element of the vector is set to an error for the corresponding feature, type of the error measure can be set in flags parameter; if the flow wasn’t found then the error is not defined (use the status parameter to find such cases).

winSize – size of the search window at each pyramid level.

maxLevel – 0-based maximal pyramid level number; if set to 0, pyramids are not used (single level), if set to 1, two levels are used, and so on; if pyramids are passed to input then algorithm will use as many levels as pyramids have but no more than maxLevel.

criteria – parameter, specifying the termination criteria of the iterative search algorithm (after the specified maximum number of iterations criteria.maxCount or when the search window moves by less than criteria.epsilon.

flags –
OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW uses initial estimations, stored in nextPts; if the flag is not set, then prevPts is copied to nextPts and is considered the initial estimate.
OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS use minimum eigen values as an error measure (see minEigThreshold description); if the flag is not set(默认度量), then L1 distance between patches around the original and a moved point, divided by number of pixels in a window, is used as a error measure.

minEigThreshold – the algorithm calculates the minimum eigen value (最小特征值)of a 2x2 normal matrix of optical flow equations (this matrix is called a spatial gradient matrix in [Bouguet00]), divided by number of pixels in a window; if this value is less than minEigThreshold, then a corresponding feature is filtered out and its flow is not processed, so it allows to remove bad points and get a performance boost(剔除坏点,提高性能).

prev_img, cur_img:上一帧图片,当前帧图片;
prev_pts, cur_pts:特征点在上一帧中的位置(等待找到对应的流),特整点在当前帧中的位置(用以保存该算法计算结果);
statusvector<uchar> status;
errvector<float> err;
cv::Size(21, 21):在每层金字塔中搜索窗的大小( 21 × 21 21\times 21 21×21);
1: 对应两层;
cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01):终止条件——迭代次数 和 精度;


============ 分割线 =====================

status[i] && reverse_status[i] && distance(prev_pts[i], reverse_pts[i]) <= 0.5

=============== 分割线 ==================
reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
reduceVector(ids, status);
reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
ids, track_cntFeatureTracker类的数据成员vector<int> ids;vector<int> track_cnt;

============ 分割线 ====================
vectortrack_cnt中所有的计数值,统一 +1。
调用一个setMask()成员函数,其主要完成了按照track_cntcur_pts, ids, track_cnt的排序,并且创建了一个mask,以点cur_pts为圆心,填充了一个给定大小的黑色圆,其余位置为白色。
详细的介绍放在了 VINS-Fusion代码阅读(六)里。

调用另外一个openCV函数cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(cur_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - cur_pts.size(), 0.01, MIN_DIST, mask);,可以猜测其想实现的功能为,在图片的其他位置,再检测出给定数目MAX_CNT - cur_pts.size()的特征点,放在n_pts中。
同样,详细的介绍放在了 VINS-Fusion代码阅读(六)里。


++++++++++++++ 新分割线 +++++++++++++++++
cur_un_pts = undistortedPts(cur_pts, m_camera[0]);
其中,vector<camodocal::CameraPtr> m_camera;是一个vector,其中元素为CameraPtr类型,下一步需要了解一下该类型中成员函数liftProjective()的功能与实现。

vector<cv::Point2f> FeatureTracker::undistortedPts(vector<cv::Point2f> &pts, camodocal::CameraPtr cam)
    vector<cv::Point2f> un_pts;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
        Eigen::Vector2d a(pts[i].x, pts[i].y);
        Eigen::Vector3d b;
        cam->liftProjective(a, b);
        un_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z()));
    return un_pts;

接下来,计算pts_velocity,其为当前帧相对于前一帧 特征点沿x,y方向的像素移动速度。
pts_velocity = ptsVelocity(ids, cur_un_pts, cur_un_pts_map, prev_un_pts_map);

vector<cv::Point2f> FeatureTracker::ptsVelocity(vector<int> &ids, vector<cv::Point2f> &pts, 
                                            map<int, cv::Point2f> &cur_id_pts, map<int, cv::Point2f> &prev_id_pts)
    vector<cv::Point2f> pts_velocity;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
        cur_id_pts.insert(make_pair(ids[i], pts[i]));

    // caculate points velocity
    if (!prev_id_pts.empty())
        double dt = cur_time - prev_time;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
            std::map<int, cv::Point2f>::iterator it;
            it = prev_id_pts.find(ids[i]);
            if (it != prev_id_pts.end())
                double v_x = (pts[i].x - it->second.x) / dt;
                double v_y = (pts[i].y - it->second.y) / dt;
                pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(v_x, v_y));
                pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(0, 0));

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
            pts_velocity.push_back(cv::Point2f(0, 0));
    return pts_velocity;


++++++++++++ 分割线 +++++++++++++++++++++
if(!_img1.empty() && stereo_cam){ }
cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, rightImg, cur_pts, cur_right_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
cur_un_right_pts = undistortedPts(cur_right_pts, m_camera[1]);
像素速度的计算是依据 右边的先后两个点云:
right_pts_velocity = ptsVelocity(ids_right, cur_un_right_pts, cur_un_right_pts_map, prev_un_right_pts_map);

+++++++++++++ 分割线 +++++++++++++++++++
prev_img = cur_img;
prev_pts = cur_pts;
prev_un_pts = cur_un_pts;
prev_un_pts_map = cur_un_pts_map;
prev_time = cur_time;
prevLeftPtsMap[ids[i]] = cur_pts[i]; IDcur_pts像素位置的点云图(用在了绘图展示中)

最后,返回值map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> featureFrame
其中Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> xyz_uv_velocity;包含跟踪点归一化相机坐标系下的坐标3,像素平面上的坐标2,像素移动速度2。
featureFrame[feature_id].emplace_back(camera_id, xyz_uv_velocity);

同样地,对右边一个相机有相同的操作,featureFrame[feature_id].emplace_back(camera_id, xyz_uv_velocity);不同的是camera_id,左边是0,右边是1

============== 下面是源代码 可以不看了呀!==============

map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> FeatureTracker::trackImage(double _cur_time, const cv::Mat &_img, const cv::Mat &_img1)
    TicToc t_r;
    cur_time = _cur_time;
    cur_img = _img;
    row = cur_img.rows;
    col = cur_img.cols;
    cv::Mat rightImg = _img1;  // 注意此处是一个浅拷贝
    cur_pts.clear(); // vector的clear成员函数

    if (prev_pts.size() > 0)
        TicToc t_o;
        vector<uchar> status;
        vector<float> err;
            cur_pts = predict_pts;
            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_img, cur_img, prev_pts, cur_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 1, 
            cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01), cv::OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW);
            int succ_num = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < status.size(); i++)
                if (status[i])
            if (succ_num < 10)
               cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_img, cur_img, prev_pts, cur_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_img, cur_img, prev_pts, cur_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
        // reverse check
            vector<uchar> reverse_status;
            vector<cv::Point2f> reverse_pts = prev_pts;
            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, prev_img, cur_pts, reverse_pts, reverse_status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 1, 
            cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01), cv::OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW);
            //cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, prev_img, cur_pts, reverse_pts, reverse_status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3); 
            for(size_t i = 0; i < status.size(); i++)
                if(status[i] && reverse_status[i] && distance(prev_pts[i], reverse_pts[i]) <= 0.5)
                    status[i] = 1;
                    status[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < int(cur_pts.size()); i++)
            if (status[i] && !inBorder(cur_pts[i]))
                status[i] = 0;
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("temporal optical flow costs: %fms", t_o.toc());
        //printf("track cnt %d\n", (int)ids.size());

    for (auto &n : track_cnt)

    if (1)
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask begins");
        TicToc t_m;
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask costs %fms", t_m.toc());

        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature begins");
        TicToc t_t;
        int n_max_cnt = MAX_CNT - static_cast<int>(cur_pts.size());
        if (n_max_cnt > 0)
                cout << "mask is empty " << endl;
            if (mask.type() != CV_8UC1)
                cout << "mask type wrong " << endl;
            cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(cur_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - cur_pts.size(), 0.01, MIN_DIST, mask);
        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature costs: %f ms", t_t.toc());

        for (auto &p : n_pts)
        //printf("feature cnt after add %d\n", (int)ids.size());

    cur_un_pts = undistortedPts(cur_pts, m_camera[0]);
    pts_velocity = ptsVelocity(ids, cur_un_pts, cur_un_pts_map, prev_un_pts_map);

    if(!_img1.empty() && stereo_cam)
            //printf("stereo image; track feature on right image\n");
            vector<cv::Point2f> reverseLeftPts;
            vector<uchar> status, statusRightLeft;
            vector<float> err;
            // cur left ---- cur right
            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, rightImg, cur_pts, cur_right_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
            // reverse check cur right ---- cur left
                cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(rightImg, cur_img, cur_right_pts, reverseLeftPts, statusRightLeft, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);
                for(size_t i = 0; i < status.size(); i++)
                    if(status[i] && statusRightLeft[i] && inBorder(cur_right_pts[i]) && distance(cur_pts[i], reverseLeftPts[i]) <= 0.5)
                        status[i] = 1;
                        status[i] = 0;

            ids_right = ids;
            reduceVector(cur_right_pts, status);
            reduceVector(ids_right, status);
            // only keep left-right pts
            reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
            reduceVector(ids, status);
            reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
            reduceVector(cur_un_pts, status);
            reduceVector(pts_velocity, status);
            cur_un_right_pts = undistortedPts(cur_right_pts, m_camera[1]);
            right_pts_velocity = ptsVelocity(ids_right, cur_un_right_pts, cur_un_right_pts_map, prev_un_right_pts_map);
        prev_un_right_pts_map = cur_un_right_pts_map;
        drawTrack(cur_img, rightImg, ids, cur_pts, cur_right_pts, prevLeftPtsMap);

    prev_img = cur_img;
    prev_pts = cur_pts;
    prev_un_pts = cur_un_pts;
    prev_un_pts_map = cur_un_pts_map;
    prev_time = cur_time;
    hasPrediction = false;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
        prevLeftPtsMap[ids[i]] = cur_pts[i];

    map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> featureFrame;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
        int feature_id = ids[i];
        double x, y ,z;
        x = cur_un_pts[i].x;
        y = cur_un_pts[i].y;
        z = 1;
        double p_u, p_v;
        p_u = cur_pts[i].x;
        p_v = cur_pts[i].y;
        int camera_id = 0;
        double velocity_x, velocity_y;
        velocity_x = pts_velocity[i].x;
        velocity_y = pts_velocity[i].y;

        Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> xyz_uv_velocity;
        xyz_uv_velocity << x, y, z, p_u, p_v, velocity_x, velocity_y;
        featureFrame[feature_id].emplace_back(camera_id,  xyz_uv_velocity);

    if (!_img1.empty() && stereo_cam)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ids_right.size(); i++)
            int feature_id = ids_right[i];
            double x, y ,z;
            x = cur_un_right_pts[i].x;
            y = cur_un_right_pts[i].y;
            z = 1;
            double p_u, p_v;
            p_u = cur_right_pts[i].x;
            p_v = cur_right_pts[i].y;
            int camera_id = 1;
            double velocity_x, velocity_y;
            velocity_x = right_pts_velocity[i].x;
            velocity_y = right_pts_velocity[i].y;

            Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> xyz_uv_velocity;
            xyz_uv_velocity << x, y, z, p_u, p_v, velocity_x, velocity_y;
            featureFrame[feature_id].emplace_back(camera_id,  xyz_uv_velocity);

    //printf("feature track whole time %f\n", t_r.toc());
    return featureFrame;

PS. 如何使用QT打开已有的ROS工作空间?


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    一 直方图比较 直方图比较是对输入的两张图像进行计算得到直方图H1与H2 xff0c 归一化到相同的尺度空间 xff0c 然后可以通过计算H1与H2的之间的距离得到两个直方图的相似程度 xff08 每张图像都有唯一的直方图与之对应 xff0
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    一 tskTaskControlBlock 函数结构体 在tskTaskControlBlock 任务控制块结构体中 xff0c 其中有任务状态链表和事件链表两个链表成员 xff0c 首先介绍任务状态链表这个结构 xff0c 这个链表通常用
  • SOAP传输协议

    一 HTTP传输协议 超文本传输协议 xff08 HyperText Transfer Protocol xff0c 缩写 xff1a HTTP xff09 xff0c 它是基于请求 响应的模式协议 xff0c 客户端发出请求 xff0c
  • ONVIF简介

    一 什么是ONVIF ONVIF规范描述了网络视频的模型 接口 数据类型以及数据交互的模式 并复用了一些现有的标准 xff0c 如WS系列标准等 ONVIF规范的目标是实现一个网络视频框架协议 xff0c 使不同厂商所生产的网络视频产品 x
  • gsoap工具生成onvif设备搜索(remotediscovery)代码框架

    什么是gsoap工具 xff1f gSOAP 提供了两个工具来方便开发人员使用 C C 43 43 语言快速开发Web 服务应用 xff0c 通过 gSOAP 提供的这两个工具 xff0c 开发人员可以快速生成服务端与客户端代码框架 xff
  • Latex之给字符上加横线、波浪等

    Latex 前几天想在 x x x 上加波浪号 xff0c 一时间忘记怎么打 xff0c 现在记录下来 xff0c 以后好查阅 加 号 xff1a hat x 加横线 xff1a overline x 加宽 xff1a widehat x
  • 数据结构笔记-2(线性表)

    线性表 2 1 线性表 1 定义 是零个或多个具有相同类型的数据元素的有序数列 xff1b xff08 长度等于零的线性表为空表 xff09 非空线性表通常记为 xff1a L xff1d a 1 xff0c a 2 xff0c xff0c
  • 数据结构-6(图)

    图 图的逻辑结构 图的定义 xff1a 图是由顶点的有穷非空集合和顶点之间边的集合组成 xff0c 通常表示为 xff1a G 61 V xff0c E 其中 xff1a G表示一个图 xff0c V是图G中顶点的集合 xff0c E是图G
  • 【leetcode常见面试题】螺旋矩阵解题思路

    文章目录 螺旋矩阵解题思路先找行进路线找每条路线的结束位置再找每条路线的结束位置模拟行走 螺旋矩阵 II总结 螺旋矩阵 解题思路 本题可以采用模拟的方式 xff0c 设4种行走方向 xff0c 如下图 xff1a 先找行进路线 4个方向的行
  • C++面向对象程序设计学习心得

    C 43 43 面向对象程序设计学习心得 经过几周c 43 43 面向对象程序设计的学习 xff0c 对面向对象程序设计有了一些了解 递归 简单地讲 xff0c 递归就是程序直接或间接调用本身的编程技巧 xff0c 通过把一个不能或不好解决
  • STL学习心得

    STL概述 STL组件 1 容器 xff08 Container xff09 xff0d 管理某类对象的集合 2 迭代器 xff08 Iterator xff09 xff0d 在对象集合上进行遍历 xff08 注意 xff1a 这些集合可能
  • 安装nodejs和vue出现问题

    安装nodejs国内镜像时报错 npm install g cnpm registry 61 https registry npm taobao org不知道这是啥错误 xff0c 怎么改啊 xff1f 安装vue 从官网点击下载 下载后点
  • Jetson nano/nx通过网线连接电脑实现远程控制

    Jetson nano nx通过网线连接电脑实现远程控制 摘要1 nano nx桌面共享设置2 安装dconf editor解除加密3 自启VNC server4 网络共享5 获取IP地址6 安装PuTTy7 安装VNC Viewwer8
  • 一文解决MySQL突击面试,关键知识点总结

    文章目录 MySQL重要知识点回顾一 索引1 为什么需要索引2 索引的结构3 避免索引失效3 1 联合索引不满足最左匹配原则3 2 隐式转换3 3 like查询3 4 索引列存在运算或者使用函数3 5 优化器 4 执行计划4 1 type4
  • 51单片机应用篇-- --数码管60秒计时,独立按键可调

    开篇先说一句废话 本旺名字叫萨摩耶 xff0c xff0c Please 叫我旺财 xff0c xff0c xff0c 哈哈 xff0c 招财进宝嘛 xff01 缘由 本来按照我的学习计划 xff0c 我现在应该是单片机的学习过程 xff0
  • 【ESP32+freeRTOS学习笔记之“ESP32环境下使用freeRTOS的特性分析(3-多核环境下的调度)”】

    目录 1 不同核心上分别调度2 tick中断3 关于抢占4 关于同优级的任务按时间片调度5 空闲任务6 调度程序暂停7 启动和终止8 禁用中断9 总结 Vanilla FreeRTOS调度器是具有时间切片的固定优先级抢占调度器 xff0c
  • C++ STL 总结(持续更新)

    因为机试需要用c 43 43 xff0c 暴风吸入式学习 xff08 套用 xff09 它的模板 xff0c 发现还真的挺好用的 xff0c 总结一下 时间紧急 xff0c 取自各个网上的博客 xff0c 没来得及仔细整理 xff0c 都给
  • STM32F103笔记(二)——GPIO原理

    GPIO的工作原理与两个实验实例 一 STM32F103 GPIO说明1 stm32 GPIO引脚的主要功能2 GPIO相关配置寄存器的简介3 STM32F103 GPIO的8种工作方式4种输入模式4种输出模式 二 点亮LED实例 xff0
  • VINS-Fusion代码阅读(五)

    对应解析13页 xff0c 四 前端视觉处理 主要包括特征点检测和特征点跟踪两部分 xff0c 似乎是基于openCV实现的 openCV2 4官方文档 xff0c xff08 暂时未找到openCV3 4有类似的文档 xff09 这一节在